Who Needs a Hug Today?


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Here you are, Precious One... :kiss: No matter who you are, no matter how far you may be feeling away from being loved and cared about. This is for you...just you. :love2:

:love3: :grouphug2: :bighug: :grouphug2: :love3:

If you're having one of those 'minutes' and you're feeling unloved or unblessed, or just plain... "un".

Well, let's just let it know what it cannot do to you. It cannot take away your blessings neither can it take away the love which cradles you and surrounds you from foot to 'crown'.

Remember who you are and whose you are and that it can never be taken away neither undone. Not even for a 'minute'.

Hold on to these words of softness . . .

"I love you"... :love3:

Far more than a 'minute'... :yep:
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Thank you Shimmie - I really needed that :kiss:

:grouphug2: You are blessed and God has an open door for you which no man can shut. Even in your relationships...the 'door' is wide open for you to enter in and be blessed with God's best. :Rose:
wow this is really what I needed. I've been having a depressing day getting lost in depressing thoughts. So thank you !!!!!
wow this is really what I needed. I've been having a depressing day getting lost in depressing thoughts. So thank you !!!!!
:kiss: Feel better, K'meena'...

The good thing about thoughts is that we can do this to them... :kick:

And then do this :meditate: on the goodness of the Lord.
Thank you, Shimmie. I've been very depress for the last few weeks. Because EVERY AREA IN MY LIFE HAS GONE TO CRAP. I MEAN EVERY AREA, to a point that I don't want to talk to anybody (even God). But I'm slowly getting over it. Pray for me.
Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

John 15:12-13
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Thank you, Shimmie. I've been very depress for the last few weeks. Because EVERY AREA IN MY LIFE HAS GONE TO CRAP. I MEAN EVERY AREA, to a point that I don't want to talk to anybody (even God). But I'm slowly getting over it. Pray for me.

I've been going through it, too.

Thanks, Shimmie. We all love you back!
Thank you, Shimmie. I've been very depress for the last few weeks. Because EVERY AREA IN MY LIFE HAS GONE TO CRAP. I MEAN EVERY AREA, to a point that I don't want to talk to anybody (even God). But I'm slowly getting over it. Pray for me.
Hey Precious One...

Be not discouraged for your 'name' says it all, "Changed', these things in your life will be. Remember when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane? Though, it seemed an 'eternity, it was only for a moment; the Cross you will not have to bear for He did it for you.

See these heartaches, 'Changed' and see yourself, "Changed', from Ashes to Beauty.

Be encouraged :kiss:
I've been going through it, too.

Thanks, Shimmie. We all love you back!
Hey ClassicChic... :grouphug2:

Keep going.................'through'. For God has burned a trail along the path so that you can do whatever it is you have to do. And you will and you will not be alone, neither without the resources that you need and ever desire.

God has heard your tears and He's right there, making all things new, just for you. :yep: Yes, He really is. :Rose:
Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

John 15:12-13
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.


These scriptures are beautiful, just like you are....:yep: :Rose:

WOW (((HUGS))) back to you.

:kiss: Blessings and highly favored you truly are, my dear. :yep:
You are so beautiful Shimmie! I since the sincerity and sweetness of your spirit. God be with you mighty woman of God!

This message for you bears no expiration... :Rose:

It is the duty of a Queen to 'annoint' a new vessel before it sets out to Sea. It's she who prepares it for it's journey, it's voyage upon waters to it, unknown.

You Precious Queen have this anointing. The vessels of the Lord which come from under your wing, are newly set forth for their Voyage upon the path of our Faith. It's long journey and a hard one. And it takes the loving preparation and encouragement of the Queen to send these vessels of the Lord, out to Sea.

It's your heart of love and wisdom, which strengthens your husband; for the waters he must tread daily are rough at sea. As he sets sail, he knows he will prevail and most of all return home, most confidently.

There's a worship song by Oleta Adams called "The Captain of My Ship", which declares Jesus as her confidence and the Captain who controls the sail of the rough seas. And of all of the Queens, that God could trust to prepare His vessels to set sea, He has chosen you.

Precious Queen, you are a Precious Gift to the Body of Christ and to those most dear to your life. You are endowed with the gift to teach them and encourage them strongly in the Lord. Continue to annoint and send them out to sea (the path of life and faith). They will return most victoriously... :Rose:

Genesis 28:15

And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.