when do you put your leave-in/moisturizer on after a wash?


Well-Known Member
do you put it on right after you step out of the shower w/ soaking wet hair? or do you let it dry most or all of the way before putting on your leave-ins/moisturizers?

i usually put it on soaking wet hair
but tonight i decided to let my hair airdry most of the way
and THEN put my leave-in on to see if i get better results

i kind of have a feeling i will get better results this way.

i'll just wait until it's completely dry and see how it feels.
I step out of the shower, detangle with infusium23 then add my keave in and wet bun. When my hair is completely dry i add my moisturizer.
Shake out water like a poodle and add Giovanni Direct to damp, not dripping hair. I also style while wet.
I squeeze all of the water out with my hands and then apply my leave-in.

Lacio Lacio!:grin:

Cosign-when my hair is not in protective styling. I also wrap the towel around my head into a turban style and let the water absorb a bit before applying. I like a little water because it assists with the comb out.
I towel dry my hair, then apply Fermodyl 619 section by section, until my hair is a little drippy. Then I apply Keracare Leave-in Conditioner and CHI Silk Infusion. Fermodyl really makes my hair airdry soft, I love it!
I put the leave-in on dripping wet hair, then follow up with shea butter to each portion on hair before I twist. Then I let it air dry, its always very moisturized.
thanks for your input ladies!!!

i think the method of letting it dry a bit more before adding the leave-in did work better for me
although the dry artificial house heat has sucked most of the moisture out already.

dang winter!

my hair doesnt seem to really like most oils, but i'm kinda thinking maybe i need to look for a light one that'll help me keep my moisture in longer during this time of year.