Who's Afraid of Hairstylists?????????


New Member

I want to have my hair done by a professional so badly, but I'm scared!
I remember when my hair was relaxed each hairstylists that I went to would say after putting the relaxer on my roots, " now let me comb the relaxer through the ends so that your hair would come out silky." Only if I knew what I know now that they were damaging my already relaxed hair. Now I know why my hair always broke off and stayed damage. When I would relax my own hair I would do exactly what they did, because I didn't know any better then.

Oh, and they never styled my hair the way that I wanted it. I guess it's because was so scared that I just told them what I wanted and basically set in the chair with my eyes turned away from the mirror. I told one hairstylist that I wanted the back tapered. I didn't know that tapered meant shaved completely off to her. I have thin hair back there it looked like a chicken for two months back there!!!! Do you see why I cut my own hair now?!?! One hairstylist didn't even get my hair straight enough I went home washed her products and style out, and did my hair myself which looked much better. What a waist!
I'm scared of stylist. If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself! I can do everything any stylist can do, and if I can't I probably don't want it done to my hair anyway....
i'm scared too but i know there is a stylist out ther for me
the question is how do i find him/her without getting ruined in the process?
your hair looks so cute when you do it are you just looking for a break?
I am not afraid of them...I just do not like most of them and they would not know what do to with my hair anyway. I have a strange theory: I think getting our hair professionally styled so often as children may have conditioned us to take too much crap and stay their victims.
I wouldn't say that I am afraid of stylist, just cautious and I do some research on them. If they get mad if I ask a lot of questions, then I am out the door.
I don't know if I'm so much afraid of them. It's more like I don't trust them. I really do want a professional do, but I fear that they will jack up my napps!
I've had my share of bad stylists as well. Paying $$ just to come home and have to re wash my own hair.
One salon I left while hair was still wet. I specifically asked her on the phone if she can do very thick hair. She said yes.
She was trying to rollerset it in sink. She was yanking this little rattail comb thru my hair, I could hear it pulling and breaking. Her rollerset attempt looked like my 1st one. I gave her $10 and just left.
Then there was the one who relaxed my hair and washed it and never rinsed the back out. I'm sitting under the dryer with relaxer still in my hair.
Then another whom I was trying to grow my short halle Berry cut out. I had finally grown it to my earlobes. Went to stylis...TOLD her I was growing it out, just wanted a trim. Left there practically bald in the back, and a shorter Halle cut.. and it cost $90...sigh
Then the last one I went to this summer..who overprocessed my hair and it started breaking off.
There are definately some bad ones, but there are good ones to..just have to find them. Definately through referrals only. I'm going back to the one I know is good and thats it for me. No more trying anybody else.
im scared!! im scared they are going to ignore my wishes and do what they want and im STILL gonna have to pay for it! im scared im gonna go in for a trim and leave with halle berry short hair....i just dont trust them :(
Im with you Shatani, those are the same reasons why I wont go near them either. Dern shame though, cause I know there has got to be one out there for me somewhere:perplexed .
I'm not so much scared of stylists as I just don't trust them. I have had pretty good results with Dominican stylists, however. That might be a good option for you tru_mind.

Sylver2, looking at your hair now, you've come back from the super short do rather nicely. How long did it take to grow your hair out from the Halle Berry cut?
HoneyLemonDrop said:
Im with you Shatani, those are the same reasons why I wont go near them either. Dern shame though, cause I know there has got to be one out there for me somewhere:perplexed .
i agree...i KNOW there are good ones, but trial and error just aint gonna work when it comes to my hair....ive been burned so many times (literally!) that its just too scary....
I am somewhat afraid of stylists. When I was relaxed, I went to the same stylists all the time so I trusted them and they never overcut my hair or overprocessed it. Then I tried a new relaxer and my hair fell out. Lesson learned the hard way. :(
Now that I am natural and my hair is much shorter, I fear getting too much hair cut off or too high heat being used while getting my hair straightened. I did find a stylist who seems to understand my wishes and understands my hair b/c she wears her hair the same (natural). I hope she doesn't leave or switch salons before I go back to her.
I am through with hairstylists. When my stylist switched my relaxer to Designer's Touch and trimmed my ends every time I had a touch up when I asked her not to do so. I realized that I can do my own relaxers and cause myself less pain doing it myself
jd_bdfly said:
I'm not so much scared of stylists as I just don't trust them. I have had pretty good results with Dominican stylists, however. That might be a good option for you tru_mind.

Sylver2, looking at your hair now, you've come back from the super short do rather nicely. How long did it take to grow your hair out from the Halle Berry cut?

I had it cut in June 1995. Started growing back in Nov. It grew to my earlobes Jan 1996. Then she cut it all off again.
March 1997 it was shoulder length.
Thanx for the comment ladies! Some of those stories sound familiar.

I was watching "What Not To Wear" last night and I noticed how the stylist look at their facial structure and cheekbones, and told them which hairstyle worked best for them. I'm jealous I've never had any of my former hairstylists treat me like that.

I want Niko (stylist to the stars) he made working with a flat iron look so effortless. The boy did deep waves using a flat iron and his fingers!!

No, UmSumayyah I don't even want to see those people anymore! If I do I think that I would cross the street.

Msportugal, it's not that I want a break I just want something different. I want the stylist I see on TV.

jd, I wish I could find a Dominican Salon were I live. Stylists here are so far behind, which is another reason why I stay away from them. They're always trying to give me the lastest trend...I'm not a trendy person I like to do my own thing and be my own person...unique but classic.
sylver2 said:
I had it cut in June 1995. Started growing back in Nov. It grew to my earlobes Jan 1996. Then she cut it all off again.
March 1997 it was shoulder length.

