When you're trying to get over someone, what do you do?


New Member
My bf just broke up with me and I need to refrain from calling/texting/thinking about him. To make a long story short, he'd been acting distant lately, except when we're face to face so yesterday morning I sent him a text, since he was at work, asking him if he wanted to continue to be together and he said "nah" (horrible response, i know). I asked why and he basically said because we can't spend enough time together. I replied, "if that's the only problem then we can work on it." He said he'd call me later but he didn't. He only sent a text that night saying he was at his mother's house.

Yesterday, I prayed asking God to let me forget about him and get over it, and it worked...until like 20 mins ago. He's at work so I can't call, but I still want to send a text. I guess I should start praying again, but anyone have any other advice?
My bf just broke up with me and I need to refrain from calling/texting/thinking about him. To make a long story short, he'd been acting distant lately, except when we're face to face so yesterday morning I sent him a text, since he was at work, asking him if he wanted to continue to be together and he said "nah" (horrible response, i know). I asked why and he basically said because we can't spend enough time together. I replied, "if that's the only problem then we can work on it." He said he'd call me later but he didn't. He only sent a text that night saying he was at his mother's house.

Yesterday, I prayed asking God to let me forget about him and get over it, and it worked...until like 20 mins ago. He's at work so I can't call, but I still want to send a text. I guess I should start praying again, but anyone have any other advice?

Awww......... I'm sorry hon. Surf the ET forum on this board. It'll have you cracking up :yep: Are you working? If so, find some things you needed to do but have gotten to yet. If you are home, maybe you could pack up your gym bag and head on to the gym. I don't know where you are located but it's almost 4 here in NYC. Maybe you can go out with a gf to happy hour or out to dinner?

Good luck ((( HUGS )))
Awww......... I'm sorry hon. Surf the ET forum on this board. It'll have you cracking up :yep: Are you working? If so, find some things you needed to do but have gotten to yet. If you are home, maybe you could pack up your gym bag and head on to the gym. I don't know where you are located but it's almost 4 here in NYC. Maybe you can go out with a gf to happy hour or out to dinner?

Good luck ((( HUGS )))

Thanks Pretty Haitian. I'm definitely recruiting my gf this weekend, but I actually have a final exam tomorrow so I don't really have time to do anything else until after that test. Thinking of him is affecting my studying.
Thanks Pretty Haitian. I'm definitely recruiting my gf this weekend, but I actually have a final exam tomorrow so I don't really have time to do anything else until after that test. Thinking of him is affecting my studying.

pray and refocus. Ask your girls to pray for you as well and refocus. He is not worth you doing poorly on an exam. That man is not paying your tuition. Sorry you are going through this and I know it hurts deeply. This will pass
i listen to a lot of man-bashing music.

i delete their number and all texts.

i try not to watch romantic movies

go out with the girls

OT: why do guys act so distant towards u when they're not feeling u anymore? why can't they just talk to you like an adult about it?
pray and refocus. Ask your girls to pray for you as well and refocus. He is not worth you doing poorly on an exam. That man is not paying your tuition. Sorry you are going through this and I know it hurts deeply. This will pass

You are so sweet! Thanks for the empathy.
i listen to a lot of man-bashing music.

yeah, that worked for a while, but then the music drifts to love songs and it's a wrap again:spinning:
i delete their number and all texts.
i know it by hard, but will do

i try not to watch romantic movies

go out with the girls
this is at the top of my list for this weekend!

OT: why do guys act so distant towards u when they're not feeling u anymore? why can't they just talk to you like an adult about it?

thank you!!!!!that's exactly what i asked him, but he did't answer that part. It's so much easier to just say it's over than try to have someone read your mind. I know I usually like for the guy to end it so I won't feel guilty, maybe he feels the same. Plus, they hate "confrontation" (i.e. discussions that don't go their way) so it's easier to just distance themselves until we decide to leave, I guess.
My bf just broke up with me and I need to refrain from calling/texting/thinking about him. To make a long story short, he'd been acting distant lately, except when we're face to face so yesterday morning I sent him a text, since he was at work, asking him if he wanted to continue to be together and he said "nah" (horrible response, i know). I asked why and he basically said because we can't spend enough time together. I replied, "if that's the only problem then we can work on it." He said he'd call me later but he didn't. He only sent a text that night saying he was at his mother's house.

