Which is the best cholesterol?


New Member
Following on from the discussion in Mona Cherie's welcome thread about green cholesterol, can anyone tell me which one they find the best. I have used the orange cholesterol by Le Kair and found this did NOTHING for my hair. It worked better when my hair was natural. Is there anyone of them out there worth trying. I've heard some people rave about the Queen Helene one.

Just to get a fair idea of how it may work on my hair, anyone that uses the ORS Hair Mayo with good results that can recommend a good cholesterol would be greatly appreciated. For me it's just an idea of how well certain products can take on my hair without having to go through the whole trial and error.

Oh and is the cholesterol better with heat?
My cousin swears by the 'green' one. By the way, what does cholesterol do for your hair? Is it the same as a protein conditioner or is it entirely different?

Cholesterol conditioners are the only conditioners I have used for deep-conditioning my whole life, though I am thinking about purchasing some other types of deep conditioners I have seen here.

I just haven't found anything as heavy or deep penetrating as the cholesterol ones. I used Queen Helene Cholesterol most of the time when I was growing up, and almost always with heat, which it works really well with. When LeKair came out, I started using that, as I liked the smell and consistency better. It has been a long time though, so I think I will give Queen Helene a try again. Some people mix Queen Helene and LeKair to get the best of both worlds. I still havent tried the green Lekair yet, but it is on my list.


I looked up cholesterol on an hair product ingredient list and here it is:
-A water in oil emulsifier which adds moisturizing and conditioning benefits in hair-care products-

I have found that most conditioners have some amount of protein in it, although they aren't labeled specifically protein conditioners. Lekair has some protein in it, in the form of collagen. I think Queen Helene's ingredients are somewhere along the same lines.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
My cousin swears by the 'green' one.

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Hey Sweetcocoa, does your cuz use heat with this product? I find I only like it (and I like it well) when I leave it on for just a couple of minutes, per the directions. I started by trying it with heat, but I didn't find it to be moisturizing. So, I decided to use it as the directions state, and I found I liked it much better that way.
Ditto. I dig the green one by LeKair. By the way, what kind of cholestrol is it anyway?
Queene helene cholesterols work MUCH bettter on my hair, they're just creamier and thicker in my opinion, plus my hair feels softer. I didn't care for lekair too much, i used it during the summer for conditioner washes and deep conditionings just so i could ghet rid of it quicker and move on to something else!!!(that's my new PJ rule)
Queene helene makes excellent products in my opinion, very moisturizing. I use the Placenta Cream conditoner and it works pretty well, plus its cheap. I've also used their Conditioning creme, but i didn't like that as much. QH Super Cholesterol and the placents creme are my favs.
I've never used the ORS Mayo, but I would highly recommend Queen Helene Cholesterol. I've used it since the 80's and it has always done it's job. Once I cheated and purchased the LeKair (don't remember which color), but I HATED it. I think I eventually just threw it out. It didn't come close to the QH. QH is very, very creamy and is GREAT when mixed with oils and used with heat. Also wonderful mixed with equal parts of BSMolasses and used with heat.

For years, I always mixed some Queen Helene Jojoba Hot Oil into the Cholesterol. Of all the QH Hot Oil types, I think the Jojoba is the best if you'd like to try this. [NOTE: The Placenta formulations make my hair hard.]
My latest discovery is the Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil Cholersterol. It is very heavy and it is green. I love it. It is loaded with natural oils and really detangles my hair too.

I have used the Queen Helene Cholesteral but didn't find that it did anything special for my hair.

Ladies, thanks for the responses.

VG you're the second one to mention the HB cholesterol. I wonder if this is a new product as I've never seen this in their line before.

The QH cholesterol sounds good. I didn't like the le kair one at all, so I may give this a go as a cheaper alternative to the ORS hair mayo for a while.
Currently I am usding the Orange Le Kair cholesterol, but I'm using it with other conditioners. I only bought it one day because I was broke and needed a conditioner and I remembered using it when I was younger. As for the ORS Hair Mayo; I don't see the big deal about it and I don't really like it, I have like a whole jar in my product cart still. I love my Motions CPR even though I have herbs stuck in my hair /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
I tried the Green LeKair one and it didn't nothing for me. I remember we used to use the QH back in the day so I decided to try it again,,I really liked it. I love the consistency and last time I used it I even mixed in a little Moisturefuse to stretch what was left and had great results.

I remember also loving the D&amp;L Cholesterol in high school. I bought that one but haven't retried it yet.

Other than the D&amp;L I have no intention of trying any other ones becasue I am happy with the QH.

As for the Mayo, I used to like it but I have to retry that as well under a critical eye.

My only concern withthe cholesterols is trying to figure out if it is considered protein or not and how frequently can I use it.