Where in the Bible does it say "you must be a member of one church?"


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Does the Bible say that you must be a member of just one church home?

Is it really wrong to visit or attend different churches throughout your life?

I just know a lot of churches have these rules about people must be members in order to sing in the choir, participate in ministries, etc.

I just would like to see Bible scriptures on this topic, no opinions nor what people have been told.

Thanks in advance!
Does the Bible say that you must be a member of just one church home?

Is it really wrong to visit or attend different churches throughout your life?

I just know a lot of churches have these rules about people must be members in order to sing in the choir, participate in ministries, etc.

I just would like to see Bible scriptures on this topic, no opinions nor what people have been told.

Thanks in advance!

There isn't. And in studying you will see that apostles visited many "Churches' in their journeys. No one was restricted from 'visiting' another Church.

The word does however say this...

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in ONE BODY; and be ye thankful. (Colossians 3:15)

The 'Body' is the Church therefore that would be the only 'ONE" Church that one would belong to, such as the Body of Christ.

It's not forbidden to visit another Church. At least, not in God's word. It's called 'Fellowship'.

Hope this helps. :Rose:
It doesn't, but I think there is something about dedication and service that God values. I also believe that it would be hard to be connected to the body and used effectively if you move around a lot.
I could be wrong, but I don't think churches ask you to take membership because of a scripture in the Bible. I think there are two main reasons for it...

One: To us the church is a spiritual place but to the government it is a business. A business that has to comply to the same reporting guidelines that are required of any other non-profit. Some annual financial reports that churches have to submit require them to give a membership count. A church cannot accurately do that without asking their members to take membership. A membership count is also needed to obtain loans from banks in order for a church to construct a new building or renovate.

Two: Taking membership is just a way of committing to the church. Why should you hold a position if you're going to be bouncing from church to church? Not that I feel that is a sin at all. I am definitely a fan of visiting churches but I understand a church needing a commitment from its members in order for it to run successfully Sunday to Sunday. Especially when it comes to positions that involve money. I don't believe the church's financial information should be released to anyone who isn't a member. Also, consider voting. The church I attend now, has quarterly meetings where we vote on matters concerning the church finances, the church building and even the ministerial staff. You have to be a member in order to vote and I understand why. The vote wouldn't really be accurate if you allow visitors who stop in from time to time to vote. They wouldn't know enough about the church to make a decision.

I completely see how taking membership can seem like a restriction, but if you step back and look at the church as a business that has to function in this world, I do see the point of it. And this is coming from someone who did not grow up in a church that required membership. This is something new to me but I still see the benefits of it.
This is an excerpt from one of my favorite books:

Psalm 92: 13
Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God

Notice that those who flourish are "planted" in the house of the Lord. What happens to a plant if you transplant it every three weeks? Most of you know that its root system will diminish, and it will not blossom or prosper. If you keep transplanting it, the plant will die of shock!

If we are going from church to church to church, how can we learn to get properly rooted and grounded in Christ?

i have an associate who says and i forgot where but he says that the bible says you need to belong to the church of Christ.
I could be wrong, but I don't think churches ask you to take membership because of a scripture in the Bible. I think there are two main reasons for it...

...Taking membership is just a way of committing to the church.
...I understand a church needing a commitment from its members in order for it to run successfully

Great question OP:yep:
To add to what Reminiscing said, this also is important when you are meeting needs like assisting or paying bills for those in need, feeding the hungry/ homeless, and organizing other outreach efforts like clothing or back to school drives like churches do. It is easier to forecast how many people you will be able to help etc based on funding/ membership and people available/ committed to helping/ working in these different outreach ministries.
HEBREWS 12: 18 For ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest, 19 And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more: 20 (For they could not endure that which was commanded, And if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart: 21 And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake:)

22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,

23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

Either your MEMBERSHIP is in heaven or it is in the earth. God is a spirit and we are to worship Him in spirit and in truth. He does not dwell in a building made by human hands.
" 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.." John 4:24
"However, the most High dwells not in temples made with hands; as said the prophet" Acts 7:48

Spiritually speaking, 'Membership' is Important. Understanding where the 'Membership' is meant to be is even more important.
If you ask your pastor, who should level with you, he will explain to you that the only reason why they ask you to go onto a membership role or a piece of paper, is so that his church salary, any collections taken, any monies received by the pastor or the board and the assets of the 'church' can avoid being taxed by the government.

According to the Bible, THE PEOPLE OF GOD ARE "THE CHURCH" and "THE HOUSE OF GOD."

However, those having "membership" on this earth, or members of any 'religion' or 'group' or 'regular tithe paying attendees' at any building designated as or called a 'church' , aside from the pastors do not get to share in this 'tax exempt' status either individually or as a group. Neither do general members have free access and usage of "tax exempt" properties, such as mansions or airplanes and jets or cars owned by 'the church'. This is actual fact and not bait for a debate.

My membership is in the heavens. I just fellowship on this earth with believers.
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I do not personally visit alot of churches unless I'm being invited to a special program or concert or something. It took me a long time to find a good church home and I guess I'm careful as to who feeds me the Word. I'm one who would rather have a teacher than a preacher. My soul is being fed, I've made a nest to rest there. My pastor also accepts invites to other churches but it's also when he's teaching/preaching.
If you ask your pastor, who should level with you, he will explain to you that the only reason why they ask you to go onto a membership role or a piece of paper, is so that his church salary, any collections taken, any monies received by the pastor or the board and the assets of the 'church' can avoid being taxed by the government.

According to the Bible, THE PEOPLE OF GOD ARE "THE CHURCH" and "THE HOUSE OF GOD."

However, those having "membership" on this earth, or members of any 'religion' or 'group' or 'regular tithe paying attendees' at any building designated as or called a 'church' , aside from the pastors do not get to share in this 'tax exempt' status either individually or as a group. Neither do general members have free access and usage of "tax exempt" properties, such as mansions or airplanes and jets or cars owned by 'the church'. This is actual fact and not bait for a debate.

My membership is in the heavens. I just fellowship on this earth with believers.
That was beautiful!

Once upon a time, churches were automatically exempt from taxes and people didn't expect something in return when they contributed to the upkeep (Matthew 6:2-4). Sometime during the Eisenhower Administration, a bunch of Congressmen, including LBJ, decided to give church-goers a tax break for helping their place of worship. Later, in order for their members to keep the tax deduction, the gov't required these places to turn themselves into non-profit organizations. This was the start of the slow march towards churches placing themselves under gov't jurisdiction.

I will not debate the corrupting influence of this practice; the information is out there for those seeking the truth. These places of worship do not have to worry about taxes at all unless they declared themselves a legal entity, whether or not they are incorporated. How is this being separate from the world?
I think it's more important to be a member and active in God's people in general, and not just one specific church.