When is the last time you wash before a relaxer?


Well-Known Member
I'm about to get a relaxer wednesday and I want to wash tonight because last week I got a dominican blowout and you can't see my new growth and I'm afraid my stylist will overlap or think I don't need a relaxer. Is it too late for me to wash 3 days before a relaxer? I've heard the last time you should wash is a week before.
I'm about to get a relaxer wednesday and I want to wash tonight because last week I got a dominican blowout and you can't see my new growth and I'm afraid my stylist will overlap or think I don't need a relaxer. Is it too late for me to wash 3 days before a relaxer? I've heard the last time you should wash is a week before.

I wash 6-7 days before a relaxer. Some of the ladies on here have washed the day before without any problems, but I wouldn't recommend it, just to be on the safe side. Have you thought about just telling her how far she should be going?

If your hair is anything like mine, all you have to do is break a sweat to see the new growth...:lachen:
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I generally wash about 3 days before a relaxer with no problems. As long as you don't manipulate your hair much after that and before gettin a relaxer you should be ok.

I wash 6-7 days before a relaxer. Some of the ladies on here have washed the day before without any problems, but I wouldn't recommend it, just to be on the safe side. Have you thought about just telling her how far she should be going?

If your hair is anythign like minem, all you have to do is break a sweat to see the new growth...:lachen:

LOL. Same here, I really don't know how far my new growth is, but I've been needed to work out....:grin:

Now that I think about it, if I spray some surge or something on it, my new growth will probably come right out.
I think you should be fine if you wash. I just relaxed today and the pamphlet said to make sure that your scalp hadn't been roughly malipulated (or something along those lines) within the last 24 hours. I have relaxed the day after a wash if I was swimming or something.
I just washed this morning, and I plan on relaxing on Tuesday night. I just added extra oil to my scalp afterwards, to be sure I don't burn up on Tuesday.
Last time I washed the day before, airdryed overnight and relaxed that next day. I did not wash my scalp, only my hair. It turned out great, no burns at all. Dlewis, i think, washes and relaxes the same day. As long as the scalp is protected and not agitated, you can do this.
My last touch up, I had twist in the front of my head and I wanted to wash of course. I wash it oiled my scalp and I was ok, and this was 3 days before the actual touch up.