"Why do you do all that stuff to your hair?"


New Member
Do you get that question a lot from people that live with you/people you know? I know I get it a lot from my mom. I wash my hair 2 or 3 days out of the week. Any other day my hair is in protective styles or I'm not messing with it. But in her mind I'm "always" doing my hair. I'm not mad at her for it, it just makes me wonder how it is she thinks I'm doing so much to my hair when this other woman that's living with us (who is non-black) washes her hair, blow dries it, and then flat irons it every single day, but my mom won't even flutter an eyelash at that. :rolleyes:...:grin:.
My mom asks me everyday. And whenever I was my hair she asks,"You're washing your hair again?! Your hair soon fall out."
Yea she's jealous and mean.
My mom asks me everyday. And whenever I was my hair she asks,"You're washing your hair again?! Your hair soon fall out."
Yea she's jealous and mean.

I don't know what to make of it. My mom is nice about it usually, even asking me to help her "grow" her hair sometimes. But she is unwilling to part with the notion that black people shouldn't wet their hair often. I could never wash my hair sooner than 1 week when I was little, and nearly 2 or 3 weeks if I had just gotten a relaxer. She always comments that my hair is growing, but she can't help but tease me about all the things I do with it, lol.
My mom used to say that to me, now that she's seen all my growth its turned into: "So tell me IN DETAIL exactly what you do to your hair?" :lachen:
With my mom, she's just wants to know what I'm doing and why. She's more curious than anything. She sees that my hair is back to it's original thickness and I think she knows I must be doing something right.

On the other hand, if my hair was breaking off all crazy like, she would definitely have something to say.
Yeah, I'm getting it from my mom and dad......my mom is always taking crap but her hair is falling out, and I'm not going to help until she wants help and my dad was taking about my hair products.....so i'm like whatever, but when I reach my hair goal......don't say nothing to me~!:spinning:
Do you get that question a lot from people that live with you/people you know? I know I get it a lot from my mom. I wash my hair 2 or 3 days out of the week. Any other day my hair is in protective styles or I'm not messing with it. But in her mind I'm "always" doing my hair. I'm not mad at her for it, it just makes me wonder how it is she thinks I'm doing so much to my hair when this other woman that's living with us (who is non-black) washes her hair, blow dries it, and then flat irons it every single day, but my mom won't even flutter an eyelash at that. :rolleyes:...:grin:.

I don't get a lot of lip about what I do to my hair. It's mostly that I'm asked why I take so much "stuff" for my hair. I'm into supplements, vitamins & protein, etc. My son said a number of times that I don't need to take all that stuff and that it would not benefit me. Well, since I've been taking all that stuff my hair has grown fuller & longer than it ever has in my life and is still growing:lachen:

Great post!!
I get this ? from my Hubby all the time "what do you have to do to your hair today i know you have to do something condition,moisturize what and i give him that Evil Eye and he goes away.
At this point I just keep what I do to myself. Sometimes though, I slip up like when I left my lemon juice in the bathroom. Here's how it went:

Brother: " can you make lemonade with lemon juice?"
Me: " I guess?"
Bro:" what's wrong with wrong with the lemon juice in the bathroom?"
Me: " Nothing I put it in there."
Bro: "why?"
Me: " To rinse my ha....

I'm telling you these folx are on to me!
My husband says I look like a smurf when I do my steam treatments. If I'm in a good mood it doesn't phase me, but when I'm not, he gets "the look".

I agree, this is a great thread!
In the beginning, yeah I would get, "what are you doing? Why are you doing that? How much stuff you going to buy?" I still get that last one, but not as much. The other questions I think he just stopped asking. He has noticed that my hair is growing and looking healthy, so that has helped with cutting down the questions.
i only get asked WHY I HAVE SO MANY PRODUCTS?

...and to be honest. its a question that never gets answered cuz i don't know myself
At this point I just keep what I do to myself. Sometimes though, I slip up like when I left my lemon juice in the bathroom. Here's how it went:

Brother: " can you make lemonade with lemon juice?"
Me: " I guess?"
Bro:" what's wrong with wrong with the lemon juice in the bathroom?"
Me: " Nothing I put it in there."
Bro: "why?"
Me: " To rinse my ha....

I'm telling you these folx are on to me!

:lachen: "can you make lemonade with lemon juice" Nope, not with mine :grin:.
I don't know what to make of it. My mom is nice about it usually, even asking me to help her "grow" her hair sometimes. But she is unwilling to part with the notion that black people shouldn't wet their hair often. I could never wash my hair sooner than 1 week when I was little, and nearly 2 or 3 weeks if I had just gotten a relaxer. She always comments that my hair is growing, but she can't help but tease me about all the things I do with it, lol.

I got the same questioning from my mom over St.Patty's weekend. Finally I had to break it down for her: "Mom, your body is made of about 70% water right? What happens if you go for weeks without drinking water? What happens if you go for weeks without taking a bath in water? Your hair is still a part of your body, right? Why wouldn't it also benefit our hair if it got water as frequently as the rest of our body?." There's something to be said for balance. :grin: I think she finally got it.
Everyone in my family teases me about it! I got kinda hostile one day with my brother after a failed rollerset, he laughed at me, and boy he almost got cussed out that time! But usually i dont mind all the questions
I love washing my hair.. specifically co washing! My roommate (one in particular who ONLY GOES TO A STYLIST) always has something to say!!! But I know what my hair likes and I will continue to do me! LOL!

