When God says "go"

I just have something to share with all of you ladies. Be patient with me please. I am in the army and have been deployed to Iraq twice already. I am scheduled to return in about another week or so. I was having a lot of difficulty with this at first and I continued to pray against it, as did other family members and friends.

Now I remember when I told God that if He needed someone to to do His work to send me. I'm willing to go. I just find it to be a trip how reluctant and down-heartened we become when sometimes He takes us up on our offers.

Although God has since given me such a peace about this deployment, I can't help but to think about my initial reaction. I know that God has called me. I know that there is a mission that He has for me and my life. Yet, when the thought of being in an uncomfortable situation for His glory arose, I wanted to fight kicking and screaming. As soon as I accepted it and asked for His strength to make it through, I was immediately replenished and given a fresh anointing.

It's just amazing to me how sometimes we can tell the Lord things that we think we mean at the time, or make "conditional" vows that will break under the "wrong" circumstances. I love the Lord. I love Him so much, and I had to realize that not everything that He requires of us is going to feel good, but we gotta know that it is for our good. I decided to go. Not because I have no other choice, but because He desires it.

I just wanted to urge any of you other ladies to trust God and think about what your commitment to God is really about. It's not about your salvation. It's about being available for His purpose. I thank you ladies for taking the time to read this and allowing me to share. God bless you.
First off, I would like to express my admiration towards you. You sound so selfless. Your faith in the Lord will make you even stronger and give a certain inner and powerful strength that you did not even know you had.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this message. The other day I was praying. And then I stopped to ask myself, "Why am I praying?" Is it to gain favors of some sort? Is it out of fear?

I am slowly realizing that I am here to serve him and although I have not quite figured it all out yet, I am learning to be still and patient...which sometimes is exactly what he desires.

I pray you serve out your time and return home safely. I pray that you serve faithfully without wavering and enjoy all of the blessings coming your way.
I agree totatlly, for I was in this place. In 2000 I told the Lord yes, I'll go and when the assignment came in (no I'm not military) I didn't want it. I didn't want the uncomfortness it would bring.

Today I can say this walk is not about me, but it's about God getting the glory out of my life.

I truly couldn't say that 7 years ago, but through this uncomfortable test he had me in, it showed me alot about me and God.

One thing I love about God is even when he puts us in the uncomfortable situations if it's truly God, he'll always give you his peace.

We serve an awesome God that knows more about living than we ever could, so if we could just trust him with our lives we would be so much happier.

Because even when it doesn feel good or look good, if we continue to let it be about him, he'll work it out for the good.

Thanks for sharing.

Love ya.
I just have something to share with all of you ladies. Be patient with me please. I am in the army and have been deployed to Iraq twice already. I am scheduled to return in about another week or so. I was having a lot of difficulty with this at first and I continued to pray against it, as did other family members and friends.

Now I remember when I told God that if He needed someone to to do His work to send me. I'm willing to go. I just find it to be a trip how reluctant and down-heartened we become when sometimes He takes us up on our offers.

Although God has since given me such a peace about this deployment, I can't help but to think about my initial reaction. I know that God has called me. I know that there is a mission that He has for me and my life. Yet, when the thought of being in an uncomfortable situation for His glory arose, I wanted to fight kicking and screaming. As soon as I accepted it and asked for His strength to make it through, I was immediately replenished and given a fresh anointing.

It's just amazing to me how sometimes we can tell the Lord things that we think we mean at the time, or make "conditional" vows that will break under the "wrong" circumstances. I love the Lord. I love Him so much, and I had to realize that not everything that He requires of us is going to feel good, but we gotta know that it is for our good. I decided to go. Not because I have no other choice, but because He desires it.

I just wanted to urge any of you other ladies to trust God and think about what your commitment to God is really about. It's not about your salvation. It's about being available for His purpose. I thank you ladies for taking the time to read this and allowing me to share. God bless you.

What a precious 'wonder' and beautiful woman you are. :kiss: While reading your post, I felt you in my heart as I would my sister or even my very dear friend. I could feel myself 'holding' onto you, crying...I don't want you to go, and then as I read further, I saw something more about loving someone, and that was in 'allowing' them to go in order for God to show His glory through them. God is showing His glory through you.

May I share this scripture. I love it; I pray it over my son-in-law each time he goes out to sea (Navy).

And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of. Genesis 28:15

Dearest one...dearest sister of ours, you truly are the girl to love and you are indeed loved far above any other place in this earth that God will take you and carry you safely to and from.

For though a thousand may fall by your side; ten thousand by your right hand, it shall not come nigh thee. (Psalm 91)

For you are safe in the city and out of the city...whenever, wherever; for always. In Jesus' name...Amen and Amen.

