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I mean literally what is your worst hair nightmare??

I just had a dream that was hair was so dry and brittle..no matter what I did to it nothing would help. I spend tons of money on all the best salon brand conditioners and nothing worked. My hair was so bad you could take a bunch of strands, tug on them just a little bit and they would snap in half. :cry4:EEK! lol I woke up breathing all hard in a cold sweat! Share your worst hair dream whether you actually had that dream...or you just never want this to happen to your hair.
If i had to big chop now, at 4 months post, it would be a nightmare. As the majority of my hair is a tightish texture, but at the front and crown it's softer and looser so i'd always be sporting some afro type Elvis style.
A couple of months ago i had a dream i burnt some patches of my hair out with relaxer, since then i haven't relaxed.
I fear that my hair just will not grow long! I see it growing now but I just feel like somethings gonna happen where I have to cut or it all breaks off :/ I have bad dreams like that... like gum gets stuck and I have to cut it out or something crazy like that
Well unfortunately it wasn't a dream, I went to florida and was in the water with chlorine for a week, didn't bring shampoo. SOOOOO..... the chlorine dried in my hair, I used the hotel sample given nada, I did go back into the pool and my hair was died it came back with Absolutely no color in it, dried, hard to the touch, it was battered looking. HORRIBLE, when I washed it I got a few handfuls of hair out, it took three weeks to get it to even okay feeling for me, the amount of hair that came out I could have made several dozen little full headed barbies, not the ones that only have top hair. It was sad really.
I have been going to a trusted hair dresser asking her to look at my ends to see if they are split. She keeps telling me NO! Pre-LHCF I would need trims often -- I got a fresh blow dry weekly. So I am used to trims. Now I use heat once monthly and haven't had a trim since my relaxer. So I now I am SUPER nervous thinking I have some secret split ends and my hair will split up the shaft. I almost want to tell her just trim it anyway. Ease my nerves...
O yea -- I had an actual nightmare one time that my hair dresser gave me a touch-up! I woke up in a panic!
splits/knots mid-shaft
brittle/broken hair
bald spots/edges
no retention/growth
starting over my hair journey from scratch
sitting in a stylist chair *cringes*
i guess having to bc to a fade again. its not really a nightmare; i looked good with the twa eventually, and my natural hair is awesome... its just something i wouldn't prefer doing again. ♥
I had a nightmare that I went to a salon for a touch-up. I sat down in the chair and they started basing my scalp, but then I like...blacked out. When I came to, I was back in my house sitting in front of a mirror, and my hair was chin length. I started freaking out and went back to the salon, but it disappeared. There was just an empty lot where it had been. I tried to ask other people what happened to the salon, but nobody spoke English or Spanish. Finally, I got really frustrated and tried to go back home, thinking that at least my ends were fresh and blunt. But when I started walking, a bus hit me.
I woke up in the hospital, and my mom was sitting there crying. So I was like, hey what's wrong. She gave me a mirror, and my head was completely bald. Like, shiny egghead bald.

That's when I woke up. When I did, I ran to the mirror, ripped off my scarf and almost cried with relief when I saw that I still had hair on my head.
Saying it now, it doesn't sound that bad, but it was a really scary dream. :nono:
Do ya'll remember the scene from "What's Love Got to Do With It" when Anna Mae is getting her hair bleached at the salon and while rinsing, it starts sliding off her head in huge clumps?

That's what I imagine every time I rinse my relaxer out. :nono:
I had a nightmare that I went to a salon for a touch-up. I sat down in the chair and they started basing my scalp, but then I like...blacked out. When I came to, I was back in my house sitting in front of a mirror, and my hair was chin length. I started freaking out and went back to the salon, but it disappeared. There was just an empty lot where it had been. I tried to ask other people what happened to the salon, but nobody spoke English or Spanish. Finally, I got really frustrated and tried to go back home, thinking that at least my ends were fresh and blunt. But when I started walking, a bus hit me.
I woke up in the hospital, and my mom was sitting there crying. So I was like, hey what's wrong. She gave me a mirror, and my head was completely bald. Like, shiny egghead bald.

That's when I woke up. When I did, I ran to the mirror, ripped off my scarf and almost cried with relief when I saw that I still had hair on my head.
Saying it now, it doesn't sound that bad, but it was a really scary dream. :nono:

Girrrrrrrrrrrllll! WHAT did you eat that night??
I had a dream that i finally took my braid out (after 11 weeks with lots of growth), only to go to a salon and they not only relaxed my hair (i'm transitioning), but they cut it to ear length. that dream felt sooo real. i was happy to wake up.
I am natural. I had a dream that I went to a salon for a deep condition. When the person put the cream in my hair, it smelled familiar, but I could not place it. Then I realized that it was relaxer.

I started yelling for the person to wash it out, but they ignored me. By the time it was washed out, I had perfectly straight hair. I cannot quite remember, but I think that it was also shorter.
The dream where I go in for a deep condition and the stylist puts in a relaxer instead :nono:

LMAO I have that nightmare all the time. I had a dream a few nights ago that my hair fell out so I cut it bald. In my dream I was thinking oh no what will the ladies at the LHCF say?!!!
During my first stretch, half way through, I had a nightmare that I'd woken up to hair all over my pillow and when I went to the bathroom to remove my scarf, my hair was coming out in clumps all over broken, damaged and dry from the two different textures.
Girrrrrrrrrrrllll! WHAT did you eat that night??

Smh, these are the questions. I don't even remember...I'm just glad that I woke up with hair on my head. That was definitely one of the worst dreams ever.

LMAO I have that nightmare all the time. I had a dream a few nights ago that my hair fell out so I cut it bald. In my dream I was thinking oh no what will the ladies at the LHCF say?!!!

I know it's not my hair, but I think I'd seriously cry a little bit. :look:
It's funny how most of us have the same dream! I dreamnt that I self relaxed after 2 months after my bc...i was so real I don't really remember the details but I know that, could be one of the things I fear most in lchf world.
I am very afraid of permanent dye. So I had a dream that I dyed chunks of hot pink/red into my hair and it all fell out the same day. Unfortunately, I used to be a hair dye junkie and this happened in reality, but the damage was not immediate. That's the only dream I can recall that involved my hair. I can't say my preoccupation with hair is that ingrained into my consciousness that I have wild, disturbing dreams about progress lost or deterred. Waking life is a lot scarier for me; I'm paranoid that I'll do something horrible to my hair with good intentions.
I think I also have a fear of having to start my journey all over again...but breakage is always the worst especially when it is in a certain spot so your hair becomes uneven.

Thanks for your responses ladies...this is kinda therapeutic :lol: