Why all the scalp damage from relaxers?


New Member
I'm speaking of lhcf members only.

Why do a lot of us feel that burning is a normal part of the relaxer process? Why do we complain about scab hair?

Since I've began self relaxing, I experience ZERO burning. No type of irritation because I keep it off of my scalp. I don't even base my scalp, I just am extremely carful.

Are people not careful about getting this stuff on their scalp? It's as if the consensus is that contact of relaxer and scalp is inevitable, when it's really not?

The overwhelming majority of us know more about hair care than most hair dressers. Why do we still complain about these problems? We shouldn't be having these types of problems (excluding newbies).
Since I've been self relaxing I haven't burn lye or no lye. The only time that I've burn was with a stylist. I do base a little and I've definitely gotten on relaxer on my scalp but still no burning. I think it's the relaxers that I've chosen.
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Same here. Since I began self-relaxing, I haven't had any burning, excess shedding/breakage or anything. I think it has to do with how I manipulate my hair. My mom used to do them and literally tug on my hair trying to part it and I'd end up burning. The relaxer definitely gets on my scalp, but I base really well and I use my fingers to smooth instead of a comb or relaxer brush which used to cause burning fast.
I've always self-relaxed. and never experienced any burns or sores. When relaxing I feel tingling that lets me know its time to come out, so i don't leave it on longer than i'm suppose to.
I just did my touchup... not one burn or tingle. Does everyone apply the relaxer abou 1/8 of an inch up form the newgrowth, or is it just me? I don't want that stuff touching any part of my scalp!
Before self relaxing I thought all relaxers had to burn and leave head sores! I've touched up my hair twice since April with Profectiv no lye and I didn't burn either time. Also, I didn't lose a lot of hair!I was extremely careful and based well the night before. Needless to say, I don't foresee paying anyone in the future to make me bald!!!!
I got a touch up done yesterday at a Dominican Salon (my first time with a Dominican Stylist). I was watching her the whole time through the mirror. I noticed that she took really small sections of my hair and kind of tugged it (or lift the section) but not hard. It's hard to explain, but she used the comb to apply the relaxer and it did not touch my scalp at all (nor did I burn and I have very sensitive scalp). I think now after watching her I could probably do it myself. I used to do it in college about 10 years ago, but always managed to get it on the scalp and also have scalp irritations.

Quick Question: How do you all manage to get the back straight and do you clip your ends as well?