What would you do differently on your wedding day?


New Member
I thought about this for a while, on my wedding day, I was excited, but was not 100% satisfied with the way I looked, my veil was made by a family member who made it way too thick. (my mom) my make-up was packed in my honeymoon bag and in another state so I wore my girlfriends makeup because we got our consultation together. My brother was in the military and didn't make it thanks to uncle sam. they let him off his tour one week later. I'm going to renew my vows in 2 yrs on my 10th anniversary. Does any one else have similar experiences.
For starters, I wouldn't have "Deep Throated" the long azzed piece of wedding cake my husband fed me. I cut him a little square but when my turn came the crowd started chanting MORE, MORE MORE!!
So he scoops up this long piece of cake to feed me and there I go....downing the whole thing in one bite. I get so embarassed when I watch that...:lol:
The one thing I didn't like was my hair. I think there was another thread about that very topic a while back, but I didn't post, so you get to hear my answer now :). For my rehearsal, I had just gotten a touchup and was wearing a wrap. That night, I tried on my veil and it looked good with the straight style. My mother wanted to see SOME curl in my hair, so I set it. I shoulda known better because my hair holds onto a curl like Scrooge with a dollar bill! So instead of being shoulder length with a hint of curl, it was chin length with lots of curls. It wasn't bad looking, just not the look I wanted.

Also, I wish I could've eaten more of the reception dinner instead of taking all those d#@% pictures!!
i absolutely loved my wedding, hair, make-up, everything. i just wish i was more prepared and relaxed in order to "enjoy" the day. i had ran like crazy that morning getting my hair, nails, make-up, jewelry, etc... i wasn't organized the entire day and by the time the wedding hit i was frazzeled.
It's funny this topic comes up because I was thinking about this just the other day. I ended up enjoying my day but I wasn't as organized ......so I wish I would have just paid one of my friends to keep up with the plans and coordinate for me that day. I also wish I had had more to drink the night before or taken some benedryl because for 3 days before the wedding I slept a total of 6 hours....the night before I was up ALL NIGHT, EYES WIDE OPEN. I wish I'd have been relaxed enough to eat my dinner because everyone told me the food was on point (as much money as I spent, it better had been..)

Finally I wish I'd had the courage to big chop and wear my hair natural.... Other than that I liked my wedding and more importantly I love my husband. :D
things I would have done differently is invited different family members:D
And no one is really as prepared as they think they are. I would have enjoyed the food and cake as well. Being that we got married in a totally different state from where all our family members lived. So all the good ones didnt show up:D But overall it was beautiful.
I agree with you and sweetcaramel, I didn't eat anything at the wedding and everyone was raving about how good it was. Oh well
I would have invited less people. Everybody that was there wasn't truly in the spirit of celebration--still aren't, even though we (my and my hubby) are happy. It's so funny, but my grandmother has always said that both weddings and funerals bring out the worst in people. The entire wedding planning process helped reveal who my true friends were from those who were just merely hangers-on. Since then (and even now) I'm in the process of dropping the dead weight...

...but it was a beautiful, magical day nonetheless. :)
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my grandmother has always said that both weddings and funerals bring out the worst in people. The entire wedding planning process helped reveal who my true friends were from those who were just merely hangers-on. Since then (and even now) I'm in the process of dropping the dead weight.[/quote]
THat is so true, I have a friend that was upset because I didn't invite her till last minute, I had over 250 people, my family is huge
I would have had a smaller wedding party. We each had 9 attendents, plus flower girls and a ringbearer. We were both at a stage where we didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so we let EVERYBODY be involved. Now, I realize that you can't please everybody.

I also would have tried not to stress so much. There was a lot going on (my dh's grandfather died a few hours before the wedding), and people kept telling us to focus and deal with it all later, but it was hard to do that. If I had to do it over again, I would have lived more in the moment, because that's one day you can't get back. Oh, and I wouldn't have had a seating chart, because some of my out of town family ended up in the back of the reception hall by mistake.

