What's a "Simple Regimen" in Your Opinion?


New Member
And is yours "simple" (honestly)?

I basically pre-poo (2 products), shampoo (1 shampoo), DC (2 products, conditioner+oil), add leave-ins (2-3 products, I'm working on it :look: ), and airdry once a week, and moisturize once daily (2 products-oil and moisturizer). No vitamins, no growth aides etc. I think my regimen is pretty simple but I think once I get into the products it get a little less 'simple' then I want it to be. I can admit I do tend to use a lot of products and I need to narrow it down a bit.

A simple regimen to me is one where there isn't a 1000 mixes and or a million things to do a day. I know "simple" is objective to everyone so for me, using 1-2 products a day (oil and a moisturizer) that takes me about 5 minutes a day, and no more than 5 products on wash-day is simple for me.

What about you?
Simple for me, would be to go to a salon and get washed and set each week. Shoot, you said simple, not effective. JK. Simple for me is no more than 4 products per wash, shampoo, conditioner, leave-in, porosity control. I moisturize with 1-2 things a day.
Simple to me is using no more than 4 products: One poo, deep conditioner, leave-in, and a lil moisturizer and Im good to go. Thats it. I dont know if I would really even need anything else.
I rarely prepoo as I found it doesnt do much for MY hair. So I shampoo with Aveda on Wed and Sun. Intensive Restructuring treatment for 5mins in the shower then DR Conditioner for 2-5mins in the shower w/ a shower cap. If its a protein day I will not do the restructuring and do a protein txtmnt for hour then conditoner and on DC day after I shampoo sit for a few hours w/ NTM and Mizani Moisturfuse then dime size of DR. Leave in is a most w/ Cantu Shea butter....love that stuff:p Then jojoba oil airdry in a bun on Sundays and rollerset on wedns. Moisturize w/ ORS olive oil before work and when I get home from work (12shift)
IMO I think a simple regimine doesnt necessary mean the less amount of things you do but its how you are doing it and what is working best for your head. I have learned so much from this site but I dont have the time to do the henning, the prepoo, the baggy method(tore my ends up actually), and whatever else (Im not knocking it believe me I tried it all). But if i works for some thats great my hair is fine and fragile after years of abuse w/ braids so I have to limit the things that I do and try. I work out I eat semi healthy, drink a lot of water (just cause I love it) and I pop pills when I think about it. Just depends on the person but I am finding that less is best for my fine strands.

Sorry so long.
well i think i have a simple regimen
wash, deep conditioning + oil, leave in, moisturizer and oil/grease on top of that then air dry
then moisturize as needed throughout the week, little manipulation cause i usually braid and put a sew in weave in it
Simple to me is no more than 5 steps to get your desired results. Frequency doesn't matter to me. When it comes to products, I say no more than 5 because sometimes you have to use two different products to get results (i.e. following a protein treatment with moisture).

I co wash and do a leave-in everyday and I find this routine simpler than when I was doing a CWC, leave-in, rollerset, and flat iron once a week.
I never thought of mine as simple. I guess since ppl in my real life think what I do is soooo complicated. But it might be simple. i dunno.

I never pre-poo.
I do use MTG (2x/week)
I cowash 1x a week and wash/dc 1x a week.
I only moisturize if I'm leaving the house ( and sometimes it's only a spray of water) :look:

I think that's it. Oh, and I mix my DC with Porosity Control in my hands. And I stopped taking vitamins.

ETA: I use a leave-in and oil.
My Lil Sis has a SIMPLE regimen:
  • pre-poo: EVOO > Suave Conditioner > Egg
  • DC: Cholesterol > Peppermint Oil > Egg > EVOO
  • Shampoos: Suave Poos & Clarify & CoN (green)
  • Conditioner: Tresseme Conditioner
  • Moisture: Dove Mist & ORS Lotion
One week I'll give her a pre-poo and the next I'll give her the DC. Her hair stays in pretty good condition except for her ends "I can't force her to baggy" but I might switch to her regimen cuz she is makin better progres then me.


