Why do BSS people just LIE and tell you anything?

I went to the bss today b/c I am looking for a Dena Cali wig called "Kira" in #1B. I first saw it at another bss but they only had #4 boxed up. The display was !B, but I don't play buying the display wig. Anyhoo, I went to one and I SAW Dena Cali boxes against the wall, but I was looking around at the other wigs anyway, just to see if any others tickled my fance. The woman asked me if I needed any help, and so I asked "do you guys carry Dena Cali wigs?" She told me NO!!!! I said "you don't carry Dena Cali wigs?" again, "no", then I showed her the DC wigs against the wall. She tried to pretend that she thought I was saying something else :rolleyes: (she was Asian), and then I asked in vain if she had Kira, and of course, she said no. I was like, okay. Then she starts saying "Motown Tress is good. They make good wigs". OF course, the store was full of Motown Tress. I just blandly said "yea, I'm wearing a Motown Tress right now. Thanks, buh bye", and left the store :rolleyes:.
Because they perceive that their customers (regardless of race, but let's keep it real... everyone knows who comprises their customer base) and they want your M-O-N-E-Y.:ohwell:
Thats sooo sad.
I have had trouble with people always tellingme this brand and that brand is "the best" when its not. Your wouldn't believe the crap they try to tell me is good, salon quality stuff
I wanted to change what I said in my initial post (editing doesn't work on my home PC...) I didnt' ask "do you carry Dena Cali wigs". I asked her "Do you carry Dena Cali Kira wig", and then she said she didn't carry Dena Cali. That's when I showed her her stack of Dena Cali wigs against the wall.