Why black men love white women?

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I think hair is part of of but definetly not the ONLY reason that black men seem to be flocking to non-black women.
Girl....it ain't hair.

I'm sure reasons vary, depending on the man. But if a man tells you he's into a woman primarily because of her hair. He's lying, and/or he's probably gay...
I was just sitting in class today looking at all the white girls, and most of them have bsl hair or apl hair. I figured it out, a lot of black men love white women and other races because of their hair nothing else that's it. We have beautiful facial features and age beatuiful, and we also have nice bodies that they would die for, so the only thing that black women are lacking is the length and health of their hair. I get a lot of men tryin to date me now because i'm natural and they think i'm mix with something because my hair was curly, my question is why can't black women have nice hair, why do i have to be mix, iam 100% black and nothing else and proud of it.... Men are fascinated with hair and that's why they love them nothing else, point blank, but with more black women joining lhcf they will be back on our jock like they were in the past.........:grin: So why do you think they love these other races and puting them on the map, but putting us down, saying we have attitudes and we're alwasys wearing weaves?

Cosigning with what the rest of these ladies have said. Its not just the hair. In the words of some of my guy friends who have dated many-a-white-women though, its also just them having different personalities. TBH, white women are just "willing." Jump, and they ask how high kinda thing. Its rare that you find a white woman with an attitude like a sista :p I'm NOT saying thats a bad thing though. Different strokes for different folks is all.
Girl, this is not a new phenomena (sp?) alot of black men always wanted a white woman. It wasn't legal then. It is legal now, people don't get lynched for it anymore.

In addiction, this subject has many elements, hair could be one. However, I am sure it is not the only one.
I disagree because it is alot of black women who have long beautiful hair putside of LHCF, I have also seen brothers with white women who have short pixie cuts, I agree with the one who says it is more than just the hair, It is also some want to have kids so they can have that "good hair" But on the other hand you have some black women who marry men of other races so their kids don't have nappy hair.:nono:
i think its more than just hair too but if that is the only reason then they can go right ahead cause thats so superficial .. i wouldnt want that person anyway..
yes, I know that there are a lot of other reasons, but I know hair is a concern for black men

I agree, hair is part of it. Earlier to day a Black man said to me, "i usually date long hair hispanic women." He found it necessary to add the "long hair" he couldn't just say "hispanic women." And men are generally very visual, they DO look at a woman's head. Lots of Black men hate weaves, etc. So yeah I think hair is part of it. But I also agree with what the other ladies said; there are plenty of other reasons some Black men prefer non-Black women.
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Hair is not the issue.

People are free to like whoever they want IMO - But some people are dealing with self hatred and internal racism.
Wait... black men like you cuz you got "good hair" like white people? Well Ill eb damned! I bet you light skinndeded too! I guess I better load up on the weave and bleaching cream. :ohwell::look:
What? That has to be the rudest thing to say about someone, that someone is dating them b/c of their hair. How about intelligence, conversation, kindness, great companionship and those things. I mean white women are not dumb blondes and it is rude to assume or insinuate so.

They like white women for the same reason they like black women or any other women for that matter.

Would you like it if someone said "That white man with you for your hair!" Like you have nothing else to offer any body. SMDH!:nono:
Cosigning with what the rest of these ladies have said. Its not just the hair. In the words of some of my guy friends who have dated many-a-white-women though, its also just them having different personalities. TBH, white women are just "willing." Jump, and they ask how high kinda thing. Its rare that you find a white woman with an attitude like a sista :p I'm NOT saying thats a bad thing though. Different strokes for different folks is all.

Yes I totally agree, they are easily influnced and we have more of a backbone
I heard this before...from a black man. He was saying he dated white women because they wore their 'real' hair!:rolleyes: Then why do I see some blak women with weave, and jacked up weave, with a black man on their arm? I didn't say they love it, hell, my SO hates that I am wearing a weave, but he didn't leave me for no white woman. People like what they like. True, my half-Filipino friend who has curly long hair, gets more attention then us, but that's what they like. I recieved numerous attention with my short cut from black men.

Go where you please, just don't put another woman down, while you're going!
Wait... black men like you cuz you got "good hair" like white people? Well Ill eb damned! I bet you light skinndeded too! I guess I better load up on the weave and bleaching cream. :ohwell::look:

sorry sis, but i'm not light skinned nor do I have "good hair" one guy apporached me and said am i'm mixed because i had my hair in a coil out and it was curly, my point was, that why do I have to be mixed to have different hair, maybe he wasn't used to seeing black natural hair women...
What? That has to be the rudest thing to say about someone, that someone is dating them b/c of their hair. How about intelligence, conversation, kindness, great companionship and those things. I mean white women are not dumb blondes and it is rude to assume or insinuate so.

They like white women for the same reason they like black women or any other women for that matter.

