Where In the World is ADORA-SQUARED!!!?


Well-Known Member
Yes...i HAD to make a thread....i'm missin my homie!!!:crying3:

As fast as her hair grows....i'm pretty sure by the next time she pops up she'll be at Tailbone!!:grin:

Where is this girl!!?:missing:
LOL.....I love your title....Yeah! Where is she??!!

She's bigger than life with the way she burst on the LHCF scene.....Love her enthusiasm and posts!
She's hiding from Jheri's kids. :laugh:
We have put her on the missing list and she has not come in for juice justice.
Ladies if you spot a woman with lusciously drippin' in da juice head of hair, please contact the Jheri Juice Hotline at 1-618-303-9084, 24 hrs/day 7days/wk.
Sponsored by the Skala 3G Network
Thank you

and yes the jheri hotline IS real
She's hiding from Jheri's kids. :laugh:
We have put her on the missing list and she has not come in for juice justice.
Ladies if you spot a woman with lusciously drippin' in da juice head of hair, please contact the Jheri Juice Hotline at 1-618-303-9084, 24 hrs/day 7days/wk.
Sponsored by the Skala 3G Network
Thank you

and yes the jheri hotline IS real

EPIC!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:....OMG!! I'm gonna be on the lookout for her tho:curtain:......:sekret:..:grin:
hey ladies, on her personal page it says she'll be back in june...
look in her info, she states in her bio i believe
:blush::blush::blush:awwwwwwwww thanks everyone!!!!!!! im back now, i had to deal with life issuesSSSSS, im so glad to be back now!!!! i missed you all soooo much:nono:

thanks ladies i feel so loved and missed!!!!!! :blush:

thanks smilingE!!!!
^^^ lol why are you confused Adora? Your "about me" says

About AdoraAdora24
Thanks to all the ladies that supported me! Cant wait to come back in June with WL hair!! lol

You probably meant a length check and ladies got confused.....idk if you dont lol
^^^ lol why are you confused Adora? Your "about me" says

About AdoraAdora24
Thanks to all the ladies that supported me! Cant wait to come back in June with WL hair!! lol

You probably meant a length check and ladies got confused.....idk if you dont lol

ohhhhh, lol. yea your right, i ment a length check:yep: thanks

im soooooo happy to be back now, i had to deal with real life for a second and now i have free time to chat it up with you ladies :grin:, i was all nervous to sign in today lol.
Well it's June. WE WANT UPDATES!!!:yep: You're probably knee length with your juice and fast growing hair:grin:

Glad you have free time now to have fun on LHCF!
Well it's June. WE WANT UPDATES!!!:yep: You're probably knee length with your juice and fast growing hair:grin:

Glad you have free time now to have fun on LHCF!

i took mad pictures and i plan on taking some more, but i cant even find my camera charger. i looked and looked, i have to look again. i dont know how the freak i misplaced it!!!!!!! aaahhhh!!

ive been wanting to update my fotki for a minute now and my dangon charger is gone. i have to flat iron my sisters hair tonight, but when she call me ima play like im sleeping just so i can stay on here longer ahahahahaaha :grin:, i plan on ripping this house top to bottom looking for that charger.

yay!!!!!!!!<--sqeaky voice)