After (maxiglide):

After (silk-wrap):

after I use all my products: i'll switch
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LocksOfLuV said:
And is yours "simple" (honestly)?

I basically pre-poo (2 products), shampoo (1 shampoo), DC (2 products, conditioner+oil), add leave-ins (2-3 products, I'm working on it :look: ), and airdry once a week, and moisturize once daily (2 products-oil and moisturizer). No vitamins, no growth aides etc. I think my regimen is pretty simple but I think once I get into the products it get a little less 'simple' then I want it to be. I can admit I do tend to use a lot of products and I need to narrow it down a bit.

A simple regimen to me is one where there isn't a 1000 mixes and or a million things to do a day. I know "simple" is objective to everyone so for me, using 1-2 products a day (oil and a moisturizer) that takes me about 5 minutes a day, and no more than 5 products on wash-day is simple for me.

What about you?

the bolded is exactly what my regimen is, and I think it's very simple.
To me simple is having the basics and using them consistently w/o mixing up everything under the sun and using all products at once...

Having the basics suited to your hair type and needs.


For me, moisturizing conditioners fare better on my hair than protien conditioners... and I need to deep condition with heat at least once a week b/c I like to and it makes my hair feel good...

In my regimen I use :

~ PM tea tree poo ( for the tingle on my scalp and general cleaning )
~ Fantasia IC Pure Tea poo ( not something I 'need' per se, but it's a great clarifying poo)
~ Design Essentials Moisturizing poo (big staple, I can poo with this and not even use a conditioner)

~ Elucence MB conditioner (quick conditioning / rinse out )
~ Kenra MC
~ ORS replenishing pack
~ Alter Ego garlic

~ Giovanni Direct Leave In
~ BBD Stretch ( not something I 'need' but I can def. get use out of it )

~ Elasta QP Mango Butter

This may seem like a lot of products to those who aren't into hair :lol:.. but all I do is wash and deep condition once or twice a week and during the week I will sometimes lightly poo with DE poo in the shower and just use my leave in... pin my hair up in a bun and keep it moving... I don't do anything extravagant at all... The main focus of my regimen is DEEP CONDITIONING everything else is pretty secondary.
shunta said:
Simple to me is using no more than 4 products: One poo, deep conditioner, leave-in, and a lil moisturizer and Im good to go. Thats it. I dont know if I would really even need anything else.

Pretty much, this is me on wash day...
Poo, condition, apply a dollop of leave in and maybe a moisturizer.. that's it...
Mine is..

pre poo
leave in and serum
airdry, rollerset or blowdry (rarely)

Later I will use a moisturize during the week and bun.

For me this is simple.

Right now I'm going through my non-staples sets of shampoo/conditioner or conditioners and seeing if anything clicks really well with my hair. If not then they are gone.
This is a good question because there are a lot of ways a regimen could be simple...or not. I say my regimen is simple because these days, and for a great deal of the last two years, I haven't done much to my hair. I could get by with a cheap conditioner, a shampoo and a natural butter. I very rarely deep condition. I literally co wash, detangle, put in hemp seed or avocado butter and put my hair up with a clip. I haven't even been using a towel lately because the one I have for my hair is getting too small. Plus I used to hang my hair upside down to wrap the towel around my head and well, Locks, you know my issue with tangles. I don't want to do that anymore.

But let me say, when I am in the shower doing the above, I begin to notice how much time this simple little regimen is taking me as my hair gets longer. And it suddenly doesn't seem so simple anymore. :lol:

If I could do what I do in half the time, it'd be a lot simpler.
i have a simple regimen

once a week i wash, deep conditon, add my leave in, rollerset and dry wrap for straight hair, that's it until next wash day

i don't moisturize daily b/c my hair stays moist until it's time to wash again

i relax every 10 weeks

henna and indigo 12 weeks (this is complicated for some people but for me it's not)
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Cichelle said:
This is a good question because there are a lot of ways a regimen could be simple...or not. I say my regimen is simple because these days, and for a great deal of the last two years, I haven't done much to my hair. I could get by with a cheap conditioner, a shampoo and a natural butter. I very rarely deep condition. I literally co wash, detangle, put in hemp seed or avocado butter and put my hair up with a clip. I haven't even been using a towel lately because the one I have for my hair is getting too small. Plus I used to hang my hair upside down to wrap the towel around my head and well, Locks, you know my issue with tangles. I don't want to do that anymore.