Yesterday, I prayed asking God to let me forget about him and get over it, and it worked...until like 20 mins ago. He's at work so I can't call, but I still want to send a text. I guess I should start praying again, but anyone have any other advice?
I am so sorry to hear of your break-up but, let me share a little story with you. I dont want to make my story long or drawn out! Two years ago my boyfriend of 3.5years just came home and said he didn't want "this " anymore , come to find out he had began to see another female. WOW talk about blow to the ego!!! So I know what you are feeling, I know the wanting to call him and I did the calling chasing making a FOOL of my self because I couldn't understand why he didn't want me anymore but the more I chased the more I think he got pleasure???? and to top it off my girlfriend and I were going through also so I hung in there alone and almost lost my mind!!! Girl, can I say I went through MAN oh man!!! . I say all that to say this. Oneday I promise you the desire to call him the desire to see him will be gone, it takes time but that day will come. Keep praying for GOD to help strengthen you through this and remove the desire for him. Everyone's going to tell you to yeah keep busy, go out but at the end of the day he is on your mind. I know. So I say find a mirror and repeat this everyday until it sinks into your soul. I am beautiful, I am smart, I LOVE ME ,I am a queen that deserves the best. I know my worth. I don't love him. He doesnt know my worth HIS LOSS!!!. Now visualize him standing in a doorway, close the door and turn around. This might sound crazy but, you have to visualize the end!!! I read this " your destiny is never tied to someone that leaves". If someone leaves you just know their season in your life is over. Ok now real talk! This man doesn't want to be together anymore there is nothing you can do. He doesn't know your worth, nothing you can do. He don't want to be bothered FINE! stop calling, stop texting of course you still gonna think about him and it's gonna be hard but starting today erase his number, throw out the pictures and NO MORE CONTACT! No don't chase him he is feeling himself right now, just by the way you said he answered " nah" stop stroking his ego and when he does call because eventually he probably will dont be so available. Oh as for my ending yeah he did call and yeah he wanted to get back 8months later but it was toooo late!!! You will be fine hang in there and remember he is human bleeds and breaths like you and me take your heart and power back. He wants a life without you.... GIRL NOT A PROBLEM GIVE IT TO HIM!!!!!!
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My Tips:
1. Remove his number(s), voicemails, texts, pics from your phone immediately.
2. Create a fluck him playlist, and get all your crying out.
3. Stay busy, go out with your girls, exercise, anything... just stay busy!
4. Write everything negative about him on a piece of paper and THROW IT IN THE TRASH! This worked for me last time and I felt like I was throwing my ex out of my life.
your advice is AMAZING! I'm going to print this and memorize it! You've really encouraged me, thanks!

I am so sorry to hear of your break-up but, let me share a little story with you. I dont want to make my story long or drawn out! Two years ago my boyfriend of 3.5years just came home and said he didn't want "this " anymore , come to find out he had began to see another female. WOW talk about blow to the ego!!! So I know what you are feeling, I know the wanting to call him and I did the calling chasing making a FOOL of my self because I couldn't understand why he didn't want me anymore but the more I chased the more I think he got pleasure???? and to top it off my girlfriend and I were going through also so I hung in there alone and almost lost my mind!!! Girl, can I say I went through MAN oh man!!! . I say all that to say this. Oneday I promise you the desire to call him the desire to see him will be gone, it takes time but that day will come. Keep praying for GOD to help strengthen you through this and remove the desire for him. Everyone's going to tell you to yeah keep busy, go out but at the end of the day he is on your mind. I know. So I say find a mirror and repeat this everyday until it sinks into your soul. I am beautiful, I am smart, I LOVE ME ,I am a queen that deserves the best. I know my worth. I don't love him. He doesnt know my worth HIS LOSS!!!. Now visualize him standing in a doorway, close the door and turn around. This might sound crazy but, you have to visualize the end!!! I read this " your destiny is never tied to someone that leaves". If someone leaves you just know their season in your life is over. Ok now real talk! This man doesn't want to be together anymore there is nothing you can do. He doesn't know your worth, nothing you can do. He don't want to be bothered FINE! stop calling, stop texting of course you still gonna think about him and it's gonna be hard but starting today erase his number, throw out the pictures and NO MORE CONTACT! No don't chase him he is feeling himself right now, just by the way you said he answered " nah" stop stroking his ego and when he does call because eventually he probably will dont be so available. Oh as for my ending yeah he did call and yeah he wanted to get back 8months later but it was toooo late!!! You will be fine hang in there and remember he is human bleeds and breaths like you and me take your heart and power back. He wants a life without you.... GIRL NOT A PROBLEM GIVE IT TO HIM!!!!!!
My bf just broke up with me and I need to refrain from calling/texting/thinking about him. To make a long story short, he'd been acting distant lately, except when we're face to face so yesterday morning I sent him a text, since he was at work, asking him if he wanted to continue to be together and he said "nah" (horrible response, i know). I asked why and he basically said because we can't spend enough time together. I replied, "if that's the only problem then we can work on it." He said he'd call me later but he didn't. He only sent a text that night saying he was at his mother's house.

