Who Wears Their Hair Out At Night (???)


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
I find that this has been working for me. I did this all my life before finding the LHCF and I never suffered breakage and my hair still grew passed my shoulders. Once I joined the LHCF and learned that you must protect your hair at night by putting it up whether it's in a wrap, bun, twist, braids, and then tie a scarf around your head or satin cap. When I started to put my hair up at night, I would sometimes get a few broken hairs. When I took it down in the morning, I would sometimes get a few broken hairs.

So I decided to start wearing my hair out since Tuesday night. I sometimes put my satin cap around my hair while it's out just to keep my hair in place while I sleep. When I wake up in the morning, I just fluff my hair, moisturize, and comb with a wide tooth comb if needed, and I get NO breakage whatsoever!

I was discussing it with another member here who wears her hair out and it works for her too. So I just wanted to see if anyone else does it.

Thanks in advance!
No, I don't wear my hair out at night. Sometimes I'll do like you and just put a satin cap on my head. I usually do pin curls and put on my satin cap or wrap my hair and tie it up in a silk scarf.
Sometimes I do, but I get worried b/c my hair can get very dry and I am afraid of the dry hair + friction combo. I do use a satin pillowcase though. I always try to make sure that my new growth is tied down, though I maybe leave the length of my hair out b/c I too worry about breakage from covering my hair. The breakage I have around my temples is party a result of me wrapping my hair nightly and covering with a silk scarf. I finally stopped wrapping it, but I still do wear the silk scarf to hold my newgrowth down during the nights. Even this way, I still worry about my kitchen area b/c sometimes my scarf seems real snug. Anyway, I do the bonnet thing a lot more, it's not as snug but it stays on and I don't worry as much about friction.
Well, I mostly wear a satin bonnet over my loose hair instead of wrapping it or putting it in a bun, twist, braid, or ponytail. ;) That way, my hair won't get dry since I sleep on cotton pillowcases. :yep:
I used to for about 5 months-I refused to wrap it. I would just tie the front and let the back hang out. It was okay, but I noticed my ends became a little raggedy, and I had to get trims more often than usual. Since I'm at 7 weeks now, I can't wrap anymore...its too difficult. So, I tie the front, and put 3 medium large rollers in the back (I roll them all the way up to my head and secure with a flat clip), and put a satin bonnet over that. They're magnetic rollers, so they shouldn't cause any breakage, unlike the Velcro rollers I was about to use. I didn't have a satin pillowcase, which is probably why my ends looked raggedy and dry so often. :perplexed
I use to wear my hair out all the time for years. I stopped about 6 months ago. I bought a silk pillowcase 6 months ago as well. I have noticed my hair is not dry and hard as it use to be. Cotton soaks the life out of hair! I use the scarf method similar to Southerngirls and sylver2. I then place a large bonnet leaning towards the back to make sure its covered. I position the hair inside the bonnet to make sure it is straight as much as possible. In the morning it hangs really nice.
I don't cover my head at night. Me and you are on the same page Poohbear ;)

My hair is gonna grow regardless, besides, those things NEVER stay on my head at night.:nono:
I have recently begun wearing my hair out in a satin cap at night. I just had my previously bra-strap length hair chopped to just below shoulder length due to breakage from wearing buns and pony tails. It's sort of catch 22 b/c I feel that the bun helped me attain this length, however, the breakage that resulted was not good either....
When I have a fresh press & curl (hot off the salon :) ) I refuse to wear a wrap!!! I am not wasting $50!!! Normally I will take duckbill clips and clip up my layers so that they will not touch my pillowcase, and at the same time they won’t be flattened. After my hair is clipped up, I place a head band/scarf (whatever you want to call it) around my edges but not over my hair so that it smashes it. Am I making sense? Probably not, but I just wanted to say no, I don’t wrap my hair every night. The only time I wrap my hair is when I have braids/cornrows.
shinyblackhair said:
I have recently begun wearing my hair out in a satin cap at night. I just had my previously bra-strap length hair chopped to just below shoulder length due to breakage from wearing buns and pony tails. It's sort of catch 22 b/c I feel that the bun helped me attain this length, however, the breakage that resulted was not good either....

Where were you getting breakage?
I feel the most important things at night are the satin or silk sleeping caps, scarves and/or pillowcases, more important than putting the hair up, unless one is creating braidouts, twistouts, etc. These kind of fabrics keep the hair moisturized and smooth.

Since I've tried the scarf methods that Sylver2 and Southern Girl have created, I've been wearing my hair loose at night under my silk scarf and oversized silk bonnet. The scarf keeps my newgrowth down and smooth and the bonnet is for the length. So far, so good. :yep:
I don't really wear wraps (very rarely) but I always cover my hair with something just for the simple fact it keeps my edges smooth.

If I am going for a more voluminous look, I will tie a scarf over the front of my hair so the edges will lay smooth and then I will put a bonnet over that.

I have never tried satin pillowcases though.

But really, I don't think you can tell if you are getting brokes hairs during the night from having your hair out...When your hair is covered and you take it out, what you see is what you get.

Either way, I have always covered my hair...even before I started taking care of it.
I noticed that using a head scarf every night gave me a thinner hairline. I have a lot of broken hairs on that area. I'm now just use a satin scarf with my hair loose inside. I want to baby my edges back to health.
Wildflower said:
I noticed that using a head scarf every night gave me a thinner hairline. I have a lot of broken hairs on that area. I'm now just use a satin scarf with my hair loose inside. I want to baby my edges back to health.
So exactly how are you wearing your satin scarf now that's different from before? Is it not touching your hairline?
I simply cannot wear my hair out at night, I am a 4a/4b and after just one night of wearing my hair out the air sucks all life out of it and it becomes dry and frizzy. I put my hair in a silk scarf EVERY night - without fail. Even if I come home at 5am after a night out clubbing and I am too tired to take my make up off (which I hate cos it leads to a breakout of spots) I NEVER go without covering my hair.

Ladies here is a tip - for those of you whose scarf comes off during the night try securing it with four hair pins - two at the front two at the back. My scarf stays on the whole night due to this.
I wore my hair out last night -- accidentally. The only time that I wear my hair out is if I am really tired and just fall asleep. I have found that this just leads to breakage, so I stopped doing it several months ago. Since I began regularly tying my hair up with a silk scarf and bought a satin pillowcase in case the scarf comes loose, my hair has grown several inches. I feel that all of that rubbing was one of the reasons that my hair was raggedy. Now sometimes I have on a scarf, a satin bonnet and sleep on a satin pillowcase, :LOL: ! I even take the satin pillowcase with me when I travel, LOL!
I used to wrap my hair every night, but it led to breakage on the left side. Now, I moisturize and then put on my satin bonnet. My mother does not understand how it stays in place, but it does. In the morning, I run a wide-toothed comb through it for body and just go. It is much easier and has cut off a lot of the breakage.