Who has successfully given up the brush?


Active Member
I don't brush my hair from root to tip, but I do use a brush for smoothing daily. I use a 100% soft boar bristle brush and sometimes the Jilbere baby brush. I like my hair neat, so I brush my hair to smooth it into a bun. Since I am on Hairlove's healthy edges challenge, I have been wondering if I should give up the brush to help me along (and phase it out eventually). Has anyone given up the brush altogether and if so, what do you do to smooth your hair? My edges haven't suffered too much from it, but there must be a better way. Has anyone found it? TIA.
I almost NEVER use a brush. My edges are straight unless I desparately need a retouch. I do twist outs, so maybe smoothness isn't as much of a factor. Otherwise, I just wash and twist it up into a bun and secure it with a bobby pin.
For the most part, except when Im way past due for a touchup, I can get my hair to lay down without brushing. I barely ever comb it either! The trick for me is once its laying down like I want, I tie it down with a scarf for a while and when I take it off its nice and smooth.

but I have been using one for the past week till I got my touchup bc there was NO way my hair was laying down to save its life. I had a minifro sitting on top of my head with my hair hanging off of it...it looked and felt like a sponge!lol...
I've successfully given up the brush. I don't even own one; and haven't for I think over a year now.
Thanks for the replies. Leslie, I tie it down, too, but, then, I brush it again!
I have to stop that. Jennifer, what do you do in place of the brush? I am thinking of throwing mine out and going cold turkey...
I really don't need a brush. I use a wide tooth comb for everything and with what I can't use the comb for I use my fingers and some good ol' creamy moisturizer.
JenniferMD said:
I really don't need a brush. I use a wide tooth comb for everything and with what I can't use the comb for I use my fingers and some good ol' creamy moisturizer.

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Same here.
I gave up the brush about a year ago. I find that a fine-tooth bone comb and my hands help to smooth my hair. A scarf after that is also helpful.
Oh, when I was relaxed, I just used a wide-tooth comb most days. I didn't really have a need to smooth my hair more than it already was.

After washing, I'd use a fine tooth comb to smooth into a ponytail for ponytail airdrying...my relaxed days.
Thanks hairlove and everyone else for all the helpful suggestions. I threw out my brush on my way out to run some errands. I am going to try smoothing with the comb and tying down with a scarf.
I never really considered giving up the brush because I didn't think it caused any damaged
The type of brush, of course, can ..but using a soft 100% boar bristle brush moderately shouldn't hurt. Now, the comb is what I gave up.
Innocent_Kiss said:
I never really considered giving up the brush because I didn't think it caused any damaged
The type of brush, of course, can ..but using a soft 100% boar bristle brush moderately shouldn't hurt. Now, the comb is what I gave up.

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I feel the same way. Combing has seem to be a bigger enemy for me. Some light brushing of the roots - especially when damp causes less damage than me trying to comb thru it. It lays down nicely.
Wow! I see that the brush is extinct! Well, mine is now, too, and I think that can manage without. Thanks for all of the replies.
I only use it smooth my edges down when needed. I recently found a hairstyle that allows me to avoid using the brush. So, I'm happy.
I need the brush to smooth my newgrowth. I have a big comb that I detangle with, but a comb that would be small enough to smooth the newgrowth is too small to go through it! I need my boar bristle brush...and nobody's gonna take it away from me! NEVEEEERRRRR!
BlackCardinal said:
I need the brush to smooth my newgrowth. I have a big comb that I detangle with, but a comb that would be small enough to smooth the newgrowth is too small to go through it! I need my boar bristle brush...and nobody's gonna take it away from me! NEVEEEERRRRR!

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See, now that's another reason why I had the brush...Oh well...I am going to see how I do without it. 1 day down. I'll at least give it up during the healthy edges challenge and see if it makes a difference...
Good thread
, I couldn't imagine life without a brush. They'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands.