What's the WORST date you've ever had? Share your experience.


New Member
I will share my story, but please no sherlock holmes wannabes coming in and asking me 21 questions about my story.

*breathes in*

Ok. The worst date I had was about 8 months ago. I was in my yellow car to go see my yellow man. I don't usually date Chinese men (nothing wrong with that) but he was the first. He offered to give me a lift, but do I look silly. I said ''No, darling.. I'm very good at driving, it's ok I'll meet you there.''

I like to eat chinese now and again, but I like mi curry more. Ding Ding. Anyway he chose a chinese restuarent in a predominantly chinese area. I walked around, and several times I thought I saw Jackie Chan.

I'm not that tall, about 5ft 7... but I was the tallest there. I've never felt so powerful in my life. Bdw I don't usually date short people either, but sometimes I like to live dangerously. The waiter came, and they spoke chinese.. I tried to get involved and said ''ching chang chong'' I was sure that meant something, but NO.. they both looked at me like wtf :look: Then the waiter says 'You from Africa?' I say ''Yeah'' He picks up a stick and starts to jump up and down. I'm like ''excuse me'' He laughs and says 'You say ching chang chong.. I think you jump up and down.'' Not amused, I just looked away.

The food arrives, and I take a bite. Not sure what it is, I ask my date. He Quite calmly says 'Snake', Hmmm I've never had that before but like I said I was living dangerously. That was our starter. Then the main course came, it was some sort of meat. I took a bite.. for some reason this food tasted like it could have feelings :ohwell: I asked him 'what is it?' He smiled, and replied 'Dog' .. I got up, and shouted 'You are sick, that's somebodys pet your eating.' He looked suprised and said 'Do you eat fish?' I go 'Who doesn't' .. he replied 'Well people have pet as fish' then laughed. I just stood there and thought, who the fcuk keeps a Salmon in a fish tank. But how can I say to him, listen we just don't eat cute fishes that look like nemo. Our fish choices are based on looks. He already thought I was quite shallow, that would of been the icing on the cake.

I walked away, he didn't even come after me. He just sat there eating his dog.

*Disclaimer - I'm not trying to say all Chinese people eat dogs or living things. I'm just sharing an experience I had.

I believe in one race, the human race.

Thank you.

Share your story :grin:
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:lachen::lachen:^^^:lachen::lachen: OP, It sure sound funny not bad to me. You were wrong for the ching chong comment. Good come back by the waiter. For some reason, I think he was joking about the dog. He was trying to feed into your stereotypes.
I may win this one.

Keep in mind I was 20 at the time he was 27. I am 37 now. I was dating this guy over the summer. I bugged him about going out to dinner so he suggested we go to Red Lobster. When the check came he passed it to me. I didn't have enough cash to cover it. This is before debit/credit was popular. So he paid the check. After the date he drove me to the ATM to get to get cash to pay him back-and I did.

I ended up going back to school and he would ask about me wanting to know when I was coming home. My cousin let him know that I was always doing well. She even let him know that I came home often and he was miffed becuase I never contacted him.

He did me a favor! Most of the men that I dated and I swore "I would just die if I can't have him" turned out to be the wrong man for me. In college I would date a guy and want to be his girlfriend but right after dating me they would either get serious about someone else or get engaged. I didn't want to get married and have children while in college. I thought for a while it was me. AND IT WAS ME. I have ambition, culture and I like who I am. Most of the guys I dated in college and early in life ended up marrying women that I don't see myself in.

The biggest turnoff is a man with bad taste in women. If I like you and then learn you dated some trash, I am over you.

I guess I am going on too long here so I will cut it off.
I may win this one.

Keep in mind I was 20 at the time he was 27. I am 37 now. I was dating this guy over the summer. I bugged him about going out to dinner so he suggested we go to Red Lobster. When the check came he passed it to me. I didn't have enough cash to cover it. This is before debit/credit was popular. So he paid the check. After the date he drove me to the ATM to get to get cash to pay him back-and I did.

I ended up going back to school and he would ask about me wanting to know when I was coming home. My cousin let him know that I was always doing well. She even let him know that I came home often and he was miffed becuase I never contacted him.

He did me a favor! Most of the men that I dated and I swore "I would just die if I can't have him" turned out to be the wrong man for me. In college I would date a guy and want to be his girlfriend but right after dating me they would either get serious about someone else or get engaged. I didn't want to get married and have children while in college. I thought for a while it was me. AND IT WAS ME. I have ambition, culture and I like who I am. Most of the guys I dated in college and early in life ended up marrying women that I don't see myself in.

The biggest turnoff is a man with bad taste in women. If I like you and then learn you dated some trash, I am over you.

I guess I am going on too long here so I will cut it off.

What a Looooooooooooser. :lachen:

Enjoyed reading your story, and I'm happy you realised it wasn't you.

I feel exactly the same. I've seen girls get married while still in school, if they're ready for that then cool. But like you, I have ambitions and goals I'd like to accomplish before settling down.


Genuine question: were you being sarcastic or...?? i'm a little confused

Nope, no sarcasm from me love. Just sharing mi bad experience.
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A few years ago I met a guy online. I was 21, he was 27. He seemed really nice and very handsome in his pictures. We arranged to meet up in a public area. When I get there I was waiting a good 15 minutes before some construction worker comes up to me and asks if I want to go get a bite to eat. I could barely see through the dust on his face that it was the guy who asked me out! Apparently it was his lunch break and I was so lucky he could squeeze me in. :rolleyes:

He picks some little crack in the wall Chinese food place. I go to the bathroom to wash my hands. When I come out he's taken off his helmet and gloves, and his hands are filthy. He had very long fingernails, and there is miles of dirt under every one, and dirt encrusted in every scab and scrape all along his hands. I ask him if he'd like to wash his hands, he said, 'No.' and proceeded to flick the dirt out of his nails and onto the table.

