Why does my hair look different when I rollerset verses flat iron?


Well-Known Member
I had my hair flat ironed a few days ago. My hair looked very dry and almost damaged. The girl who flat ironed it told me that maybe I should cut a few inches off. :nono:
So, today I decided to deep condition, then I used the same exact leave in Fermadyl 619 and rollerset my hair. I did flat iron the roots but when I looked at my ends, for some reason they looked healthier! They didn't look dry or damaged at all. Why does my hair look dry and damaged when I just air dry and flat iron verses rollersetting?? I flat ironed my roots and took the flat iron halfway down my hair and it still didnt' look dry.

Would love to know the answer.
In my experience, my hair is always drier and more fragile when I flatiron, versus rollersetting. It's something about that hot iron running over my strands that just zap all the moisture out of out hair quickly, and the rollersets allow the moisture to evaporate evenly and more naturally, leaving the hair softer, moisturized and more healthy.

I love rollersets.
When you rollerset it allows the cuticles to lay flat and smooth while the hair is drying. With air drying the cuticles dont get this benefit.

The lady who flat ironed your hair needs to improve her technique, adjust the temperature, and/or use better products.
You hair dries more smoothly when it's rollerset v. air drying. The flatironing wasn't the issue, the drying technique was. The smoother you get your hair prior to flatironing, the better it will look.
In my experience, my hair is always drier and more fragile when I flatiron, versus rollersetting. It's something about that hot iron running over my strands that just zap all the moisture out of out hair quickly, and the rollersets allow the moisture to evaporate evenly and more naturally, leaving the hair softer, moisturized and more healthy.

I love rollersets.

Plus with a rollerset, the ends of the hair are most protected from the heat because they wrap around the roller first (assuming you are rolling the hair correctly).