But let me say, when I am in the shower doing the above, I begin to notice how much time this simple little regimen is taking me as my hair gets longer. And it suddenly doesn't seem so simple anymore. :lol:

If I could do what I do in half the time, it'd be a lot simpler.

Does avocado butter smell good?
Simple to me:

Weekly wash & conditioner, rollerset and a good leave in until next wash:D That's all I did before I got here:grin:
I think what I do is simple.


Deep conditioner (honey and oil are mixed into the conditioner)

Add a dab or leave-in and a dab of natural butter.

That's it.:)

I do this twice a week. I just can't be bothered with anything more time consuming or complicated. I usually don't even moisturize in between washings anymore. The butter keeps my hair so silky and moisturized it doesn't seem necessary.

ETA: Avocado butter doesn't really have a smell, IMO. It's very soft, I just take a little and rub it between my palms and then smooth it over my hair, concentrating on the ends.
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I consider my regimen pretty simple, though it would probably be confusing for some.

I don't prepoo
On workout days I rinse my hair with a thin acidifying conditioner)
I wash 2 times a week.
I DC once a week (I do mix in a few things but works for me to do it)
1 use keraphix once a week. works very well after using Sap moss shampoo which will become a new staple shampoo.

As far as styling, I generally wear buns. That means a moisterizer and a oil of some kind. (but right now the moisterizer dosen't like me *sigh*)

Once or twice a month I style my hair differently.

Right now I'm doing things outside of my normal regimen because I'm ready to experiment and find some new staples. I think the fact that my moisterizer decided to go dud on me is telling me that maybe my hair's needs are changing.

I wished my hair liked grease and cheap shampoo:( :(

A simple regimen to me is a shampoo, (deep) conditioner and leave-in. And moisturize when deemed necessary.

Now based on my interpretation, my regimen isn't simple imo. However, I don't think it's complicated and I like my regimen as it is because it works for me. I wash and deep condition 1-2 times a week. I usually prepoo with oils, shampoo, Protein treatment or reconstructor when necessary and follow up with a moisturizing deep conditioning. I mix up my deep conditioners(2 or 3 at a time + oil and honey) and it takes nothing but a min (if that) to do it . I love mixing deep conditioners and it's fun to me because I'm always pleased with the results. I also use mix my leave-ins(two) because I love them so much that I can't decide which one to use. I moisturize daily with one leave-in and oil.

When I'm in braids, my regimen is soo simple. I moisturize with braidspray once a day(sometimes I skip a day out of laziness) and wash and deep condition once a week.
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My regimen has become really simple.

I wash and deep condition once a week with 1 poo and one dc. I moisturize with one product and seal with one oil. Works pretty well. No vitamins, no topical growth aids, etc. My hair is close to APL now (stretched) and I'm almost 100% natural. When I started my hair journey in 2005 I had ear-neck length relaxed hair so I've come a long way. :)
For me a "simple" regimen is one that doesn't require me to crouch down and dig towards the back of the closet or cabinet to find a product (or check my inventory list to remind myself what products I have before I can do my hair :look:)...Therefore, my current regimen is not simple :lol:

Great thread!

ETA: The actual regimen...the choice of which products to use from my stash on what day is what makes is complicated :cool:

Wash Day A:
Blowdry/Flatiron OR Rollerset/Flatiron OR Airdry in bun

Wash Day B:
Same as above, except for Protein before DC and clarify 2x/month
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