Other than that, our wedding day was great.
* I would not have had a jealous ghetto cousin in my wedding just to keep the peace... She ended up bad-mouthing a close friend and bridesmaid at the wedding rehearsal - talking about how she ain't all that because her husband is a baller and "that prolly ain't a real diamond, ain't no REAL diamond that big", etc.

*I would have suggested different make-up to my make-up artist. My make-up was a bit too bold for a bride...

* DEFINITELY should have gone with my gut and ditched my dress two days before the wedding (and bought a BRAND NEW ONE). When I went to pick it up from the dressmaker it wasn't my "dream dress" anymore!!!... She had changed the construction and beading!!! I look at my wedding pictures and cringe at the way the dress fit me. My dress was not my "dream" like other brides have... To this day I feel cheated almost :(
lauren450 said:
We were both at a stage where we didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so we let EVERYBODY be involved. Now, I realize that you can't please everybody.

If I had to do it over again, I would have lived more in the moment, because that's one day you can't get back. Oh, and I wouldn't have had a seating chart, because some of my out of town family ended up in the back of the reception hall by mistake.

Other than that, our wedding day was great.
I agree with you, our wedding party was made up of some fill-ins not to hurt feelings, no good. Our out of town family ended up in the back of the hall too, some got ansy about it. You could see it on their face in the video. My day was great but I think I appreciate and love my husband more now than then, so i'm going to renew my vows with just immediate family overlooking a river.
NoNapNique said:
*I would have suggested different make-up to my make-up artist. My make-up was a bit too bold for a bride...
. My dress was not my "dream" like other brides have... To this day I feel cheated almost :(

I packed my makeup in the wrong bag ahead of time, then i hated my veil, that makes me cringe.
Nothing major really, just a few more guests. Then again I was stressing about the 150 or so I did have!

It was a lovely day and honeymoon :)
I would have had it at night instead of being cheap and having it at 10 am in morning. Its just it was at an expensive hotel and it was like $5,000 cheaper to have it at 10am instead of like 5pm. but because it was so early, u couldn't drink and loosen up, family/people had to leave early to checkout hotel etc etc
I would have calmed down with all the stressing I was doing over alot of the small things. My nerves were shot. I was vomiting the day before my wedding.

I would have made sure that the flowers at the hall was what I thought they were going to be...um, I would have made sure my dress was tighter around my tata's... It was a lil loose.

Over all though I realize that no matter what you can not control every detail. I did enjoy my day though, and I bet no one else noticed anything unless I called their attention to it.:lol: Its just that when it is your day you want everything to be perfect.:)

I have pics of my wedding in my fotki .
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SweetCaramel1 said:
i absolutely loved my wedding, hair, make-up, everything. i just wish i was more prepared and relaxed in order to "enjoy" the day. i had ran like crazy that morning getting my hair, nails, make-up, jewelry, etc... i wasn't organized the entire day and by the time the wedding hit i was frazzeled.

:yep: Ita... It was such a crazy morning and then the banquet hall opened up very late and therefore my wedding ran late due to the fact that they had to finish putting up the decor that was started the night before.......Other than that it was beautiful:)
I bought my dress too early (had the last fitting about 3 months before the wedding) and when I went to put it on for THE DAY, it was too tight. I could NOT close it. So I wrapped m ybody in an ace bandage and basically I looked FAB but I could not breathe, I could not sit, I could not eat and was basically kind of funky acting by the time it was over. In the car on the way home, I unfastened about 50 of those teeny weeny buttons and cut the ace bandage off with my cake knife. It was like a huge whoosh of air let out of me. Then when we got to the house, I learned that my hubby had invited damned near everyone on the boat back to the house for the after party. I had to detach my train and wear it like a shawl just to get in my house and up the stairs without showing my entire behindparts because that dress surey was not closing again.
My day was perfect just as it was. Just me, my husband, the minister, the photographer, and a witness at a beautiful location in Hawaii. Then my husband and I had a lovely dinner at a nice restaurant.