Yesterday, I prayed asking God to let me forget about him and get over it, and it worked...until like 20 mins ago. He's at work so I can't call, but I still want to send a text. I guess I should start praying again, but anyone have any other advice?

TIME...as simple as that...TIME. In your time apart you need to work on yourself. Think back at the relationship and begin to see those warning signs that you ignored. Now that you understand why this didn't work out, you can have a renewed confidence and once you work on YOU, from the inside out...your next relationship will be more solid.

The no texting/no calling part is the hardest. But it's essential. You're going to have to stop contacting him. It's doing more harm than help. Cry if you have to, write angry letters and rip them up if you have to. I've been there before, but now...my ex is such a distant memory. I'm excited about the next guy. I know the next guy will be much better, because I've been working on MYSELF...and realize the mistakes I've been making in choosing men.

See if any community centers in your city offer post-breakup counseling and/or group therapy. I know it sounds like a stretch. But I've known some people who've utilized programs like this, and it helped them tremendously when times got REALLY REALLY ROUGH.

I know things will get better. We are all here for you. Keep your head up!
I am so sorry to hear of your break-up but, let me share a little story with you. I dont want to make my story long or drawn out! Two years ago my boyfriend of 3.5years just came home and said he didn't want "this " anymore , come to find out he had began to see another female. WOW talk about blow to the ego!!! So I know what you are feeling, I know the wanting to call him and I did the calling chasing making a FOOL of my self because I couldn't understand why he didn't want me anymore but the more I chased the more I think he got pleasure???? and to top it off my girlfriend and I were going through also so I hung in there alone and almost lost my mind!!! Girl, can I say I went through MAN oh man!!! . I say all that to say this. Oneday I promise you the desire to call him the desire to see him will be gone, it takes time but that day will come. Keep praying for GOD to help strengthen you through this and remove the desire for him. Everyone's going to tell you to yeah keep busy, go out but at the end of the day he is on your mind. I know. So I say find a mirror and repeat this everyday until it sinks into your soul. I am beautiful, I am smart, I LOVE ME ,I am a queen that deserves the best. I know my worth. I don't love him. He doesnt know my worth HIS LOSS!!!. Now visualize him standing in a doorway, close the door and turn around. This might sound crazy but, you have to visualize the end!!! I read this " your destiny is never tied to someone that leaves". If someone leaves you just know their season in your life is over. Ok now real talk! This man doesn't want to be together anymore there is nothing you can do. He doesn't know your worth, nothing you can do. He don't want to be bothered FINE! stop calling, stop texting of course you still gonna think about him and it's gonna be hard but starting today erase his number, throw out the pictures and NO MORE CONTACT! No don't chase him he is feeling himself right now, just by the way you said he answered " nah" stop stroking his ego and when he does call because eventually he probably will dont be so available. Oh as for my ending yeah he did call and yeah he wanted to get back 8months later but it was toooo late!!! You will be fine hang in there and remember he is human bleeds and breaths like you and me take your heart and power back. He wants a life without you.... GIRL NOT A PROBLEM GIVE IT TO HIM!!!!!!

