What's the purpose of Henna?


Well-Known Member
Forgive me if this has been asked or discussed before but I'm a newbie:grin:. I'm thinking that henna is some sort of hair dye but does it have any other benefits besides coloring?
Forgive me if this has been asked or discussed before but I'm a newbie:grin:. I'm thinking that henna is some sort of hair dye but does it have any other benefits besides coloring?

Henna is a natural product; a dried leaf that is crushed to make a powder.

It conditions, strengthens and colors the hair. Henna produces a red color when applied to the hair. It is permanent and is safe to use on chemically-treated hair as well as natural hair. HTH.

Read the Henna thread located in the Stickies section called, Do Y'all Henna?

Welcome and Enjoy! :grin:
Henna is a natural product; a dried leaf that is crushed to make a powder.

It conditions, strengthens and colors the hair. Henna produces a red color when applied to the hair. It is permanent and is safe to use on chemically-treated hair as well as natural hair. HTH.

Read the Henna thread located in the Stickies section called, Do Y'all Henna?

Welcome and Enjoy! :grin:

I agree. That's what I've always thought it was, but now I'm thinking it's a protein treatment?!? :perplexed
January Noir you said it produces a red color when applied to the hair, so henna only comes in one color or did i read this wrong? :wacky:
January Noir you said it produces a red color when applied to the hair, so henna only comes in one color or did i read this wrong? :wacky:

Yes, natural henna (without any other additives) produces a red color.

There are brands out on the market that can produce other colors, but it has been altered to do that.

If you want a darker color, henna must be combined with INDIGO. You can apply indigo over already henna'd hair to produce jet black hair OR mixed together with henna to produce a rich brown color.
Make sure if you ever wanted to try it that you use Henna that is Body art Quality (BAQ), because there are all type of kinds that have metalic salts in them, and when mixed with a relaxer or other chemicals in your hair strands, they can turn green or melt your hair

The BAQ kind is usally ordered online, or found at an indian store
---One of the most cooman brands is Jamila

But yea,
people like it so much because its a natural way to dye your hair, either redish, brownish, or black depending on if you use it with or without indigo
It also thickens the hair ( it coats the outside layer of the hair)
Make it stronger
Promotes shine ( because it seals the outside layer of the hair)
And it can make hair softer ( that depends on what you mix it with, and what you use afterwards)

People have alot of different mixtures, some peope add lemon and coffee and other stuff to get a color that they want

And some people, who dont really care about the color, but just want the benefits add just condioner, or yohurt or oils ( you still will get some color though)

The downside is, it can make the hair very dry, tangly, it smells, and takes a while to rinse out
But you can change that depending on how much you use, what you mix it with, and what you use after

Theres also something called Cassia obovata, for people with blond hair, and people who want the benefits of Henna, without any color.