What would you do?


New Member
Hubby and I are going to Philly for the weekend. I'll be at a football game on sat. afternoon and dinner that night. The issue I am having is that there is a 20% chance of rain on sat. Also, I'll be meeting people I've never met before.

Would you bun it to have "fool-proof" hair-even if it rains you still look right?
Would you go for the glamour and wear hair out in a straight sexy style (like in my siggy) and risk the poof factor and having to revive after the football game?

Gracias in advance!
I would go for the second one. It might not rain, and if it does you can pull your hair into a tight (enough so the poof will be gone) bun while you are there and it should look fine, then revamp it before you go.

I only picked that one because i think you should flaunt you hair, have fun with it, and feel/look extra pretty for your trip, at dinner, and in front of people you never met before.

ETA---if you have any type of silicone gloss or serum you should put that on there as extra protection to keep moisture out and your hair from getting poofy.
Maybe a high bun for the game....your hair looks long enough so that the bun will create those sexy waves? maybe...just a thought!
Thank you fluffylocks. Makes since. I'm thinking of incorporating a cute hat while at the game as well (if it rains).
Hmmmm.....the only thing is I don't feel like I look good with a high bun. Is there an art to creating them?

You could try picking up a foam bun thingie at your local BSS. You slide it over your ponytail, fan your hair out over it to cover it up, and then pin it as if you were doing a bun from scratch. My SNL does this and her bun always looks neat.
20% chance of rain? :scratchch
I would wear my hair in two styles so when the occasion is there to show off my hair (like at dinner time, in your case), it would look great no matter what the weather was like before.

I personally would create a braidout, just in case. I would braid/plait my hair in four, loose braids, pin it low on the nape in a pretty style and cover it with a scarf if it starts to get humid or rain (you'll be using an umbrella, right?). Later that evening at dinner, I would take my plaits down, and enjoy pretty, loose waves. :yep:
20% chance of rain? :scratchch
I would wear my hair in two styles so when the occasion is there to show off my hair (like at dinner time, in your case), it would look great no matter what the weather was like before.

I personally would create a braidout, just in case. I would braid/plait my hair in four, loose braids, pin it low on the nape in a pretty style and cover it with a scarf if it starts to get humid or rain (you'll be using an umbrella, right?). Later that evening at dinner, I would take my plaits down, and enjoy pretty, loose waves. :yep:

This sounds good too.