Where can I get......


Well-Known Member
Essential oils for a cheaper price? And where can I get herbs also? Ive been trying to find some for reasonable prices but the prices are crazy. I really would like to use : tea tree oil, peppermint oil, jojoba oil, basil herbs, and there's a few others but I can't htink right now. TIA!!
They are pricey fortunately I was able to get them at B2G1 from GNC. In addition to that I used a 20% off coupon (I posted the link in one of the stickies above). Be careful when looking for cheaper prices as they might be synthetic oil. The NOW brand, which is what I got from GNC, is stated as being natural.
Essential oils can be very expensive. I just bought peppermint oil from vitamin shoppe for about $6 for 10ml (1/3 oz). I don't know how that compares to other health food stores. Also do you want to buy online or at the store?

Check lotioncrafters.com, iherbs.com for the specific oils you want.

Teatree oil, jojoba oil can be bought at any good BSS.

BTW: Jojoba oil is a carrier oil not an essential oil.:)

Hope that helps!!