Would you like it if someone said "That white man with you for your hair!" Like you have nothing else to offer any body. SMDH!:nono:

please, now less be real, men are physical in nature, the personality comes afterwards, they first have to see you and men do love hair and most black women do have jacked up hair, just look in the streets, I wasn't tryting to be rude, and i didn't say that they were dumb blondes, I have a lot of white friends and most of them have long hair and men like long hair that's all I was saying........

So all white women are the same?

Let me get out of this thread. Some of ya'll sound ignorant as hell, really. No offense, but maybe some of you should talk to a black man who is dating a white woman and ask them why they married that white woman or are dating them, I doubt (if he is intelligent and truly in love) he would say "Cuz her hair and she jumps when I say so!" How rude and insulting.

What ever occured to liking someone's personality? Damn, this thread got me with a headache, I can't believe grown people are saying some of these things.....SMDH
Men are silly--brothas, in particular.
Hair has little to do with it. A part of it is novelty.
But in any case, black men are just lost. Half of them are so brainwashed they don't know what to do with themselves...
Evidence by the fact that many can't just date a non-black woman because they, y'know...LIKE them. It almost ALWAYS has to do with some baggage concerning black women.
"Black women are too (insert complaint here)..."
And that is my problem.
Date who you want--but STOP projecting all of your issues onto 'US'. It's not the fault of black women that you can't form a quality relationship with a woman. Hell--I don't even know you...

In any case, I'd only noticed a lot of IR dating in areas where there wasn't enough black folks to go around. Also non-black men are as interested in black women. Black women are mostly just reluctant to go there. Many would rather stay in the harem constructed by brothas and wait anxiously while bruhs go sex the colors of the rainbow.

Like 92% of bruhs end up with sistas compared with what 95% fo black women...and sistas ain't that far off from brothas when it comes to IR unions. There's a 'Somehting New' movement going on, didn't you know? (lol)
From statistics only 16% of IR marriages are made up from Black men and White women...
So...you be the judge.

I don't see why anyone cares?
1. Almost everyone on here seems to be attached so it ain't like anyone has a problem getting a man much less a brothas attention.
2. It ain't like the nonblacks are getting QUALITY (least not from what I've seen in my travels).
I see more non-black babymamas these days then a little bit...
please, now less be real, men are physical in nature, the personality comes afterwards, they first have to see you and men do love hair and most black women do have jacked up hair, just look in the streets, I wasn't tryting to be rude, and i didn't say that they were dumb blondes, I have a lot of white friends and most of them have long hair and men like long hair that's all I was saying........

I am sorry but men aren't that dense. Yes, some are or maybe alot are, but no ALL. A woman's hair may attract them, but I highly doubt any intelligent man would evn ask for a number on sole account of hair. So you saying even if she has no teeth, pancake tits, 300lbs (no offense), then if she got nice hair, he'll holla? Come on!:perplexed

It's more than someone's hair that would make a man ask for a number. Period. Unless, they have a fetish or something.
Men are silly--brothas, in particular.
Hair has little to do with it. A part of it is novelty.
But in any case, black men are just lost. Half of them are so brainwashed they don't know what to do with themselves...
Evidence by the fact that many can't just date a non-black woman because they, y'know...LIKE them. It almost ALWAYS has to do with some baggage concerning black women.
"Black women are too (insert complaint here)..."
And that is my problem.
Date who you want--but STOP projecting all of your issues onto 'US'. It's not the fault of black women that you can't form a quality relationship with a woman. Hell--I don't even know you...

In any case, I'd only noticed a lot of IR dating in areas where there wasn't enough black folks to go around. Also non-black men are as interested in black women. Black women are mostly just reluctant to go there. Many would rather stay in the harem constructed by brothas and wait anxiously while bruhs go sex the colors of the rainbow.

Like 92% of bruhs end up with sistas compared with what 95% fo black women...and sistas ain't that far off from brothas when it comes to IR unions. There's a 'Somehting New' movement going on, didn't you know? (lol)
From statistics only 16% of IR marriages are made up from Black men and White women...
So...you be the judge.

I don't see why anyone cares?
1. Almost everyone on here seems to be attached so it ain't like anyone has a problem getting a man much less a brothas attention.
2. It ain't like the nonblacks are getting QUALITY (least not from what I've seen in my travels).
I see more non-black babymamas these days then a little bit...

So a white women can't get a quality black man? SMDH!:nono:
>>>Reads thread..<<<

Damn ppl already trippin..oh well. I'm bout to throw the duece and bouncve on out of here.

While I'm not about to take back anything I said--don't take it THAT seriously ya'll.
It's just opinions, that's all. You won't agree with every single one...
So a white women can't get a quality black man? SMDH!:nono:

No that's what YOU said. I said something totally different.

Anyway--it is all perception and this is what I see.
So are you going to tell me I'm wrong based on what I see in life? go one and try....

If you are white and date IR and found quality THEN obviously I wasn't talking to you.
I'm out of this before it gets too ugly...
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