but @ the same time she was scratching her head when her SO said "ewwww white stuff is falling out of your head on 2 ur shirt" she said "its only dandruff I haven't washed my hair in 2 weeks" that was 2 weeks ago.. she still hasn't washed her hair.. she's waiting for her relaxer next week...:look:
Oh my goodness....this thread is too funny!:yep::yep: I thought I was alone! The questions and interrogations from my mother are ENDLESS, and she thinks that I have lost my natural-born mind with all the PJism. She's like, "who needs so many conditioners and moisturizers? Why not just buy one, use that up, and then get another one!". She really gets mad and is "really concerned about me"...lol...cracks me up cause I just inform her, "Mom, I'm a COMPLETELY normal person on LHCF...we all do this! PJism and washing/CW more than once a week is the norm in my world!"..then she just shakes her head and walks off. Yet this is the same woman that when she touches up my hair proclaims "wow, your hair really is growing"...lol
When I got married and had to move my products from some of the cabinets in the bathroom and bedroom closet and the other cabinets :yep: My DH would ask and even said he was going to have some serious words with me if he popped positive on his random drug testing at work when I would use my ayurvedic powders :spinning:

But now he has gotten use to it and will ask me questions about what he should use for his hair and leaves it totally up to me as to what shampoo and conditioner he uses.

I did the mind meld like Spock so we cool now! :lachen:
My aunt made some stupid comment to me about six weeks or so ago about how I always doing something to my hair and how I must be "put this hair before God":huh:.....:swearing: straight up nearly lost my mind and my religion because if I did not stay quiet at the time and ignore her I would have TRIPPED THE HELL OUT!!!!:jail:..........say anything to me but DO NOT question my faith, trust and belief in God. I am a firm believer in if you have nothing positive to say or if you about to spew something that has no base/validity "STAY QUIET".

I think she got the hint though (I was giving off some strong vibes even though I kept silent) because she has not said anything since that day!!!
I think because we do our own hair, it appears as if we do alot to our hair.

I know my sister two nights ago commented to me that I do too much to my hair. I used some betonite clay, sat with it, washed and deep conditioned, sat with it and then got in the shower. I then proceeded to sit and twist my hair for 2 1/2 hours in front of the T.V. :grin:

Last night, I oiled my scalp and baggied in front of the T.V. again.:lachen:
everybody knows i am into hair and a product junkie, so i don't get questioned about that too much. i get other types of questions about my hair. my mother used to talk about me while we were around other people about everything that i did to my hair to get it to grow when it was relaxed. i tell her that once i learned that i wash, conditioned, and did wet sets once a week, she couldn't understand that i what i did was very simple. she just knew it had to be something else. i love her to death, but she gets on my nerves when it comes to hair topics. she has a hard head.
When I lived at home and would be washing my hair and trying new things, my mother would be right up underneath me, trying to use my products.....lol

I live several hundred miles away now and when I tell her about my hair and how I am not using heat, only relax about 2 x/year, have sewn in weaves and protective styles, she is happy. She then will ask me how long my hair is and I tell her shoulder/arm pit and growing. My mom is not a hater because she had extremely long hair as a child and as a grown woman, she still has long hair.
I think because we do our own hair, it appears as if we do alot to our hair.

I know my sister two nights ago commented to me that I do too much to my hair. I used some betonite clay, sat with it, washed and deep conditioned, sat with it and then got in the shower. I then proceeded to sit and twist my hair for 2 1/2 hours in front of the T.V. :grin:

Last night, I oiled my scalp and baggied in front of the T.V. again.:lachen:

you are right. we are not sitting in the shop for hours letting someone else do our hair. we are doing it ourselves, so it may seem to be a lot.
When I lived at home and would be washing my hair and trying new things, my mother would be right up underneath me, trying to use my products.....lol

I live several hundred miles away now and when I tell her about my hair and how I am not using heat, only relax about 2 x/year, have sewn in weaves and protective styles, she is happy. She then will ask me how long my hair is and I tell her shoulder/arm pit and growing. My mom is not a hater because she had extremely long hair as a child and as a grown woman, she still has long hair.

that is interesting that you said that. i wonder if the mothers that make comments all of the time have long hair? my mother never had long hair, because she didn't know how to keep her hands out of it. my mother is all about style and her hair sometimes suffers for it.
yeah my mom was like that too.

Now I just do my hair when she's not home to avoid the questions.

It's not my mom, its actually DH. He works Friday and Saturday evenings now so I wait until then to wash and condition my hair. I can't take all the, "you put too much water on your hair nonsense".....
I use to get all the questions in the begining,:perplexed but I kinda of brought that on myself plus the question wasn't out of curiosity but, trying to be smart :ohwell:In the beginning when I first found this board I was so excited. :spinning:So pjism kicked in high drive with the supplements and products and new ways to care for hair. :drunk:That I just wanted to share with everyone I knew.:bouncegre Now everyone has just chalked me up to being crazy:nuts: and now their just sick of me going on and on about hair and hair growth. :ohwell:So now I have to keep my hair secrects to myself cause they are fed up with all the hair talk.:rolleyes: And even though it's family members who really need it really bad I don't and won't offer any advice unless asked. :nono:But I think that day will come when I'm at full bra strap cause nobaody in my imediate family has ever been at that point.:grin: And maybe they will asked my advice:yep: but at that point I will just tell them to pay for their own membership here :hardslap:and go through all the research on their own like I had to :saythat:since when I was willing to offer help and they didn't want it:deadhorse: . Oh well!:rolleyes:
I hear this all the time from the mom who is a cosmetologist and my DH...They all want to know "what am I doing to my hair now"?...."why do you keep buying hair products"...I am brunt of the joke from my teenager and her friends who all call me " cosmetologist" because I practice LHCF methods on my daughther as well...So, I cant wait until my hair takes off ( after I get a regime down, that is) because right now they are all shaking their heads at me!!!!