You are surrounded by love and prayers dear one. :love4:

ETA: You're so right about what you said. God 'hears' us and He answers exactly as we pray... all the time. :yep:
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First off, I would like to express my admiration towards you. You sound so selfless. Your faith in the Lord will make you even stronger and give a certain inner and powerful strength that you did not even know you had.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this message. The other day I was praying. And then I stopped to ask myself, "Why am I praying?" Is it to gain favors of some sort? Is it out of fear?

I am slowly realizing that I am here to serve him and although I have not quite figured it all out yet, I am learning to be still and patient...which sometimes is exactly what he desires.

I pray you serve out your time and return home safely. I pray that you serve faithfully without wavering and enjoy all of the blessings coming your way.

Thank you so much for the kind words. This is one of those things that I know will be tough, but I sincerely believe that if He is bringing me to it, He will bring me through it.

I had to understand something also about my relationship with God. He continues to show me in the book of John where it says "If you love me, keep my commandments." That's when I had to realize that showing Him that I love Him has nothing to do with just saying it, or the things that I feel when I think about Him. It has everything to do with my actions and what I do to please Him. Sometimes we have to sacrifice for the ones we love, just like Jesus did for us. God bless you sis.
I agree totatlly, for I was in this place. In 2000 I told the Lord yes, I'll go and when the assignment came in (no I'm not military) I didn't want it. I didn't want the uncomfortness it would bring.

Today I can say this walk is not about me, but it's about God getting the glory out of my life.

I truly couldn't say that 7 years ago, but through this uncomfortable test he had me in, it showed me alot about me and God.

One thing I love about God is even when he puts us in the uncomfortable situations if it's truly God, he'll always give you his peace.

We serve an awesome God that knows more about living than we ever could, so if we could just trust him with our lives we would be so much happier.

Because even when it doesn feel good or look good, if we continue to let it be about him, he'll work it out for the good.

Thanks for sharing.

Love ya.

I am learning to REALLY trust Him for the first time. I have always had an issue with trusting people in my life, but for the first time, I am allowing God to show me what He wants me to see and use me the way that He wants to use me. We really do serve an awesome God, and I am seeing just how great He is with each day that passes.
What a precious 'wonder' and beautiful woman you are. :kiss: While reading your post, I felt you in my heart as I would my sister or even my very dear friend. I could feel myself 'holding' onto you, crying...I don't want you to go, and then as I read further, I saw something more about loving someone, and that was in 'allowing' them to go in order for God to show His glory through them. God is showing His glory through you.

May I share this scripture. I love it; I pray it over my son-in-law each time he goes out to sea (Navy).

And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of. Genesis 28:15

Dearest one...dearest sister of ours, you truly are the girl to love and you are indeed loved far above any other place in this earth that God will take you and carry you safely to and from.

For though a thousand may fall by your side; ten thousand by your right hand, it shall not come nigh thee. (Psalm 91)

For you are safe in the city and out of the city...whenever, wherever; for always. In Jesus' name...Amen and Amen.

You are surrounded by love and prayers dear one. :love4:

ETA: You're so right about what you said. God 'hears' us and He answers exactly as we pray... all the time. :yep:

I thank you so much for the words and the prayer. I know that God will take care of me. Just like He told me the last time I went, He didn't bring me there to die and I know that this time will be no different.

I expect great things from God out of this deployment. I just know that if He is allowing it that there is a great purpose in it. I know that He hears my prayers and that He loves me. He will not allow me to suffer unless there is purpose in it. I just hope that you all continue to pray for me and pray that His will be done.

You are going to be in my prayers. Your story/testimony is an encoragment as both my husband and I are facing some "unknowns" in our career paths right now. As hard as it is to go through it, you have helped us to remember that our God is sooo big, and we are by no means the only ones out there in trials. And there are some trials that we can't handle alone, but "I AM" is with us.

I salute you for your bravery and for your faith in our Lord. Please use this opportunity to minister to your peers. I know God is calling you to have a big ministry in this area, and I'm sure you will make him proud.:yawn:

ETA: I am now singing "When God says goooo" in my head (KSheard and Kiki)
I thank you so much for the words and the prayer. I know that God will take care of me. Just like He told me the last time I went, He didn't bring me there to die and I know that this time will be no different.

I expect great things from God out of this deployment. I just know that if He is allowing it that there is a great purpose in it. I know that He hears my prayers and that He loves me. He will not allow me to suffer unless there is purpose in it. I just hope that you all continue to pray for me and pray that His will be done.
You are 'indeed' in my heart and prayers. I admire you...Sweet Soldier of Light...the Light of Jesus Christ for those who would otherwise not know His love.

