Who feels that their hair grows slowly?


New Member
I do! It seems that my hair is not gaining any length. To be honest, I don't really think my hair will get to brastrap. I will be lucky if I get to shoulder length. I just wanted to see who else felt as if their hair is just not growing.
Is your hair relaxed?

If so, how often do you get touchups?

With my hair being relaxed, the fact that I need to relax my newgrowth helps me realize that my hair is growing. If I am not gaining length, it is really because I am not retaining it.
Okay I feel you on the slow grow almost no grow. Last summer I took family pictures and when I took pictures this summer---same length. I was frustrated, but what more can I do.

Am I doing anything wrong...no, but at the same time not growing like I thought I would. But grateful for every little strand. I'm convinced that yes--shoulder length is the longest I will ever be.
I feel like that often! But I keep telling myself it IS growing, and it's just my natural "shrinkage" that is deceiving me...uh hum...it's growing...it's growing...
so1913 said:
I feel like that often! But I keep telling myself it IS growing, and it's just my natural "shrinkage" that is deceiving me...uh hum...it's growing...it's growing...

Hey uh? My neice asked if I cut my hair again due to daily variations of shrinkage. I'm keeping hope alive because during my relaxed days my hair grew like weeds. :grin: