What's the Longest You've Gone Without Coloring?


Well-Known Member

I did a search but didn't find anything. I feel like I'm about to head into a lengthy dry spell (end of long term relationship). The longest I've gone was 9 months, and that was almost 4.5 years ago. :ohwell:

:lachen: So yea: What's the longest you've gone?

ETA: And what was that like - frustrating... refreshing? Was it voluntary/involuntary? And when you returned... was everything... as you'd left it?
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Longest was a year and three months I think. I'm going on another stretch and so far it's been about nine months. Maybe I can beat my old record! lol.
I hate you. I was sitting here dreaming of moving to Paris, looking at properties. My hair is doing well and I had oiled it with castor previously. My nails are done, I've exercised today and got my cardio in...feeling fab until you reminded me....

Longest stretch? Eight months. Didn't miss it till I started getting it again :lol: I had... Ummmm.... Toys to ease the pain :look:
The longest I've gone is 18 months. Once you get over the initial shock factor, it's not that bad lol. It was by choice. Just came out of a relationship (long term), so I just really wanted to be by myself.
2 years in two weeks

It's frustrating but I have no bf and I refuse to be someone's sex buddy. Most of the time I can ignore it, sometimes though:nono:
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1 year 7 months. The return was a SHOCK.
I think this is another lonnnngg stretch. I'm indifferent most days, and on random monthly occasions, I'm plotting and devising how to end it:lachen:
1 year 7 months. The return was a SHOCK.
I think this is another lonnnngg stretch. I'm indifferent most days, and on random monthly occasions, I'm plotting and devising how to end it:lachen:

CarLiTa, Please explain :look:

I'm at 5 years now. I had been thinking 4 years but then I realized this is Feb 2012, so...:look: I was in a long relationship and I felt like I needed a break. Then I wasn't really attracted to anybody--even guys I dated--for a really long time. I didn't notice for a long time but then I started to realize why people make those jokes about people either acting really nerdy or being batchy. I've had my moments. :look:
Longest I have gone is five months but I think that I will be beating that record soon next month bc I doubt I'll be doing anything with anybody.
I'm fast approaching 2 years.
I'm fine with it but i am a very sexual person so the littliest thing gets me horny. I just listen to some dancehall reggae, dance around my living room and cool off!!!
20+ years. hardest times of my life.:lol:

since i started having sex though, i think 2 months has been the longest. that's waaaay too long, imo.