You are the 'Water Vessel' carrying the waters of life to quench their thirst...eternal. :heart2:
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Melodee- I thank God that He allowed me to be used in your family's situation. Thank you for the encouragement and the prayers. Sometimes, it can get a little scary and even discouraging to face the unknowns.... especially when it seems like you might not come out alright, but I am learning to have that crazy faith. That faith that lets me know that God has me in the palm of His hand and no one or no thing can take me out.

One thing that I am really starting to realize is that my favor with God is not determined by my situation, or who likes me, or what people do to me. Just like Daniel, my favor goes wherever I go. So I can be sitting in a house on a hill sippin' lemonade or in the middle of a 3rd world country in a war zone. It doesn't matter. My favor is not determined by how much money I have in my account, cause I have seen God work things out on my behalf when it seemed like I didn't have a dollar to my name and I have also seen everything go down the drain when I have had a 5 figure bank account. People don't make me, money doesn't make me. Only God can make me. I know I got a little long winded there, but I felt like I had to get that out.

Shimmie- I read your posts all the time, and I see the amazing spirit that you have. You have a love for God that is uncommon and I truly thank you and appreciate you for sharing it with us all. God is truly great. I am coming to know Him and learn more of His greatness with everyday that passes. I thank you for keeping me in your prayers. I need it. In my spirit, I believe and feel everything that you said. I truly do. God bless you and I thank you for the encouragement and love.
I'm praying for you sweetie! You have definitely encouraged me....:kiss:

Awwww, thank you honey. I just know that there are some things that God wants to do and I am excited that He is trusting me to handle those things. Please pray that I stay focused and determined.
I just have something to share with all of you ladies. Be patient with me please. I am in the army and have been deployed to Iraq twice already. I am scheduled to return in about another week or so. I was having a lot of difficulty with this at first and I continued to pray against it, as did other family members and friends.

Now I remember when I told God that if He needed someone to to do His work to send me. I'm willing to go. I just find it to be a trip how reluctant and down-heartened we become when sometimes He takes us up on our offers.

Although God has since given me such a peace about this deployment, I can't help but to think about my initial reaction. I know that God has called me. I know that there is a mission that He has for me and my life. Yet, when the thought of being in an uncomfortable situation for His glory arose, I wanted to fight kicking and screaming. As soon as I accepted it and asked for His strength to make it through, I was immediately replenished and given a fresh anointing.

It's just amazing to me how sometimes we can tell the Lord things that we think we mean at the time, or make "conditional" vows that will break under the "wrong" circumstances. I love the Lord. I love Him so much, and I had to realize that not everything that He requires of us is going to feel good, but we gotta know that it is for our good. I decided to go. Not because I have no other choice, but because He desires it.

I just wanted to urge any of you other ladies to trust God and think about what your commitment to God is really about. It's not about your salvation. It's about being available for His purpose. I thank you ladies for taking the time to read this and allowing me to share. God bless you.

You are so right! I ain't gon' lie--I really try to watch what I say to God now. :lol: I learned the hard way from trying to be all super-spiritual and saying "use me Lord" and "What do you need me to do?" and things like that.

Bless you though and thank you for all you do as part of the military. You are appreciated. :kiss:
The ladies who posted have pretty much summed up my feelings as well! I just happened to look into this thread, and I will be forever blessed because of it! God bless you!!
You are so right! I ain't gon' lie--I really try to watch what I say to God now. :lol: I learned the hard way from trying to be all super-spiritual and saying "use me Lord" and "What do you need me to do?" and things like that.

Bless you though and thank you for all you do as part of the military. You are appreciated. :kiss:

Girl, you are not the only one. I really have to be careful of what I pray too. That is how I ended up in Iraq the first time!!! Here's the story...

I was in Iraq when the war first started in '03. I remember after about 4 months of me being there, I was walking down the street and I was singing to the Lord. I stopped and said "Lord, I have to ask you...how did I end up in Iraq?" He said "You prayed to be here." I stopped dead in my tracks like "Ok God, I know that You are omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and all of that, but God...I ain't pray to come to Iraq!!!!" :look:

That is when He reminded me of the prayer. When I was in a time of a lot of spiritual struggle and having a hard time staying focused, I prayed this prayer, "God, put me in a place where I am away from friends, family and distractions so that I can focus on You and get stronger in You." Then He said "...and THAT'S how you got to Iraq".
I was like "MAN!!! Got to be more careful":lachen: It was definitely an experience that I will never forget though. God really showed out on that deployment.

Hey...at least I know that God hears me. :yep: I thank you so much for the love and the appreciation. I just thank God for placing me where He wants me to be. It warms my heart to know that God knew I would fuss a little bit, but ultimately my answer would be 'yes'. I love Him so much.
The ladies who posted have pretty much summed up my feelings as well! I just happened to look into this thread, and I will be forever blessed because of it! God bless you!!

Oh thank you so much. I am thankful that it touched somebody. God bless you too lady!