why do people say such ridiculous things?


Well-Known Member
I am in VA visiting and family members are commenting on my progress. YAY!

So, I was told to CUT my ends (not split at all) since cutting my hair will make it grow? Does anyone really believe this nonsense? Hair grows from the roots not the ends!!!
I think alot of people believe this mess. But I have to admit that when my stylist would chop my hair off it would grow super fast. But now Im readey for somehthing more than SL. I don't think that white women are the only ones with long, long hiar and I want to be proof of that. So many black women give into this myth that our hair should be broken off and not taken care of. Boy am I about to change that!!!!!!!!
Why do people say "i need a perm cuz my hair getting nappy". :wallbash:

This sh...stuff makes me CRINGE! I cant stand when women of color or any color misuse the word "PERM"
I believe it. When my hair was short, it grew extremely fast after a cut. Now that it's longer, it still grows fast, but definitely not at the same rate as after a fresh cut.

It's kind of the same premise as pruning the dead leaves off a plant/tree. Ever notice how much the plant thrives after a good pruning?

As it stands, I trim my ends every other relaxer. I find that my hair looks healthier and more attractive with even ends and it moves better as well.
I am in VA visiting and family members are commenting on my progress. YAY!

So, I was told to CUT my ends (not split at all) since cutting my hair will make it grow? Does anyone really believe this nonsense? Hair grows from the roots not the ends!!!

I just got a trim (haven't had one since July 2007). The hairdresser who cut my hair told me this. I sat in that chair thinking: "this is EXACTLY why you no longer put chemicals in my hair!"
....because they don't know any better:rolleyes:....u do! it has been tried tested and proven...right here on LHCF that trimming only leads to less retention not more growth...I haven't trimmed my hair in almost a 2yrs....girl,keep doing u...4get the naysayers:yep:
My stylist refuses to trim my hair unless it's once every year and a half. He said: "I would be cutting away the growth." :yep:

Since I wear it in a bun 99 percent of the time, the ends stay in good shape. He must know what he's talking about, since his customers have longer hair than the other stylists' customers. :superbanana:
Why do people say "i need a perm cuz my hair getting nappy". :wallbash:

This sh...stuff makes me CRINGE! I cant stand when women of color or any color misuse the word "PERM"
:lachen::lachen::lachen:That so funny b/c it is so hard for me to call it relaxer. I have been calling it perm since forever. Thats what I grew up hearing so thats what I always said.

Yea Reg, dont listen to that nonsense. Like your hair knows when its been cut and it your cut ends sends a message to the roots to grow grow GROW!!!! Hilarious!!
If your ends are damaged then it's a good idea to trim them, since the damage can travel up the hair shaft and prevent you from making progress.

Just chalk it up as them not knowing any better - but you do. If your hair is in good shape - just smile and know that you're doing the best thing for you and your hair - believe me - the unsolicited advice will stop when you've got hair down to your arse and they don't:yep:.
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"trimming your ends makes your hair grow"

the way i always hear that, i thought i was the only one that thought that was stupid logic.
Why do people say "i need a perm cuz my hair getting nappy". :wallbash:

This sh...stuff makes me CRINGE! I cant stand when women of color or any color misuse the word "PERM"

i didnt know that relaxers arent perms....................see you DO learn something everyday! i know im one of the one using the wrong lingo.
Honestly, I think that cutting really does work for some people. My aunt had waist length hair for years before she had her 3 boys and decided to wear a shorter style. But she would cut her hair an inch and it would "stimulate" a growth spirt. Don't ask me how, I have no clue, because that doesn't work for me.
I got into an argument about this with my friend the other day... she said that her aunt is a "cosmetologist" who has some book in which she read that trimming your hair makes your hair grow because it's all the same length... so it'll be stronger... some such that didnt make a whole lot of sense to me

But hair is never the same length. That strand of hair in the front of your head that goes all the way to the back is not the same length as the strands in the back... my hair does not grow in even so I don't see any reason to keep cutting to try to make it even... :nono:

I tried to explain that maybe she was confusing growing with retaining but she kept using the word "growing" and such things as "grow faster"...

(isn't there a smiley shrugging its shoulders? I cannot seem to find it)