Whole head Baggie Method


Active Member
Especially Yours has a new wig called New Hair
that is like a quick weave- part of your hair comes out. I was wondering about braiding (individual braids) the part of my hair that would be under the wig, condition it with moisturizers, and put on a thin plastic cap, or even saran wrap. Then I would put on my wig cao and the wig. A small amount of hair would be exposed to make a realistic part. Would this work?
...as long as that wig will cover that plastic cap that will be around your head and if it feels comfortable where the wig stays on your head...
That is exactly how I wear my wigs!!! I braid and moisturize my hair, put on my plastic cap, then my wig cap on top of that, and sport my wig. Believe it or not, I've even done this in the summer (close to touch-up time) and haven't had a problem. Go ahead, give it a try. I bet your hair would love it during these harse winter months.
I'm thinking of doing this because my budget is tight and I need an alternative in about two weeks when my new growth starts kickin'! MelsWifey, how long do you do this at a time? Do you wash your hair and rebraid every week?
To be honest, I really haven't had a chance to do this more than 1-2 weeks at a time. When I do it though, I braid my hair straight back in corn-rows and just leave it. I wash and deep condition my corn-rows as I would my hair with out taking them down mainly because this is a style for anytime after 6 weeks post relaxer and I try not to manipulate my hair at all if possible until I have to use my aphogee which is every six weeks. I even condition wash daily with my corn-rows in /images/graemlins/smile.gif. HTH