When is you next DIRECT heat "treat"?


Active Member
Hey Ladies,
I know the holidays are coming up aka length checks and heat usage for some people. Since heat is usually avoided by most of us here, I'd like to know how long you usually go without DIRECT heat as I'm contemplating using it on New Years..

I have a few questions:
When was the last time you used heat?
When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it?
And if you don't use heat at all, why? (Styling purposes, the damage done by it, morals :lachen:, your hair hates it, etc)

Sorry if this comes out crazy looking; it's my first time posting on my phone.
I posted my answers in blue :)

Hey Ladies,
I know the holidays are coming up aka length checks and heat usage for some people. Since heat is usually avoided by most of us here, I'd like to know how long you usually go without DIRECT heat as I'm contemplating using it on New Years..

I have a few questions:
When was the last time you used heat?

About a year ago.

When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it?

I really don't know, I'm thinking of flat ironing my ng during during this long term stretch once it gets to be 2"...operative word thinking. I think about alot of things :rolleyes:

And if you don't use heat at all, why? (Styling purposes, the damage done by it, morals :lachen:, your hair hates it, etc)

Well apart from that one flat iron incident, I really don't use direct heat.

1. Well first and foremost, I am low-maintainence (i.e. lazy :lol:). I cannot bear the tedium of parting my hair in 50-11 sections and then flat iron each section :nono:

2. I'm relaxed so I don't need direct heat to straighten.

3. I hate the feeling of head near my head, period. I live in the Caribbean, its already hot as heck here; I don't need any additional reasons to sweat. I can't even tell you the last time I even used a hooded dryer to DC.

Sorry if this comes out crazy looking; it's my first time posting on my phone.
When was the last time you used heat?
Friday :look:

When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it?
Right before Christmas, I'll be spending with my in-laws. So, I'll be blow drying and flat ironing my hair. That will serve as my end of year length check as well.

And if you don't use heat at all, why?
When I don't use heat, I don't see split ends, which translates into less hair needing to be trimmed. I had a no heat regimen for the end of summer and I'll be on that same regimen for the rest of the winter (excluding my Dec length check).
When was the last time you used heat?
-I used direct heat in Oct when I got my relaxer. I went to a new stylist and she didn't know how to roller set that well....:look: So I settled for a blow dry only.
When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it?
-I will probably have my hair blow dried and flat ironed for Christmas. After that, probably no more heat until Spring.
Last time I used heat was Halloween. I will probably not straighten again until New years. I am stretching my relaxer until Feb so that might be next time.
I really don't use heat more than every 3- months. I think that my hair has really been thriving without it so I want to keep that goking.
Thanks ladies your hair &heat regi looks great let's keep it coming!! @ halee_J I could've sworn you were natrual maybe I'm confusing your bun with someone else's but it looks great nonetheless! &one year is a longgg time without heat u go girl. @chasturner84 ur profile pic looks awesome!
The last time I used heat was the end of September. I'm planning on straightening my hair around the Christmas holiday--I'll blowdry and flat iron.
When was the last time you used heat?
I was in a wedding on November 13. I used a blow dryer and flat iron for that day.
I went back to protective styling the very next day (I really didn't have a choice, the Jamaican humidity didn't make my flat iron job last long.)

When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it?
I am trying to make it until December 31 and this is a big deal for someone that likes to wear her hair straight. I will probably air dry and use a flat iron to check my length the best way I can. If possible I may try to go till my birthday in Februrary. I am just taking it one strand at a time. I will probably not be able to visit my salon in Orlando (Dominican) until probably March.

Since my healthy hair journey, I try to only use heat once every 3-4 months and that has been working well. The last time I used heat was in July and I am thinking of flat ironing for Thanksgiving, but if not it will either be for Christmas of New Years. I like the holidays because it's the time of year to celebrate, so I want to celebrate my hair growth as well.
Mine is Wednesday for thanksgiving and I can't wait! I'm going to flat iron and trim and this is my first time having a flat iron in my head since my last relaxer. I used a blowdryer in march to trim a bit but I'm excited to finally show my length. I'm going toflat iron every other month until it gets too warm outside.
When was the last time you used heat?
August 2010 for DH's birthday

When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it?
Either Thanksgiving or Christmas.....maybe both, not sure!
Chi rocket to blow dry and Chi flat iron to straighten
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Hey Ladies,

I have a few questions:
When was the last time you used heat? A flat iron was late July, a blowdryer in September.
When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it? I have no clue, my stylist is on maternity leave so...:look: When I go back to her I will be getting it flatironed just to see how long it is. I only stopped going to her regularly because I wear my hair in a ponytail and work and it didn't make sense to pay 80 bucks a month just to wear my hair in a boring style 5 days a week.