What did you do to get it to grow? What is your regime? Your hair has really grown a lot.
I live in an area where there is 1 aa salon close by and she is relatively good but she tries 2 do so many people at once. I was overprocessed b/c of it. My dilemma, I can't braid my own hair and I think that braids may help me grow my hair. Right now I can't swallow my pride yet and go to her. Maybe when my hair is long enough to do something to it.... Yeh, I''m officially afraid of my hairdresser.... ;-D
I'm afraid of hair stylists. I feel that I know my hair better than anybody else. I love to do my own hair.
I am extremely afraid of stylist. I just moved here and because i'm afraid of trying to find someone to do my hair correctly, i've learned how to do it myself. I really like the idea of someone doing my hair for me, but I'm just too afraid:look:
I am not, because my mom is a hair dresser. But sometimes she pushes me when it is 6 weeks post perm. She will not let up until I perm my hair....And sometime she does get a little scissor happy. And I do get yell at for washing my hair so often. And not using heat…O.k. I guess I am still afraid of hair dressers. Even if one is my mom. :perplexed
Not so much afraid because I've been fortunate enough to find some good hairdressers.

I just know that no one can do for my hair the way that I can.

Chichi :bdance:
I have been much afraid of stylists in the past, but I've learn't that like every thing else you pay for, you have the right to ask questions beforehand, say "no" during the process if you dislike what's going on, and complain or refrain afterwards.

My sister called me last Monday because she had to attend a function, and her usual Dominican stylist was closed. I reccomended that she go to the JC Penney near her college and "test" the stylist there. A simple wash and rollerset, and ask them to "blowout" the roots only for straightness. If she did not like the heat, technique, or overall service at or before the blowout point she was to say "thank you", get a wrap, pay and leave.

It's a good way to test out possible stylists. Don't test on trims, just give basic instructions or requests for a "should-be-harmless wash and set", and see how well they comply and what their chairside manner is. If they can't focus on a wash and set then, I would not let them near me with chemicals, heat or a scissors. JMHO.
I'm not afraid of stylists.... I'm afraid of what I might do if a stylist jacks up my hair... so to stay out of jail, it's just best for me to continue to care for my own hair (like I've been doing for the past 15 yrs).
I'm also afraid of stylists. Too many times I have said no trims and looked up to see my stylist trimming, because "I needed one" also, a different stylist left me at the conditioner bowl with what didn't smell llike conditioner, when she came to rinse me I asked what it was and she said oh just a little color enhancer, I was pissed. I did not ask for any color and was fine with my color. I demanded she show me the bottle, it was adore, and complained to the manager, did not pay. I have found a stylist to put in my relaxer only, and I ask to see the container each time to ensure it is affirm sensitive scalp, that's happened before too, I ask if they have a specific relaxer and then once it's on my scalp is burning, and the stylist was like oh, well I thought you could use affirm regular, looking at your texture. So for the last 6 months or so, I have gone to one lady for relaxer only and this year hope to do my own. My hair has been thriving these last 6 months, since I do everything myself except for the relaxer. When she offers to trim or anything else, I say no thank you and leave it at that. It's a shame really, I know there are good ones out there, I just haven't found any.
Yep, I'm afraid of 'em. Don't trust 'em at all. My sister keeps telling me that I need to go to a hairdresser for a perm, since my hair is underprocessed, very wavy when wet and extremely thick. She sez that I could tell them I don't want it bone straight & that I only want my ends trimmed.

Problem is, we all know hairdressers have their own secret squirrel agenda and do what they want. I know the trim that I ask for will turn into having 6 or 7 inches cut because, as lonesome dove said, "I needed it", which I don't, combing my hair with a rat tail comb from the top, hot curling and/or flatironing the hair within an inch of its life to get it stick straight, and generally trying to make me feel bad about my hair by expressing their usual dismay because it's so thick. Maybe there is a hairdresser out there for me, but I'm not ready to take the plunge to find him or her. I have grown my hair out to a decent length without the complications that a hairdresser can add, and I'll just stick with my own program, thank you very much!:lol:
I'm not. Maybe because I found the perfect stylist for me, or maybe because these stylists know better than to mess with me. One appointment with me and you'll quickly learn that I know my stuff and will watch you like a HAWK the entire time you do my hair if I dont trust you (which, unless you are my regular stylist I DONT trust you). I am not afraid to bring my own mirror, hold it up, and see just WHAT you are doing. If I say no trim, no cut, no NOTHING and I see you pick up the scissors please believe I will not hold back the attitude when I tell you I said NO SCISSORS PERIOD and I will ask to hold the scissors or at least that you move all of them in my clear view for the rest of the time that you do my hair. I dont have the time or the patience for another scissor happy, think she know everything bout my hair but dont have no hair herself hair stylist. *exhales -- exits thread*
tryn2growmyhair said:
What did you do to get it to grow? What is your regime? Your hair has really grown a lot.

I did absolutely nothing. It was a nightmare. My hair was soo shaggy growing out. No guys looked twice at me..lol. Couldn't put into ponytail, couldn't curl. I just washed/conditioned every 2 weeks then, blew dry and left it like that. wrapped what hair I could around head w/scarf every night. Once it reached neck part, it was easier to maintain and grew quick.