What's your ultimate hair goal?


New Member
When I joined LHCF, I wanted to save money on salon visits by caring for my hair at home. I never cared to much about length,...just healthy hair. So, what's your ultimate hair goal?
Thick, shiny, APL. Then I'm done. Never wanted really long hair.

But for right now I'll settle for just healthy hair.
Mine is WL... I always wanted hair flowing down my back..so now that I know it is realistic..There is nothing that will stop me!:yep::grin:
i'm newer to the board as well and i really just want healthier hair to start off with. but like netnet26, said, now that i know what is possible, and with all of the advice that i seem to be able to find here at LHCF, i would LOVE waist length hair.
my ultimate goal is hip length at first when i joined i wanted it to be waist but after visiting a few fotki's and discovering loveyaforever aka redhotlala my goal now is getting her hair on my head:yep: shes my heroooo:grin:
Tailbone length... UNSTRETCHED :yay:

Hey, one can only dream...

That would mean knee length stretched, lol.
