What's your MSM type? Do you even know


New Member
An informative chart I found on the site where I purchase my MSM which I've been reading up on.

I'm going to be starting the Distilipure this weekend, I've ordered 2lbs of the crystal flakes for £50 so I'm sure by the end of all that I'll have something worthwhile reporting. I was on the Lignisul flakes before. Didn't realise you could get synthetic MSM :eek:

-I'm taking the exact one you have, ever since finding out about synthetic msm, I began ordering mine from a1msm since november last year, its absolutely brillant. good luck with your results.
How do you know if your MSMS is synthetic or not? I don't trust one company that says ALLL other MSM's (except for their's, of course!) is crappy.
missnappylady said:
Apparently pure MSM completely dissolves in water and the ones with fillers don't.

Isn't that just w/ the powder though. Flakes or crystals wouldn't dissolve like that. Then there is how much water you use b/c water can get saturated with something else and all of the MSM won't dissolve. Hmm...
What is so sad is I read about MSM from the board and ran to Wholefoods to get it. I did not even figure out what type of MSM to get. Thank God I didn't take any yet ****** off to read the label******
Thanks for this valuable info!! I had been taking MSM in pill form from GNC but I just ordered 2 lbs of the Distilpure crystal flakes...
I use the crystals (not powder) and they do disolve completly in water BUT the taste is :eek: . I have yet to figure a way to mask the taste. Toodles!!
I take Jarrow Formulas MSM. It says it contains pure MSM & no other ingredients.....I hope it's not synthetic. I wonder how could I find out??

ETA: It says organic on the container, so I guess that answers my question.