why do threads get locked?


Well-Known Member
a while ago i read a thread (no, i'm not going to name the thread) that was wildly popular but it eventually got locked. while the thread definitely got off topic, LHCF allows members to discuss non-hair related issues. what are the sure tell signs that a thread is going to face lock down?

p.s. i still visit that thread from time to time just to get a good ole laugh. :grin:
Tell tale signs huh? let's see....

lots of arguing, friends of the ones arguing comes and joins in, then a lot of disrespectful insinuations are thrown around.

I think that's it. LOL
when a troll hobbles in and starts posting inflammatory things about the subject and other posters.
okay. i think i just realized another reason upon reflecting on the thread i mentioned: Gifs. i guess they take up alot ot memory. anyway thanks.