Whats your megatex / OCT regimen?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to post another topic on MT/ OCT but I was interesting in finding out what everyone's MT / OCT regimen is?

I am just starting to use this consistently but I want to find the BEST way to use it for ultimate results.

I was thinking of using it every night before my shower.
Co washing once a week and DC once a week (so two washes in total)

I was also thinking about whether you could use Megatex itself as a co wash. I thought it would be a good idea to alternate between a moisturising co wash and protein (mega tex co wash)?

What you think? and what do you do?

Please respond lol :look:
I just started using MegaTek, but I apply it directly to my scalp daily. It seems to be working out.. The smell is strong, sort of coconut and the build up can be a lot, but I co-wash and fully wash my hair each week so its no problem.

I think you should alternate between a moisturizing conditioner and a protein conditioner just for the health of your hair. However, I have never thought about using MegaTek as a pre-poo..

The other ladies may have thoughts on that.
Here is a thread with a lot of reggies in it.....

I apply my MT on Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri/Sun and I DCowash on Wed/Sat with something super moisturizing.

This last week past, I did DC with a little MT mixed in with my other stuff - but I'm really careful with it, because my hair is protein sensitive. I'm pretty sure some other ladies use MT as a pre-poo rather frequently though - leaving it on for 15 minutes, or so?
I apply MT/OCT to my scalp only everyday. I alternate weeks with each product. I cowash once a week and wash with Indian powders & oils, & dc once a week. I also mix a little oil in with my MT/OCT before I apply, this saves me reapplying oil to my scalp afterwards. I'm very careful not to get the MT/OCT on the length of the hair, because I'm only wetting my hair twice a week. ( I'm all about simplicity). After I apply my mixture to my scalp I moisturize my ends, seal with oil, put in a bun and call it a night. I'm too lazy to cowash everyday, plus my hair is thriving from doing this routine, by applying to my scalp only, I avoid to much protein on the length, (it rinses thru anyway when I cowash) and it helps my products last MUCH longer.
I mix it 50-50 with my regular hair oil (safflower) and apply it to my scalp and the length of my hair for at least an hour, then I rinse and co-wash as usual.
I washed my hair with a clarifying shampoo, (Ion) and I love how it makes my scalp and hair feels strong. This time I used Megatex to conditioned my hair and baby the results were great. My hair is so strong and I'm not afraid to touch my hair without losing any hairs. I like combing my hair to get the kinks out and to my surprise maybe one or two hairs. Wow, thanks to LCHF, I'm learning to care for my own hair and not rely on a stylist for guidance.
I use MT on my Scalp nightly (never on length) and I try to co-wash 1x a month. Have never used it as a conditioner. Might be a little too much protein for my delicate damaged hair.