I walked out without a word and went right back home. :nono:
A few years ago I met a guy online. I was 21, he was 27. He seemed really nice and very handsome in his pictures. We arranged to meet up in a public area. When I get there I was waiting a good 15 minutes before some construction worker comes up to me and asks if I want to go get a bite to eat. I could barely see through the dust on his face that it was the guy who asked me out! Apparently it was his lunch break and I was so lucky he could squeeze me in. :rolleyes:

He picks some little crack in the wall Chinese food place. I go to the bathroom to wash my hands. When I come out he's taken off his helmet and gloves, and his hands are filthy. He had very long fingernails, and there is miles of dirt under every one, and dirt encrusted in every scab and scrape all along his hands. I ask him if he'd like to wash his hands, he said, 'No.' and proceeded to flick the dirt out of his nails and onto the table.

I walked out without a word and went right back home. :nono:

:dead: OMG... that is too nasty for words! He is dead wrong for flicking crud on the table WTF!!!! See, my foolish arse would have sat there like :S :ill: but I would not have just gotten up and walked away (many eons ago when I was a PYT out there dating). Good for you, you know you don't want anything to do with his nasty tail, and if he was squeezing in dates on his lunch break, he's married (probably).
A few of my friends at the time (we have grown apart) said they would have stayed. I said, 'For what? $3 fried rice??' It was only a first date, I shouldn't have to be chasing a grown man into the bathroom like a little boy who doesn't want to clean himself. :nono: They said I was too picky! :huh:They can have his crusty behind. You're right, he probably was married. Who sets up dates on their lunch break?? That dirt on his face made him look older than 27, dirty bum probably lied about his age too.
The worst date that I ever went on...... Sighs....

I worked at a retail store, so I was always meeting cuties there. This one particular guy was really smart, tall and funny. He lived about an hour from me, and he was going to be in town for the next weekend to visit his daughter. At the time, there was a movie out that I REALLLLLLY wanted to see, so we planned to see it. We were going to the 7 o' clock movie , he calls at 7pm to say he was not going to be in Birmingham until 9pm... So cool, we can go to the 9:45 movie, he arrives to pick me up at 10 pm. So he tries to speed to the movies,and granted the trailers are 10 to 15 minutes long, but I just was not feeling it !!! So by this time I am ticked off, so I say let's just scratch the movie and go eat. We go eat, he does not order anything which was cool, but he is looking through his phone and texting other women while I am eating..... So I am extra ticked off now. By this time, I am ready to go home, but he does not have anywhere to stay until his cousin gets home. So we decided to go to a club. We get to the club, and he is talking about everyone in the place!!!! So I am realllllly turned off at this point. He was upset that other guys were trying to get my phone number. He gets so upset, he leaves me in the club!!!!!!!! Thank God, my ex boyfriend was there to take me home!!!!!
OP...If I was that waiter, I would have spit in yo food for making that racist A$$ comment.
I have a couple of stories. The worst date story that always come to mind when people ask is:

I'd gone out with this guy for a couple of months. I didn't really like him like that. He had the largest flared nosed I have ever seen in my life but he was very very nice and attractive. At the end of this date he leaned over to kiss me. I wasn't really into the kiss. I opened my eyes during the kiss................ and there was a bugger. After we finished the kiss the bugger was no where to be found. I came to the conclussion that I must have swallowed that bugger. I was never able to recieve his calls again after that. He married after I married and he appears to be a great husband and father to his daughter.
I wasn't sure if I'd told it before.:giggle:

When I see him, even after all these years, I think about that bugger.:lachen:
The worst date that I ever went on...... Sighs....

I worked at a retail store, so I was always meeting cuties there. This one particular guy was really smart, tall and funny. He lived about an hour from me, and he was going to be in town for the next weekend to visit his daughter. At the time, there was a movie out that I REALLLLLLY wanted to see, so we planned to see it. We were going to the 7 o' clock movie , he calls at 7pm to say he was not going to be in Birmingham until 9pm... So cool, we can go to the 9:45 movie, he arrives to pick me up at 10 pm. So he tries to speed to the movies,and granted the trailers are 10 to 15 minutes long, but I just was not feeling it !!! So by this time I am ticked off, so I say let's just scratch the movie and go eat. We go eat, he does not order anything which was cool, but he is looking through his phone and texting other women while I am eating..... So I am extra ticked off now. By this time, I am ready to go home, but he does not have anywhere to stay until his cousin gets home. So we decided to go to a club. We get to the club, and he is talking about everyone in the place!!!! So I am realllllly turned off at this point. He was upset that other guys were trying to get my phone number. He gets so upset, he leaves me in the club!!!!!!!! Thank God, my ex boyfriend was there to take me home!!!!!

Soooo not cool.:nono:
I have a couple of stories. The worst date story that always come to mind when people ask is:

I'd gone out with this guy for a couple of months. I didn't really like him like that. He had the largest flared nosed I have ever seen in my life but he was very very nice and attractive. At the end of this date he leaned over to kiss me. I wasn't really into the kiss. I opened my eyes during the kiss................ and there was a bugger. After we finished the kiss the bugger was no where to be found. I came to the conclussion that I must have swallowed that bugger. I was never able to recieve his calls again after that. He married after I married and he appears to be a great husband and father to his daughter.

I'd have to induce vomit after that. :barf: :barf: :barf: