What's a good LIGHT-WEIGHT Hair-Oil


Well-Known Member
I need something that I can apply after 7 days from washing my hair, and it'll last another 7 days w/o feeling hard or sticky (i.e. - no cones, no mineral oils) :up:

I have WGO, which is pretty good, but stinks. I'm thinking about going w/ Kemi-Oyl...remember that?

What do ya'll use?
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Kind of on the pricey side but that Keracare Essential Oils for the hair is extrmely light. My stylist uses it and I like it. I dont own it though.

Kemi Oyl is next in line for me. My last bottle lasted me 2.5 years AFTER half of it spilled in my hair basket :rofl:
Jojoba oil :yep:

Has a very light smell that no one will notice. Seals in moisture and conditions very well. It's similar to sebum and makes your hair shiny. It's not heavy and as long as you don't over use it, it will not make your hair oily.
Jojoba oil :yep:

Has a very light smell that no one will notice. Seals in moisture and conditions very well. It's similar to sebum and makes your hair shiny. It's not heavy and as long as you don't over use it, it will not make your hair oily.
yep its the lighttest of the lightest. that was the 1st ingredient in that keracare oil stuff my stylist used.
So, I've tried both JO and CO and they left my hair heavier than I wanted it. I think having a mixture of oils help keep them liquified and lighter. Also, I could be using more than I think I am.
definitely kemi oil. coconut oil comes in at a close second, but if you're applying it every day for the 7 days, it'll start smelling slightly rancid / weird around day 5.
I just bought a bottle of 100% pure almond oil (food grade) from GNC. My hair is fine and a heavy oil just makes it an oily mess. This oil has no smell and is very light.
Kind of on the pricey side but that Keracare Essential Oils for the hair is extrmely light. My stylist uses it and I like it. I dont own it though.

Kemi Oyl is next in line for me. My last bottle lasted me 2.5 years AFTER half of it spilled in my hair basket :rofl:

cosigning... this stuff is extremely light and makes your hair feel so silky!! love this stuff!
Jojoba oil is extremely light weight. When I put it on wet hair it completely absorbs by the time my hair dries. Coconut oil is another good option.

P.S. I've also heard that grapeseed oil is very light (similar to jojoba oil's lightness) but I've never tried it personally.
I'm going to go with coconut oil. Been using this for years & did not even realize it - never read ingredients. I love it.
my hair regime has changed many times and I have used many products but I have always kept Kemi Oyl as one of my staples... There is something about it that makes my hair get back in line not matter what else I have done, not done, or used on it
Definitely pure jojoba. I use it daily and it's nice and light.
It protects and conditions.
Coconut, for me, is too heavy.
kemi oyl and keracare are really good
Fine' by biostrand is really good too!
when i was relaxed i used all of these all of the time.
Jojoba oil
Sweet Almond oil

I ran out of my beloved coconut, so jojoba is a close second. Jojoba imitates the sebum in our hair the closest. Sweet almond is the heaviest of all 3, but a tad bit goes a long way.
I have ultra fine hair and I can use Camellia (Tsubaki) oil everyday to seal. It soaks right in leaving a great shine without a hint of oilyness.

ETA: I use a nickel size amount every night and right now, I'm going 4 to 5 days between washes.
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ITA with the almond oil! I've tried evoo, macadamia oil, coconut oil, jojoba and castor oil. They all made my hair crunchy and dry but almond oil worked very well.
I use Keracare Essential oils, I also have Kemy oil,grapeseed and apricot oils are light as well.