Where's that thread?.....


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
Where's that thread where a lot of our members posted their websites? I want to look at all of their products, but I can't find the dang thread. The search feature didn't work, and neither did google....
No it's a thread where members posted the websites for products they sell, like StillALady- www.growthspecifics.com

We have a lot of members that sell stuff, but I can't find the thread!
I know which thread you're talking about but i can't find it either. Do you remember who actually posted in that thread?
I made a thread like that, im not sure if its the one you were talking about.....one thing i remember is a woman/poster who made very pretty silk pillow cases with ties on the end to keep it from slipping....this the one?

Well, i just searched, and i guess it was deleted....maybe because of advertising and how your not supposed to do that on the site (IDK :nono:)
well we should start a new one otherwise you'll never find out about potentially really great stuff, ie sweet cashew's products.