What she said!!!!!!!!!!!
My bf just broke up with me and I need to refrain from calling/texting/thinking about him. To make a long story short, he'd been acting distant lately, except when we're face to face so yesterday morning I sent him a text, since he was at work, asking him if he wanted to continue to be together and he said "nah" (horrible response, i know). I asked why and he basically said because we can't spend enough time together. I replied, "if that's the only problem then we can work on it." He said he'd call me later but he didn't. He only sent a text that night saying he was at his mother's house.

Yesterday, I prayed asking God to let me forget about him and get over it, and it worked...until like 20 mins ago. He's at work so I can't call, but I still want to send a text. I guess I should start praying again, but anyone have any other advice?

I went to the gym. it helped me feel better immediately and then after all that working out (to put off the temptation of calling) i looked extra good!!
You ladies have some great advice.

I wanted to know if you have to see him at all, Do you hang out with the same friends. I was seeing someone and he broke up with me through a friend, He sent our friend to tell me it was over. But We hung out with the same ppl went to the same school, so I had to see him on a daily basis and my friends where not going to stop hanging out with him. I did. But what really upset him was that I did not care. I was hurt truly but he and no one else could tell, and could you belive that he wanted to get back together because I was not chasing after him. You do not need him. Once you empower yourself and relize that there is someone to truly appreciate you and have the nerve to break up you to your FACE! atleast you will see that this very well could be for the better. There is alway one person that has shared something similar, and my friend had the same experiance I told her to look at the bright side atleast she was stuck with him for a long time or she did not have children by a him. Finewine I have to stop myself before I go into a whole drama list. Feel better, Know that your beautiful and there are men that will appreciate you out there, Like some of the ladies said get out hang out with your gf, have fun, be safe and happy
Can't give you any concrete advice but I will say that your not going to get over him over night. It takes me awhile to get over people but the last time I just did what I had to do. One day I woke up and I stopped calling him, texting him, emailing, IMing, I just cut off all forms of contact. Though, I may think about him most days I know that he doesnt want me in his life so I let it be. Its been a few months and Im still not completely over him and I think thats ok but Im at a point where Im finding other guys attractive again and Im not just stuck on him. Take it one day at a time. Find other stuff to work on to keep your mind off of him and better yourself. I also started focusing more on my health with exercising and my studies (so that I can finally graduate) and Im doing so much better this semester than I did the last when he was around.
When I'm trying to get over someone, I try to keep myself occupied with prayer, being around family or close friends, having fun, watching comedy movies that make me laugh, and what really helps is to delete his phone number out of your phone, and delete all his text messages and email messages that he's ever sent you. And if he's ever written you any letters, throw those away. And if he's ever given you anything, throw that away too. :)
this advice is also good for me b/c I'm going through a situaion like yours...my S/O and I wasn't in a serious relationship but he was my bestfriend and the only man in my life, I felt like I didn't need anyone but him in my life but he wasn't ready for a real commitment b/c of a previous relationship but i stay with him and he made me belive I was the one and only one in his life...we went through so much together including drama from the ex, then 3 weeks ago he stop calling, didn't come by, wouldn't even return my phone calls...I miss him so much and I am constantly thinking about what did I do wrong, but as days turn into weeks I am becoming even more lonely and I'm starting to realize he just wasn't the one...like my friends warned me time and time again, and I going to open my life to meeting new people and hopefully the memories will fade away, but I know it is so hard but obviously not that hard for him...it time to focus on me and move on to better things in life...