And if you don't use heat at all, why? (Styling purposes, the damage done by it, morals :lachen:, your hair hates it, etc) n/a

Sorry if this comes out crazy looking; it's my first time posting on my phone.
answers in bold:yep:
I have a few questions:
When was the last time you used heat?
august 2010
When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it? For New Year eve, I'll blow dry and flat iron it.
Mine is in January 2011...that way I can monitor my growth throughout the year.
I'm finally getting it together on this!

Last time I used heat was on 9/24/2010 blowdryer 9/25/2010 flat iron.

I've recently incorporated heat in my regimen....
The last time i used heat was Aug 21, 2010.
The next time i use heat will be July/Aug 2011. (I am determined to make a year!)
I'm just curious to see how much my SL hair will grow in a year w/out the damage from heat. We'll see! :-)
lol good thread!

When was the last time you used heat? I blow dry every blue moon on a low setting, but I haven't flat ironed my hair since July
When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it? I plan on gettin my swang on for Christmas. air dry 90% of the way and blow dry the rest. Then spray on my Beyond the Zone heat protectant(LOVE IT!!!) and hit up my hair with my beloved Chi. my bestie is dying to get in my head with her hot comb, but I think NOT!
I haven't used direct heat in a year - I'm in the no heat challenge - and will flat iron my hair in april 2011.
When was the last time you used heat?
--early November

When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it?

-- Probably FEB of 2011

Being that I just straightened my hair... I probably wont again until next year... i'ma be a wiggy or curly girl come Christmas and New years...
The last time I used heat was also the last time I relaxed in July 2010, and I'm transitioning, keeping my hair in braids and using no heat until I do a length check in July 2011.
When was the last time you used heat? May 2010 - during my final relaxer

When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it? January 2010 and I will flat iron

And if you don't use heat at all, why? (Styling purposes, the damage done by it, morals :lachen:, your hair hates it, etc) I am in the midst of transitioning, so I'm cutting my use drastically
When was the last time you used heat?
The week of the 14th. Flat ironed for length check and b'day.:)
When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it?
IDK, I may flat iron around Christmas or New Year's it just depends on what type of activities I have going on. In general, I don't use heat more than twice in any given month and perhaps more than once a quarter. If I do, I make sure to do a protein treatment + DC before or after any heat.
And if you don't use heat at all, why?
I feel like I know how to take care of and style my natural tresses so, the need to 'tame' my hair w/heat is diminished. Also, I like my hair:love3:. I think natural hair is beautiful and not something to be hidden or ashamed of anymore. Using heat too often IMHO, caused me excess breakage and therefore lost retention in the past:nono:. Of course, being ignorant of vital things like protein/moisture balance certainly didn't help either.
Thanks for the responses ladies! I'd have to say that a majority use heat for length checks mostly &/or the holidays. I can't wait for all the prgress threads in a few weeks!
I last used heat when I relaxed 8 weeks ago. I will next use heat at Christmas, and that will be my roots only. I won't flat iron the whole length until I next touch up.
When was the last time you used heat? Early September for the Mary J. Blige concert
When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it? March 2011. I am going to get it blowdried and flatironed to do a length check and for my birthday. I am trying to limit my usage to every 6 months because i have extensive heat damage that I need to grow out/cut off.
im doing a length check on my BC anniversary on march 25th...i've never used direct heat on my natural hair (unless you count a blowout that literally took less than 2 minutes on low speed and cool temperature, just to pick out already airdried overnight hair)...i plan on doing a roller set/silk wrap...and if i absolutely need to, then i will flat iron my ROOTS ONLY. i dont use heat because i like my curls and im paranoid of heat damage.
When was the last time you used heat?
Late Sept of this year

When will be the next time you heat, and how will you use it?
Early/mid February for my birthday. I will get a blow dry and flat iron at the salon.

And if you don't use heat at all, why? (Styling purposes, the damage done by it, morals , your hair hates it, etc)
I used to get my hair blow dried and flat ironed weekly, but I felt like my hair was starting to look limp/thin, plus I was spending a lot of time and money at the salon. Also, I'm trying to get to Apl for the first time ever and I'm hoping cutting back on heat will help me get there. Im going to try to not use heat for the rest of this year. And to only use it about 3 times next year.
I got a Dominican blowout in October for my birthday and a (late) length check. I'll do one more length check before the end of the year, but I had already made up my mind over the summer to use heat more once it got cold outside. My goal was actually to wear my hair straight 90% of the fall/winter, but so far I've only gotten it straightened once, and that lasted about 3 weeks. It's just easier to wear my hair curly and in a bun or something -- not to mention cheaper and my SO likes it more curly than straight. I know how to take care of my hair to avoid permanent damage, and by using it "more" I mean once a month instead of once every 3 months, so my definition of being a frequent heat user is nothing like it was in 2007 before I began transitioning.
Last time i used heat was in August.
Next time i use heat will be maybe Thanksgiving or Christmas haven't made up my mind yet and i will be Flatironing.