When you Wrap your Hair...


SuperDuper Member
Hey Ladies, I have a question about when you wrap your hair. Okay, so when I wrap my hair, I wrap from left to right and then tie it up with a silk scarf. I am not wrappin the scarf tightly, so I know that can't be the problem. My problem is after I wrap my hair and take my hair out of the wrap, the front-left side of my hairline is sore. I don't know why that happens. Do you experience that? Do you know why that's happening? I'm thinking it may be because those hairs are not used to (or trained to) laying that way on my head. What can I do to stop that pain? Will the pain stop if I wrapped it regularly? I love the way my hair looks after I wrap it. I stopped wrapping it after it kept hurting though. Thank you all in advance for your responses.
Yes!! I experience this all the time especially when I swith the direct of my wrapping the front of my hair gets very sore but I dont know why this happening so i will BUMP!
Are you using a brush when you wrap your hair? If so, could it be that you are brushing to hard in that area, or that you are tender in that area? I had this issue in the front of my head, but it was because the scarf was too tight, or because the knot I tied was on that spot. I hope you figure it out soon, the wrap does come out nicely, doesn't it. :yawn:
Hi, MtAiryHoney! :hiya2:

I think it could be a combination of any combing or brushing when wrapping, and, like you said, you hair not wanting to lay that direction.

I have wrapped for years, only to find the hair on the left side much thinner than the rest of my hair. I try to only wrap (and with my fingers only), the 4 weeks after my relaxer. From then on, I do something else, i.e, bantu knot twist outs or cornrows.

Are you using a brush when you wrap your hair? If so, could it be that you are brushing to hard in that area, or that you are tender in that area? I had this issue in the front of my head, but it was because the scarf was too tight, or because the knot I tied was on that spot. I hope you figure it out soon, the wrap does come out nicely, doesn't it. :yawn:

No, I use a wide comb or a paddle brush (the ones with the sparce plastic teeth) and I do it gently. Yes, I love the sleek look of a freshly taken out wrap :yep:
Hi, MtAiryHoney! :hiya2:

I think it could be a combination of any combing or brushing when wrapping, and, like you said, you hair not wanting to lay that direction.

I have wrapped for years, only to find the hair on the left side much thinner than the rest of my hair. I try to only wrap (and with my fingers only), the 4 weeks after my relaxer. From then on, I do something else, i.e, bantu knot twist outs or cornrows.


Thinning on the left side??:sad: Maybe it is because my hair doesn't want to lay that way then. Maybe it's not good to lay your hair that way then... plus, the hairline is so delicate anyway. The pain is only in the front, left side of my hair line- like right over my left eyebrow, no where else on my head. Maybe I'll experiment to see if I can possible wrap it, but leaving only that portion of my hairline out of the wrap... I would probably have to use pins when wrapping, but at this point, I'm willing to try anything! Thanks!
No problem!

My beautician also suggested wrapping it different directions to ease the side that is wrapped.

HHG! :)
Hey Ladies, I have a question about when you wrap your hair. Okay, so when I wrap my hair, I wrap from left to right and then tie it up with a silk scarf. I am not wrappin the scarf tightly, so I know that can't be the problem. My problem is after I wrap my hair and take my hair out of the wrap, the front-left side of my hairline is sore. I don't know why that happens. Do you experience that? Do you know why that's happening? I'm thinking it may be because those hairs are not used to (or trained to) laying that way on my head. What can I do to stop that pain? Will the pain stop if I wrapped it regularly? I love the way my hair looks after I wrap it. I stopped wrapping it after it kept hurting though. Thank you all in advance for your responses.

Hi there! I know I'm new on the board, but I have been wrapping my hair at varying lengths for almost a decade (my mom started me early...gotta keep that press n' curl fresh). Your hair follicles are what actually hurt, have you just recently started wrapping? If yes, then your hair follicles aren't use to the manipulation, and they will be sore for up to a few weeks. I know after I had been wrapping my hair from left to right for about 6 years, and I changed it up, and girl, my hair was sore:cry: it's just because my follicles weren't used to that. So, if you keep it up, then the soreness should go away. I don't know what to do about the pain, though. I just stuck it out:yawn:
Hey Ladies, I have a question about when you wrap your hair. Okay, so when I wrap my hair, I wrap from left to right and then tie it up with a silk scarf. I am not wrappin the scarf tightly, so I know that can't be the problem. My problem is after I wrap my hair and take my hair out of the wrap, the front-left side of my hairline is sore. I don't know why that happens. Do you experience that? Do you know why that's happening? I'm thinking it may be because those hairs are not used to (or trained to) laying that way on my head. What can I do to stop that pain? Will the pain stop if I wrapped it regularly? I love the way my hair looks after I wrap it. I stopped wrapping it after it kept hurting though. Thank you all in advance for your responses.
Hi there,, I have the same problem,, I tried wrapping maybe 3 yrs ago and gave it up becuz of that strange soreness on the side the hair was being pulled over on,,, i know soreness cannot be a good sign ad i dont wanna risk losing any hair on that side,, i told my hairdresser at the time and she didnt know why.. maybe some scalps just dont take wrapping well.. be careful
I was having the soreness, and then I started getting breakage in that same area last year. That's what actually brought me to the board. I had to start wrapping in the opposite direction, when I even wrap (I cut way back). I used to wrap in the same direction for YEARS, so I guess it was only a matter of time before I got the breakage and whatnot.
I've had this happen, but I think it was due to the duckbill clips that I used to keep the wrap in place. Now, I wrap it with the clips put my silk scarf on and take the pins out and the soreness and thinning have stopped.
I get that too! So I stopped wrapping for a little bit. I also noticed that one side of my edges lays flatter than the other .... i'm pretty sure it's due to all that wrapping...that another reason why I'm laying off the wrapping for a while....but I still tie my hair up at night. I just pull my hair back into a loose bun or loose braid.