when do you take your vitamins? & how?


since i added an extra vitamin to my routine i am having trouble figuring out when to take them. at first i used to take my GNC HSN vitamins w/ my dinner at night, but now that i am taking GNC MW vitamins i don't see where i can squeeze it in and i am not sure if you can take both vitamins together.

for example i decided to skip breakfast because of my schedule. breakfast makes me hungry by 11 or 12 (lunch time) but i cannot take a break at this time most days of the week. the days that i have to work i don't get my break until about 1 pm, so eating breakfast would cause my blood sugra to drop earlier and the day, while i found skipping breakfast doesn't give the hypoglecimic(sp) problem until after 3pm, like i said my break is at 1 so the problem is pevented. on the days i have class all day (8:30 to 7:45pm) its hard to bring extra items with me especially when my bag is filled the the max with my books and depending what happens i can't eat right away either, which is why i don't eat breakfast before school anyway.

so i guess my question is when do you take your vitamins, do you take them all at once or space them out between a few hours? is taking vitamins with food really necessary?
I take my vitamins all at once, and I never take them with meals. I usually take them with water or juice. Or, if I'm not planning to take a soy isoflavones tablet that day, I'll take them with a vanilla soy and fresh banana shake. I usually take them in the evening.
well i take my vits last thing in the day after my supper. I tried to space them out throughout the day but i get too busy durin the day so i was forgettin to take my afternoon dosage so now they are all bein taken at the same time
I take my vitamins spaced throughout the day so that I don't assault my body all at once with a whole bunch of nutrients that it will then end up flushing out. If you can buy time released vitamins and this won't be a problem. However it's no good taking all your vitamins at once if you're taking megadoses because your body will simply rid itself of the excess dosage (or worse the dosages can become toxic in some cases). I usually also take my vitamins with food for best absorption or follow the directions on the bottle. Different vitamins have different directions for maximum absorption. Happy hair growing!
I take my vitamins spaced throughout the day so that I don't assault my body all at once with a whole bunch of nutrients that it will then end up flushing out. If you can buy time released vitamins and this won't be a problem. However it's no good taking all your vitamins at once if you're taking megadoses because your body will simply rid itself of the excess dosage (or worse the dosages can become toxic in some cases). I usually also take my vitamins with food for best absorption or follow the directions on the bottle. Different vitamins have different directions for maximum absorption. Happy hair growing!

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right that makes sense but i am trying to figure out how to follow the directions on the bottle during my super active days and its hard. i hadn't thought of the "overdose" effect of taking everything at once though-good point
I just ordered some biotin. msm, flaxseed oil, and I am taking a one a day vitamin.... I am about to get me some evening primrose... can they make you "overdose" so to speak... I am scared about taking to much and hurting myself... oh yea and a pre natal (sp?) vitamin
I have my multi and evening primrose oil. After lunch I take only half of my multi and one EPO (500 mg). And I do the same thing after dinner, the other half of my multi and another EPO.
I take ALOT of vitamins (for general health) so I space them at 3 times per day...morning, afternoon, evening. I just find it easier to organize my dosages and to get them all down if I don't take them at once. As another person said, you don't want large doses just coming at your body all at once. I think that you'd have better results if you space them out and allow things to slowly intergrate.

Besides, some of these vits make you "go" quite often so....