this advice is also good for me b/c I'm going through a situaion like yours...my S/O and I wasn't in a serious relationship but he was my bestfriend and the only man in my life, I felt like I didn't need anyone but him in my life but he wasn't ready for a real commitment b/c of a previous relationship but i stay with him and he made me belive I was the one and only one in his life...we went through so much together including drama from the ex, then 3 weeks ago he stop calling, didn't come by, wouldn't even return my phone calls...I miss him so much and I am constantly thinking about what did I do wrong, but as days turn into weeks I am becoming even more lonely and I'm starting to realize he just wasn't the one...like my friends warned me time and time again, and I going to open my life to meeting new people and hopefully the memories will fade away, but I know it is so hard but obviously not that hard for him...it time to focus on me and move on to better things in life...
Now thats just DIRTY. You are better off without him.
I just wanted to add that you should also block his email addy. I know you can do this with yahoo. I know part of you wants the pleasure of seeing if he will contact you, but I say block him out totally. Men love to play games. Don't let him pull you in only to back away.
if you really loved him and i'm guessing you did then it's going to take a while to move on.
i've been in love twice and gotten my heart broke twice. the first guy i started dating in 2001 and he has been in and out of my life ever since.
it took me three years to get over him. i no longer had the urge to call him or see him.
to get over him i did things that made me feel good about myself. i hung out with my friends, went shopping, read books, traveled to see plays. i really thought i was over him because i feel in love with some one else last year ( the second heart breaker:drunk:). but the first just called and came to see me and baby....let me tell you those feelings are still there. but after he left 4 days ago i have been thinking of him but haven't picked up the phone.
i say all this to say that one day it'll all get easier. i still love him. you can't tell me the sun doesn't rise and set on him but i am so used to not calling him or recieving a call oor seeing him that it's second nature for me to blow it off.
tomorrow is ALWAYS better. whether its easier doesn't quite matter.
let him make the first move. my ex and i broke up so many times i cant count and i made the first move each time so he knew he could do whatever and chebaby would be there.
dont be there.
i just wanted to add to my post that someone mentioned that men played games.
please believe it. when my ex droped by after i havent heard from him in over a year, why was he in a year and a half long relationship? and why was it that the day he came by was on the very day that would have been our 7 year anniversary.
please believe it. you can walk away.
I am so sorry to hear of your break-up but, let me share a little story with you. I dont want to make my story long or drawn out! Two years ago my boyfriend of 3.5years just came home and said he didn't want "this " anymore , come to find out he had began to see another female. WOW talk about blow to the ego!!! So I know what you are feeling, I know the wanting to call him and I did the calling chasing making a FOOL of my self because I couldn't understand why he didn't want me anymore but the more I chased the more I think he got pleasure???? and to top it off my girlfriend and I were going through also so I hung in there alone and almost lost my mind!!! Girl, can I say I went through MAN oh man!!! . I say all that to say this. Oneday I promise you the desire to call him the desire to see him will be gone, it takes time but that day will come. Keep praying for GOD to help strengthen you through this and remove the desire for him. Everyone's going to tell you to yeah keep busy, go out but at the end of the day he is on your mind. I know. So I say find a mirror and repeat this everyday until it sinks into your soul. I am beautiful, I am smart, I LOVE ME ,I am a queen that deserves the best. I know my worth. I don't love him. He doesnt know my worth HIS LOSS!!!. Now visualize him standing in a doorway, close the door and turn around. This might sound crazy but, you have to visualize the end!!! I read this " your destiny is never tied to someone that leaves". If someone leaves you just know their season in your life is over. Ok now real talk! This man doesn't want to be together anymore there is nothing you can do. He doesn't know your worth, nothing you can do. He don't want to be bothered FINE! stop calling, stop texting of course you still gonna think about him and it's gonna be hard but starting today erase his number, throw out the pictures and NO MORE CONTACT! No don't chase him he is feeling himself right now, just by the way you said he answered " nah" stop stroking his ego and when he does call because eventually he probably will dont be so available. Oh as for my ending yeah he did call and yeah he wanted to get back 8months later but it was toooo late!!! You will be fine hang in there and remember he is human bleeds and breaths like you and me take your heart and power back. He wants a life without you.... GIRL NOT A PROBLEM GIVE IT TO HIM!!!!!!

