Who has used Surge the longest &results?


New Member
I have noticed that many of you are singing the praises of Surge. I was just wondering who on this board has used it for the longest length of time and what were the results. I was thinking about buying some, but I would like to hear from a long-time user before jumping on the Surge bandwagon. Thanks!
And it was a mad rush too.
I don't know who started the mad rush but I did go out and purchase my first bottle today. I'll be keeping records of the growth with pictures. I already posted some pics with today being the first picture to compare the results with when I finish the bottle. I'll be spraying twice a day.
Someone here said they were using it since the summer and had posted about it back then but no one really paid attention.
DDHair and diamond nh have been using it for a while now. The rush was started by Harlem glitz on another board and it moved over here.
I have been using it since about May or June of 2003, that was my first time seeing it on the shelf, I saw one bottle up on the counter, read the ingredients and asked where were the rest, they were in the very back of that store. When I began using it I loved it because I was having a hard time managing the 2 textures of my transitioning hair and this stuff detangled like no other product. Now with my first set of microbraids coming to an end, I am pleased with the results I have gotten over an inch of growth in 8 weeks, an inch and a half in some spots. I can't wait to take the rest of these braids out, so I can spray on Surge and get these tangles out. I like Surge, I used to spray it on twice a day and I probably will continue doing that once out of these braids. I highly recommend it, I really don't want you to expect miraculous results, but do expect good ones.
Jennifer your new growth is gorgeous! Since I am now transitioning and will be wearing styles where I don't worry too much about straightness I'm starting to use it twice a day as well.

Has anyone added anything to their surge? I'm thinking about adding rosemary oil, good or bad idea?
I think it's a good idea since rosemary not only stimulating the scalp but help with hair growth. Plus, I don't see anything wrong with adding a few drops in the bottle. It's not like you are using it straight without diluting it. Once you add some drops it will already be diluted. Just make sure you measure it correctly.
Ms. Kenesha!

Way to go, girl. Yes, it's perfectly fine to include essential oils in your hair regimen. They can't hurt you. However, you don't need too much, just a few drops will do you fine.

Good luck, lovely,

I added rosemary and clary sage EO's to my bottle. About 10-15 drops of rosemary and 5-8 of the sage. i love the way it feels on my fine sides; I've only been doing it about 2-3 weeks will post results after a month.
brownrelaxedhair said:
Of course I've caved and ordered a bottle onine today....

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I am glad you join the SURGE Bandwagon post your review.
ms_kenesha said:
Jennifer your new growth is gorgeous! Since I am now transitioning and will be wearing styles where I don't worry too much about straightness I'm starting to use it twice a day as well.

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Thanks Ms_Kenesha, but this surge is making the newgrowth a little tough to handle.
Re: Who has used Surge the longest &results?

It depends on what you want the surge to do; if you want increased growth - scalp. If you want to use it as a detangler - hair.
JenniferMD said:
ms_kenesha said:
Jennifer your new growth is gorgeous! Since I am now transitioning and will be wearing styles where I don't worry too much about straightness I'm starting to use it twice a day as well.

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Thanks Ms_Kenesha, but this surge is making the newgrowth a little tough to handle.

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It's making mine rather difficult to handle as well. I'm going to discontinue using it until after my touch-up.
I was able to get my Surge 14 plus today at Pak, thanks ShashaUK for that information. I have started using it already and I will keep you posted on my progress.
I just started on Dec. 16th and I am not doing my next touch up until Apr 14th 2004. My last touch up Oct. 22nd. I have lost very few hairs since I have started using Surge. I am presently spraying my scalp twice a day, not my hair. I will keep everyone posted of my next touch up and how any inches i've gained.
I just bought a bottle of the Surge 14 Revitalizer however I havent used it yet. I wear my hair down most of the time. Will spraying my roots make my hair feeling oiling or revert my straight roots to curly roots. I wet wrap my hair each week so my hair is currently worn straight. Im trying to go for that professional look yall. Help a sista out!