"When I had a texturizer...I would give myself A RETOUCH EVERY OTHER WEEK"....?


Well-Known Member
....words from a black hairstylist at Fantastic Sam's. She claimed that w/ my hair being texturized/mildly relaxed, I would need to get retouches more frequently... ? :shocked:

And!! When I told your that my hair was not evenly relaxed, she was like...."Yeah, cause some parts are going to be bone straight and some parts are still going to be curly..." ?tsk... :shocked: She said it like that's how it's supposed to be.

Did I argue w/ her? Hell no...I was too busy trying to hop out of that chair!!!

Who are these ppl?

Why is it that some hairstylists give horrible advice? This is the worst I've heard yet! Thankgoodness you left. :clapping:
itismehmmkay said:
....words from a black hairstylist at Fantastic Sam's. She claimed that w/ my hair being texturized/mildly relaxed, I would need to get retouches more frequently... ? :shocked:


Yeah, my stylist tried to feed me this same bull. I just let her say whatever, and do my OWN thing. There is NO way I'm going in there every month for a touchup even if I have a milder relaxer. THat's crazy! What's the difference? And get this, SHE was the one that encouraged me to switch to a mild relaxer. Yet, NOW she says that it's better to relax my hair more often now?? WHat the? Makes no sense at all. Don't listen to what some of these stylist say. Just do what feels right for YOUR hair. :-)
you know, this woman i work with was telling me about how she gets a relaxer once a month or so....it BLEW MY MIND!! her hair is bone straight and barely reaches her shoulders...it makes me sad...she seems obsessed :(