Thanks for your story and the encouragment. I've driven by his apartment a couple of times, but I've left him alone. I went out with my GFs and had a blast this weekend, but today I started missing him again but it was brief:yep: so I'm making great progress. The fact that he doesn't have what I think is a good reason is part of what makes it harder. He wasn't seeing anyone for over a year before we started dating and he isn't now. It feels worse that he'd rather be ALONE than with me, especially since we were doing so well until the past couple of weeks. We're both really busy so time has always been a problem, but now he wants to act like it's insurmountable. However, I'm definitely going to leave him alone and when he tries to get me back I'm definitely not giving in. We are completely done!
You ladies have some great advice.

I wanted to know if you have to see him at all, Do you hang out with the same friends. I was seeing someone and he broke up with me through a friend, He sent our friend to tell me it was over. But We hung out with the same ppl went to the same school, so I had to see him on a daily basis and my friends where not going to stop hanging out with him. I did. But what really upset him was that I did not care. I was hurt truly but he and no one else could tell, and could you belive that he wanted to get back together because I was not chasing after him. You do not need him. Once you empower yourself and relize that there is someone to truly appreciate you and have the nerve to break up you to your FACE! atleast you will see that this very well could be for the better. There is alway one person that has shared something similar, and my friend had the same experiance I told her to look at the bright side atleast she was stuck with him for a long time or she did not have children by a him. Finewine I have to stop myself before I go into a whole drama list. Feel better, Know that your beautiful and there are men that will appreciate you out there, Like some of the ladies said get out hang out with your gf, have fun, be safe and happy

Thanks girl. I only have to see him at social functions ~ once or twice a year so that isn't much of a problem...thank God.
Can't give you any concrete advice but I will say that your not going to get over him over night. It takes me awhile to get over people but the last time I just did what I had to do. One day I woke up and I stopped calling him, texting him, emailing, IMing, I just cut off all forms of contact. Though, I may think about him most days I know that he doesnt want me in his life so I let it be. Its been a few months and Im still not completely over him and I think thats ok but Im at a point where Im finding other guys attractive again and Im not just stuck on him. Take it one day at a time. Find other stuff to work on to keep your mind off of him and better yourself. I also started focusing more on my health with exercising and my studies (so that I can finally graduate) and Im doing so much better this semester than I did the last when he was around.

Good for you! I'm feeling better than I thought I would at this point, especially since I've been staying pretty busy. I'm going to enjoy my spring break without Him!
this advice is also good for me b/c I'm going through a situaion like yours...my S/O and I wasn't in a serious relationship but he was my bestfriend and the only man in my life, I felt like I didn't need anyone but him in my life but he wasn't ready for a real commitment b/c of a previous relationship but i stay with him and he made me belive I was the one and only one in his life...we went through so much together including drama from the ex, then 3 weeks ago he stop calling, didn't come by, wouldn't even return my phone calls...I miss him so much and I am constantly thinking about what did I do wrong, but as days turn into weeks I am becoming even more lonely and I'm starting to realize he just wasn't the one...like my friends warned me time and time again, and I going to open my life to meeting new people and hopefully the memories will fade away, but I know it is so hard but obviously not that hard for him...it time to focus on me and move on to better things in life...

Awww:grouphug3:. I'm sorry that you're feeling such pain. I've played the same blame game and I've come to the conclusion that we both made mistakes so yours probably were no more detrimenttal than his. Men behave strangely sometimes. I just don't get why it's so hard for them to say they don't want to see someone anymore. It's so childish. I think part of it is them trying to hold on to you while they figure things out and find someone else. It's always worse when you're friends first, isn't it? I miss his friendship, our laughing, the great conversations. We've liked each other since high school ~ 9 yrs ago and after all this time and maturing (well, on my part at least) it just didn't work. I've always thought that I've had feelings for him for so long b/c we could make something special together. No one has ever made me feel as good to be with them as he did. Another part was that he liked me when I had no confidence. I was a hot mess in high school :grin: and now i'm just hot (well, if i say so myself:lachen:) and headed towards a successful career so when people like me now I always question their sincerity, which was the total opposite of what I did with him. The good thing about friends is that they don't have on the rose colored glasses that you do, so they usually assess the situation a little better. You should definitely enjoy your life; I can guarantee that you'll feel a lot better if you hang out with friends and try to take your mind off of him.
i just wanted to add to my post that someone mentioned that men played games.
please believe it. when my ex droped by after i havent heard from him in over a year, why was he in a year and a half long relationship? and why was it that the day he came by was on the very day that would have been our 7 year anniversary.
please believe it. you can walk away.

wow, he actually came over after all that time? How did he know you weren't with someone? I wish my ex would! I haven't deleted his # so that I can ignore him when he calls and he's still my facebook friend so that he can see all the cute pics and take and the fun that i'm having without him!:rolleyes: I'm hoping that leaving these modes of communication open won't backfire and I won't end up calling him, but I don't want to see petty about the Facebook thing. I will eventually see him out again, maybe even in a close setting, so I don't want things to be awkward.

Thanks to everyone who posted! I enjoyed reading your stories and I'm thankful for the good advice.

Feel free to post more.