Then about a month later his family gave us a simple reception at his aunt's house.

I wouldn't change a thing!!
Renee said:
I bought my dress too early (had the last fitting about 3 months before the wedding) and when I went to put it on for THE DAY, it was too tight. I could NOT close it. So I wrapped m ybody in an ace bandage and basically I looked FAB but I could not breathe, I could not sit, I could not eat and was basically kind of funky acting by the time it was over. In the car on the way home, I unfastened about 50 of those teeny weeny buttons and cut the ace bandage off with my cake knife. It was like a huge whoosh of air let out of me. Then when we got to the house, I learned that my hubby had invited damned near everyone on the boat back to the house for the after party. I had to detach my train and wear it like a shawl just to get in my house and up the stairs without showing my entire behindparts because that dress surey was not closing again.

Whew! I had to hold my breath just reading that. At least you ladies have had a wedding.:look:
On my wedding day i would have invited less family members... My mother made me invite her whole side and in truth them and I don't and have never seen eye to eye..( I don't like them at all)!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

Other than that I would have liked to enjoy the open bar that i fully paid for.. I only got one drink!!!:confused: :confused: totally unfair!!!!
NoNapNique said:
* I would not have had a jealous ghetto cousin in my wedding just to keep the peace... She ended up bad-mouthing a close friend and bridesmaid at the wedding rehearsal - talking about how she ain't all that because her husband is a baller and "that prolly ain't a real diamond, ain't no REAL diamond that big", etc.

Ohhh I hear you on that one...Some of the members of may family wanted to tear out my eyes over my ring and band.... " Who she tink she is !" was all I heard in passing... Now I am hated even more than before :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Renee said:
I bought my dress too early (had the last fitting about 3 months before the wedding) and when I went to put it on for THE DAY, it was too tight. I could NOT close it. So I wrapped m ybody in an ace bandage and basically I looked FAB but I could not breathe, I could not sit, I could not eat and was basically kind of funky acting by the time it was over. In the car on the way home, I unfastened about 50 of those teeny weeny buttons and cut the ace bandage off with my cake knife. It was like a huge whoosh of air let out of me. .

Whew, I don't know how you did it, that's one for one of those shows like america's funniest videos.
Nay said:
My day was perfect just as it was. Just me, my husband, the minister, the photographer, and a witness at a beautiful location in Hawaii. Then my husband and I had a lovely dinner at a nice restaurant.

I wouldn't change a thing!!

That's beautiful, stress free
I would run away with my fiance' and have a private island wedding instead of trying to plan a wedding 2000 miles away from where I live just to make my family and hometown folks happy. Also, I would have only 1 attendant instead of the large wedding party of 35 that I had for my wedding.
1. I would have registered for more gifts. They didn't have the little scanners that they do now.

2. Would have gotten some food. My mom did a table of DH and my favorite foods. By the time we finished taking pictures, the greedy guests ate all the food. Okay- there were 6 shrimp left on the table:mad: .

Whenever DH and I go to a wedding, he still brings this up (9 years later).

3. I would have gotten my eyebrows waxed.

4. I would have sat for formal pictures.
Not Rapunzel said:
1. I would have registered for more gifts. They didn't have the little scanners that they do now.

2. Would have gotten some food. My mom did a table of DH and my favorite foods. By the time we finished taking pictures, the greedy guests ate all the food. Okay- there were 6 shrimp left on the table:mad: .

Whenever DH and I go to a wedding, he still brings this up (9 years later).

3. I would have gotten my eyebrows waxed.

4. I would have sat for formal pictures.

yup both of those for me too
Instead of being so happy that I was finally able to get married, I would have waited about a year to save up money to have a real wedding, not something just thrown together with the little bit of money I had.
Also, I wouldn't have invited a lot of my family members. They all got drunk at the reception and started telling my in-laws that they acted like "white people". Lord, you gotta love that ghetto family. Not.