What's The Worst Conversation You've Had With A Man You've Just Met?


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies it's happened to us all. Whether you were heading home from a long day at work or just out minding your business grabbing some snacks from the corner store, "average Joe" or in this case "average Tyrone" ignites a conversation with you. Sometimes against your better judgement you indulge the chat only to leave the conversation questioning the present state of manliness in America because you have fallen victim to one of the worst conversations you've ever had with a man. I'm a survivor of a recent horrible first conversation experience and I would love if you ladies shared the worst conversations you've had with a man here.

My Story: A guy came in the store ordered and told the guy behind the counter "add it to her tab". I looked over at him then said to the guy behind the counter "he's going to be covering my tab". He laughed talking bout I thought you had it, I'm like bruh you don't know me cause if you did you would have know I don't come out of pocket around grown able bodied men. He laughed it off didn't pay for my meal then chased me out the store to get my number, thinking that stunt he pulled inside the store was cute. I politely told him I was good. If you can't afford a fish meal from the corner store you surely can't afford to take me out.

***This thread was inspired by conversations in "Man calls girl bougie..." thread from entertainment forum.
I saw a man crying on the bus. It broke my heart so I asked him if he wanted a tissue and some water. He accepted the tissue and asked if he could talk to me. He told me he cheated on his wife. He had no reason to but opportunity and not thinking of the consequences. He went for a routine exam and the doctor called him to come into the office. He found out he had HIV. His wife was going for her annual exam the following week and he didn't know what to tell her. I sat there like Wyle E. Coyote dropped an anvil on me. I never saw him again after our bus ride to the F-train. That was about 15 years ago.

Fortunately, no man has topped him since.
I saw a man crying on the bus. It broke my heart so I asked him if he wanted a tissue and some water. He accepted the tissue and asked if he could talk to me. He told me he cheated on his wife. He had no reason to but opportunity and not thinking of the consequences. He went for a routine exam and the doctor called him to come into the office. He found out he had HIV. His wife was going for her annual exam the following week and he didn't know what to tell her. I sat there like Wyle E. Coyote dropped an anvil on me. I never saw him again after our bus ride to the F-train. That was about 15 years ago.

Fortunately, no man has topped him since.

That is crazy! Like what do you say to that? No shade, but he still seeking comfort in the arms of a woman he don't know. Ain't that what got him in that mess? I hope he is doing well and that his wife didn't end up a statistic.
That is crazy! Like what do you say to that? No shade, but he still seeking comfort in the arms of a woman he don't know. Ain't that what got him in that mess? I hope he is doing well and that his wife didn't end up a statistic.

Actually, it wasn't like that. He was truly in a state of shock. So much so he cried openly on the bus. I reached out to him because I hate seeing people cry with no one even concerned enough to ask. All he kept saying was that she was the perfect wife and he let temptation destroy his life. He was very vulnerable and raw. I do believe even if I were a man he'd have broken down the same way.

I hope so too. My dad's first girlfriend died from AIDS. Her husband is still alive 20 something years later.

Sorry, not wanting to be a killjoy here.

I had a man tell me if I got with him he'd pay for me to go to school full-time and let me have access to the Corolla in the yard on bricks. He is an old Haitian doctor. He met me while walking to the bus stop. I can't stand men that throw marriage in your face after 30 seconds. Yuck! Told me he loved me too! Meanwhile, he did not know my name. Seems typical of swagless, Haitian men.
I worked at Walgreens, it was my college job so I could get through school. You are required to welcome in every guest, it was my job. I welcome this 40 year old man.
Him: You're to pretty to work here
Me: -half smile and nod-

Him: So what do you do besides work here?

Me: I'm in school

Him: Oh yeah like makeup school?

Me: No I-( he cuts me off)

Him: So like hair school?

Me:No I-(he cuts me off AGAIN)

Him: oh okay so you're in school to learn how to do nails and stuff

Me: :drunk: NO

Him: So what the hell you in school for?!

