When did you find your HGs?


New Member
I am 3 years into my natural journey and it took me 3 whole years to find my Holy Grail products and things that worked for me consistently.

How long into your hair journey did you find your HGs?
:drunk:Still searching.

Still trying to find a way to retain my ends. I cannot believe how incredibly delicate my hair is, no retention method is outstanding. All hairdressers I have ever had said I would be lucky if my hair retained to shoulders (even with protective hairstyles). :sad:

Hey, it's healthy!:spinning:
About a year in my overall HHJ.

I would leave them. But, I couldn't resist and I would only return. That's how I knew they were my HGs.

This is me now. So, I'm still searching for holy grails. Technically on the journey since late 2009. I bought new hair products weekly trying to get the yummy-est hair. I couldn't afford to keep doing that so I controlled myself a little. I have some favorites, but I'd like to narrow my stash down to one undersink cabinet rather than several :lachen:

My hubby would appreciate that too.
It varied. I bought Organix Coconut Milk shampoo and conditioner before the BC. But I tried other products. I think it was between year one to two to realize they were HGs. Same with coconut oil.

It took between year one to two to discover QB BRBC & AOHC and make them my HGs.

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Very early on, maybe a month or two into my HHJ, but I keep trying new things and they never compare. If I don't want any surprises, I pull out my holy grails.
almost immediately. within 3 months id found things that i would later come to realize were my HGs.

i think that's because i focused less on gimmicks and more on just yummy ingredients. :lick: