Whats The Best Product To Elongate/Define Curls?


New Member
I'm New Here, and I've been reading alot of post about products that help define and elongate curls. That just got me thinking , What is the best Product to Elongate and Define Curls?
These are Some of the Things I've Heard about:
Kinky-Curly Curling Custard
and Coconut Cream Relaxer From Youtube
Link- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQD5vt5-3AI

If you have anymore , please list them and discuss pros and cons

Also what do u think about the KCCC and the Coconut Cream Relaxer

Yea might be confusing but Thanks :look:
Kinky Curly Custard is the best product I have found on the maket to help elongate and define my curls. The only con I have found in using the KCC is the amount of time it takes to dry and the weird, snot like texture it has when putting in on the hair.
Kinky Curly Custard is the best product I have found on the maket to help elongate and define my curls. The only con I have found in using the KCC is the amount of time it takes to dry and the weird, snot like texture it has when putting in on the hair.

Sorry, lol at "snot like":lachen:
Miss Jessies curly pudding to define curls (you have to use it on wet hair). Pros: bubblegum smell, cons: some ppl might not like the smell and I think it works best if you already have somekind of curl definition
IC Gel
Aloe Vera Gel
yogurt/honey/banana (DC)
sour cream with conditioner (DC)
curl activator gel

I was willing to put it on my hair.

I wasnt willling to have the snot on my hands.

DD/13 doesnt seem to mind.

I'm trying out aloe vera now.
$10 for a huge bottle, doesn't leave the slimy film on my hands but the bottle does have to be refridgerated
Also the coconut cream relaxer is an excellent conditioner. When you put product on it, your hair will shrink most likely unless you do a twist out immediately.