Why does the texure of hair change over time?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
Up until I was about 5 I had beautiful, long, healthy ringlets that just curled up when water was added. Then out of nowhere it's like my hair forgot how it was suppose to act and turned into napp city.

Long story short i got a relaxer at the age of 10. now that i'm trying to transition back to be natural i was hoping for the return of my ringlets!!. No such luck.

Does anybody have a clue as to why hair texture changes for no apparent reason? and if its possible to get my old texture back??
Hey Mz Princess,

I've wondered this myself for quite some time. The simple anwser is as we get older, our bodies change, and yes the hair on your body is included in that transition.

It's tripped out. I've dealt with white women that had not only texture, but color changes as well!

Don't believe me? When you go to work ask a white lady 20+ yrs old what texture and color her NATURAL hair used to be when she was little!

Sidenote: I say "natural" b/c 4 every black woman that has a relaxer, that's how many white women have color...don't let that blonde hair fool you!

I'll bet you most of them will say, "Yeah, when I was little I had curly, blonde hair. Now it's straight and I have to get it colored!"

What I CAN tell you, for sure is that texture you once had...won't come back. Adolence killed that!

Ever watch how rapidly the texture of a baby's hair will change? Yeah...everybody thought baby boy had some Indian in him...until about that 14-16 month...then texture started to take on another shape! It happens during other growing cycles in our lives as well!

And if you've ever looked deep into an elder's eyes, you may have noticed their eye color has changed over time as well!

I'm sure there is some scientific explaination for this but, I don't know it! As a matter of fact if YOU find out...PM me, hell I wanna know too!


no seriously, this is such a strange phenomenon. Just in the past year, my texture has changed. I haven't had a relaxer Since Sept 07 and I can't tell. My roots look the same as the rest of my hair. I'm starting to freak out because I'm thinking my hair is not growing. I havent done any type of length comparisons. Just to make sure I think I'm going to straighten my hair within the next couple of weeks and take a picture and then do the same in about 2 months. I thought that all little black babies had a texture change sometime in the first 6 years or so and that hair tends to get more brittle/coarse as you age but this is just so odd to me.
I'm inclined to agree with Dwayne. But texture change isn't always super dramatic. To me, my 3 year old niece has a silkier version of my hair. I think for some reason young children have more moisture in their hair which can make it curlier and silkier. But I really don't know.