Me: Computer Science and Engineering

Him::hand: oh so you think you're smart huh?
Me: :burnup: I KNOW I'm smart
Him: You need to stop studying that dumb stuff and come hang with me. What's your number

Me::huh: leave me the hell alone

Him: I guess going to school made you a witch

Me: :slap:

Boy that conversation STILL pisses me off to this day
A guy once told me he liked my face because it was shiny. I was wearing foundation.
I saw a man crying on the bus. It broke my heart so I asked him if he wanted a tissue and some water. He accepted the tissue and asked if he could talk to me. He told me he cheated on his wife. He had no reason to but opportunity and not thinking of the consequences. He went for a routine exam and the doctor called him to come into the office. He found out he had HIV. His wife was going for her annual exam the following week and he didn't know what to tell her. I sat there like Wyle E. Coyote dropped an anvil on me. I never saw him again after our bus ride to the F-train. That was about 15 years ago.

Fortunately, no man has topped him since.
Omg girl!!! Why does some part of me feel like he actually got it from a man? I know 2 older women who contracted the virus from their husband. One woman's husband she found out was gay and the other idk.
Omg girl!!! Why does some part of me feel like he actually got it from a man? I know 2 older women who contracted the virus from their husband. One woman's husband she found out was gay and the other idk.

I think the rawness of him crying did not allow him to lie. But who knows? The psychology of a man's mind and the decisions that stem from them fascinate me.
I was at a bar on Bourbon St during Mardi Gras and this guy bought me a drink. So, I felt obligated to talk to him for a few mins before I went back with my friends. He asked me if I want to come back to his hotel room so that he could F the S out of me. I told him now I don't have to fake talk to you because you bought me this drink and walked off. He was there with his uncle and I told on him... lol
I worked at Walgreens, it was my college job so I could get through school. You are required to welcome in every guest, it was my job. I welcome this 40 year old man.
Him: You're to pretty to work here
Me: -half smile and nod-

Him: So what do you do besides work here?

Me: I'm in school

Him: Oh yeah like makeup school?

Me: No I-( he cuts me off)

Him: So like hair school?

Me:No I-(he cuts me off AGAIN)

Him: oh okay so you're in school to learn how to do nails and stuff

Me: :drunk: NO

Him: So what the hell you in school for?!

Me: Computer Science and Engineering

Him::hand: oh so you think you're smart huh?
Me: :burnup: I KNOW I'm smart
Him: You need to stop studying that dumb stuff and come hang with me. What's your number

Me::huh: leave me the hell alone

Him: I guess going to school made you a witch

Me: :slap:

Boy that conversation STILL pisses me off to this day

And to this day he still walking around mad he can't get a woman of your caliber.
When I was in college, I was hanging out with one of the guys across the hall from me and some of his friends. One of the friends told me he wanted me to be his first Black girl. :rolleyes:

This one just made me laugh, but when I was pregnant I was walking to the store and a guy asked me if I wanted to get married and have a baby. I said I'm already married and having a baby and he was like, "Damn." LOL.
my collegue tried to set me up with her man's friends...who looks like a gremlin. Soooo not my type. I'm look girl, come on, you seen my men. anyway, i gave in thinking let's give it a shot.

Her, her man, gremlin and I went out for dinner. some how we end up talking about Transgender...i was against....he was for....it didn't end well at at all LOL!

worst date i ever had...
I was a bar and this guy started talking to me. He asked if I had any kids, I was like "no". He was like "wow, no kids AND you're light skinned too", like he'd hit the jackpot. Of course, I had some words for him and he basically said he didn't understand why I was offended since I "benefited" from his preference.

My friend heard this convo and saw that I was getting heated and intervened, suggesting that we "start over". Of course my, I was like I'm good.
Was in a store some where and some big Jason Momoa sized fine piece of chocolate came up to me and said that he had been watching me for 30 mins. He said he though I was beautiful and he would like to get to know me a little better. He said I have to know one thing though. He said he already knew the answer but he had to confirm. He asked if I was a Scorpio and I started laughing. He said :censored: he could tell by the way I carried myself and the way I walked (huh?) . That's why he watched me for 30 mins to see how I interacted with other people. I said yes I am a Scorpio. The he said :censored:, backed up and saying he couldn't get involved with a Scorpio because we snatched ninjas souls and never release them. :lachen: