Who Doesn't Deep Condition Regularly?


Well-Known Member
I've been deep conditioning every week for about two years now, and I'm getting tired of it :ohwell:. School has really started to pick, and I'm starting to dread doing my hair every week. Are there any ladies out there who just wash, condition, and go? Do you DC only every blue moon? Do you believe DCing every week or every other week isn't necessary? I really need some honest feedback ladies! Thanks!
my intent is to dc every week with every wash... reality is another story

i dc when i remember to which is on average to 1-2x per month. some months are better than others and i get it in there every week or multiple times a week. other months are not as great and i may not do it for 6wks

i think if you're not using heat and you're hairs protein/moisture is balanced, then you can get away with skipping... but i'm no expert :)
I only deep condition when i remember also, and that is not very often. Like once every month and a half.

I personally believe you only need to deep condition your hair once a month but others may disagree.

Deep conditioning does have benefits but i believe steaming the hair on a regular basis is more beneficial.
I DC'd a week or so ago for the first time in probably 4 or 5 months, because I had put my hair through hell and back the week before :nono:. I cowash multiple times a week, so I see no point in adding a dc to that. If I'm taking proper care of my hair, I don't need it not even after I shampoo (I use sulfate-free shampoos). My hair never took well to being DC'd for longer than 2 hours. Past that, my hair would be. . . I dunno wrecked :wallbash:. Like Mz. MoMo said, if your moisture/protein is on point then what do you need to DC for?
I think you can get away with skipping. I deep conditioned overnight for a while when I first started my hhj but didn't see any real effects so now I don't do it at all. And I've never used a "proper" DC. I do however, pre-poo with evco and evoo to help detangle my hair so I'm sure that's doing some type of conditioning. I just slather that on about 2 hours before I wash and put on a cap then wash and condition.

If you think DC is working for you then maybe you shouldn't stop. Try cutting back to bi-weekly and see how it affects your hair. If nothing changes then maybe you can scale back to once a month but I guess everyone's hair is different so just because you get alot of responses saying its ok to stop doesn't mean you'll like the effects if you actually stop.....oh yeah I also co-wash 3 times a week so that could be why I can get away with not "DCing"....but in total honesty, I don't even really believe in it.
Speaking on my own experience, I use to DC every blue moon, thinking my hair was benefiting, I was still getting splits and single strand knots. It wasn't until I started DC'n 2x a week that I noticed a drastic change in my scalp and hair. My scalp is healthy, no knots and I may see one or two splits every now and then. Sometimes I don't feel like DC'n 2x aweek, but I do it atleast once per wk.
omg i know how you feel!! what i did was make a big thing of my DC so that its already made and i can just put it on but im so dang lazy i just tend to not BC, i do so every blue moon. im too ADD to sit down in one spot for an hour. or even half an hour
i dc whenever i use a shampoo, if not, i just co-wash
thing is my Scalp is very itchy so i need to use an anti-dandruff shampoo for my flakes(blame it on Scottish weather)
For the past few months i have been putting on a DC and a shower cap for 10 mins in the shower after shampooing while i shave.

I just hate getting in and out of the shower is so retarded.

Does it count as DC'ing?
For the past few months i have been putting on a DC and a shower cap for 10 mins in the shower after shampooing while i shave.

I just hate getting in and out of the shower is so retarded.

Does it count as DC'ing?

That's exactly my issue with DCing! :nono:
I don't feel like it lol. Getting in the shower, being all cozy and dry and having to go back in again annoys me.[/QUOTE]

Me too, Thats why i sometimes deep condition on dry hair first.

Other than that, i dont deep condition when in braids for 2-3months at a time, but when out of braids, i have to deep condition 1-2x a week :yep:.
For the past few months i have been putting on a DC and a shower cap for 10 mins in the shower after shampooing while i shave.

I just hate getting in and out of the shower is so retarded.

Does it count as DC'ing?

This is my issue. When I first started my HHJ, I DC'd faithfully, hopping in and out of the shower. I tried to rinse in the sink, but it causes tangles when I'm stretching.

Now, I do the same - shampoo and put the conditioner on with a plastic cap, finish the rest of my business in the shower, then rinse. I don't think my Aveda conditioners need to be left on long or used with heat. They seem to penetrate instantly.

I am going to try to DC twice a month with my new steamer, though - maybe on dry hair before shampooing.
Okay so basically all the long-haired girls don't even DC that often?...then what the H E double hockeysticks am I DCing 4 times a month for? :wallbash:
So all you women who don't DC often, is it because your hair is already super healthy? So is frequent DCing only necessary on hair that is being mended and healed back to health from unhealthy to healthy?
I suggest you monitor your hair closely if you stop. Before I started my hhj, I hadn't dc'd on a regular basis in about 4 years - because I didn't want to spend the extra money or time at the hair salon. Eventually, my hair started breaking off terribly and I had to chop off 4 inches. Prior to that I dc'd every two weeks religiously and didn't have any problems.

I understand where you're coming from though. I sometimes put off washing my hair because I don't feel like the spending the extra time on the deep condition.
I don't deep condition.

So all you women who don't DC often, is it because your hair is already super healthy? So is frequent DCing only necessary on hair that is being mended and healed back to health from unhealthy to healthy?

I wouldn't go so far as to say my hair is super healthy, but it's not limping along, you know? It's healthy enough. A DC is time consuming (by my standards) since I spend, at the most, 7-8 minutes washing and conditioning my hair. Also, on the few occasions that I did DC, it wasn't because my hair was unhealthy at the time, I tried it because I wanted to see what sort of results I would get, but it didn't make any sort of difference. Not to brag (although it does sound like bragging), my hair is already soft and manageable, so it doesn't make any sense to do all the extra stuff just to not see any real results.

IF my hair were damaged, I suppose I would feel the need to DC on a regular basis, not to mend exactly, but to get it to a place I can deal with.
Okay so basically all the long-haired girls don't even DC that often?...then what the H E double hockeysticks am I DCing 4 times a month for? :wallbash:


Good question though. Maybe it's a chicken and the egg sort of a thing? Like, what if the hair grows (retains length) because it's already healthy, so there's no real need? Maybe just minor maintenance (regular washing/conditioning) is all that it needs once it hits that equilibrium of "health"?

Also, long haired people are probably doing less manipulation, so less breakage. They've had time to perfect their bunning and protective styles, and have reached a level of already knowing how to prevent damage, so a DC isn't all that necessary? When my hair was short, I was doing all sorts of stuff to keep it presentable looking.

Then again, I'm just talking out of my @ss :lol:
I DONT and I have neck length hair (LYE) relaxed partially permanant dyed hair.

I rarely did it years ago and I only did it once a week when I found this site. I noticed my hair felt the same as when I used my leave-ins so... I may DC once a month if I feel like it, CURLS Ecstacy or Aubrey Organics White Camelia conditioner w/ heat 20-30 min w/out heat I wrap my head up real good and leave in for 1 hr or overnite if I am lazy. I mix w/honey (1 TB to 1/4 cup conditioner) when I am stretching because it makes a great detangler and leaves the hair SHINEY and SOFT as all get out. I always rinse my DC's with cool water.

I hunted for a good mid-level protein conditioner and when I found it that was the ah-ha moment for my hair. I use a different protein conditioner every week I think this is the key to my hair behaving (veggie protein every other week and wheat protein every week (2x a week) and when I co-wash on the off weeks. I use a moisturizing leave-in conditioner every day to every other day and seal with EVCO or Almond oil and I air dry. THATS all. I RARELY use flatiron heat and I dont blow dry EVER if I did I would probably use a hydrolyzed keratin conditioner when I wash my hair.

Even after my TU, nope no DC only a mid-level protein no heat 15-20 min.

I recently found out using leave-ins and sealing are ESSENTIAL. I slacked off for a month and my hair rebelled by becoming rough on the dyed ends. SO, I used my handy dandy SPLITENDER, went over each section thrice and now I am back in BUSINESS with having hair I can run my fingers through to the ends again.
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I am on the fence about this too...I've been using Joico's line exclusively for a month or so, and their conditioners seem to penetrate the hair very good without having to sit under the dryer for 30+ minutes. I just apply and finish showering, then do a final rinse. I feel weird about not DC'ing on a regular basis, but it seems to be working so far.
GoingNatural is one of my hair idols and she almost never does...

...but I would say 90% of the people I know with MBL+ hair who don't DC cowash frequently.

In the summertime I don't DC, I just cowash a lot and the health of my hair has not suffered at all. I feel like it's an either-or thing, cowashing OR DCing.
I'm guessing that many of the people of the people who are able to skip regular DC's, co-wash regularly? I never co-wash so weekly DCs are a must for me.