What Was Your Deciding Factor in Going Natural?


Well-Known Member
Why did you decide to go natural? There's a million and one threads about transitioning methods and such, but I just want to hear the reasons behind the transitions.

I remember in a thread about a year ago, I professed that I never intended on going natural. I have since changed my mind.

I've been relaxed since I was 12 years old so I have no idea what my 100% natural hair will look like. I'm excited at the prospect of having natural hair but I'm also scared. I like to wear my hair straight but that's what I've been conditioned to do...I have a feeling that I'll love my natural coils just as much, if not more...I currently texlax with a mild relaxer. I love having some texture.

Can you share your experience with me? Were you scared too? Were you pleasantly surprised or did your hair disappoint you?

I want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly. :yep:
I went natural because I was in my second semester of college, my grandmother couldn't afford to pay for my relaxers because she was paying for my bus cards. I was basically forced to transition. After awhile, I started falling in love with my natural texture. I figured I could go natural, grow my hair long, then relax again.

Were you scared too?
No. I got so tired of seeing my relaxed hair shedding that I did not even want to be bothered with it any more.

Were you pleasantly surprised or did your hair disappoint you?
Um, the first time I BC'ed, I had a neighbor do it. She ended up lining my hair like a man's, which led to me hiding my hair until it grew out. I kept it natural for a good few months but got frustrated and relaxed. Then, I got tired of my relaxed hair, BC'ed again. I kept my hair natural for a year. Relxed again and BC'ed again 3 or 4 months later.

The problem wasn't with my hair. I didn't know to keep my hair moisturized. Because of that, it was matted during the week, and I had trouble finding out what do with it. I finally decided I needed to do something about it over the summer. I started researching what to do with natural hair, how to take care of it.

When I finally figured it out, I was pleasantly surprised to see what my natural hair could do. Now, I couldn't go back. Relaxed hair is too much work imo. I love the flexibility of my natural hair.
I went natural because I was in my second semester of college, my grandmother couldn't afford to pay for my relaxers because she was paying for my bus cards. I was basically forced to transition. After awhile, I started falling in love with my natural texture. I figured I could go natural, grow my hair long, then relax again.

Were you scared too?
No. I got so tired of seeing my relaxed hair shedding that I did not even want to be bothered with it any more.

Were you pleasantly surprised or did your hair disappoint you?
Um, the first time I BC'ed, I had a neighbor do it. She ended up lining my hair like a man's, which led to me hiding my hair until it grew out. I kept it natural for a good few months but got frustrated and relaxed. Then, I got tired of my relaxed hair, BC'ed again. I kept my hair natural for a year. Relxed again and BC'ed again 3 or 4 months later.

The problem wasn't with my hair. I didn't know to keep my hair moisturized. Because of that, it was matted during the week, and I had trouble finding out what do with it. I finally decided I needed to do something about it over this summer. I started researching what to do with natural hair, how to take care of it.

When I finally figured it out, I was pleasantly surprised to see what my natural hair could do. Now, I couldn't go back. Relaxed hair is too much work imo. I love the flexibility of my natural hair.

Thanks for responding...how did you start caring for it?

I have a big issue with shedding too...that stopped when you went natural?
I went natural because I was done with relaxed hair. I had reached my goals and I was just over it. I always knew I wouldn't be relaxed all my life, but just wasn't sure when I'd really go natural.

For me, it started out as a 6 month stretch. I think by month 4, I knew I was going all the way. I wasn't scared at all until it came time to BC.:lachen: Even then, it was more anticipation than anything else.

I wasn't disappointed at all. My hair was everything I expected it to be, and I fell in love with it. The good is that I ended up loving everything about my hair, even the shrinkage. I can do pretty much anything with it...wear it straight, nappy, curly, and anything in between.

The bad is...honestly, there is no bad. I know that's hard to believe, but it's true. Compared to my relaxed hair, my natural hair isn't easier or harder, it's just different. My hair was thick then and it's thick now, so there are those issues, but that's not specific to me being natural.

The ugly is that no matter how much I love my hair, some people will always see it as ugly. That's more ugly for them than for me, though.:grin:
I went natural because I was done with relaxed hair. I had reached my goals and I was just over it. I always knew I wouldn't be relaxed all my life, but just wasn't sure when I'd really go natural.

For me, it started out as a 6 month stretch. I think by month 4, I knew I was going all the way. I wasn't scared at all until it came time to BC.:lachen: Even then, it was more anticipation than anything else.

I wasn't disappointed at all. My hair was everything I expected it to be, and I fell in love with it. The good is that I ended up loving everything about my hair, even the shrinkage. I can do pretty much anything with it...wear it straight, nappy, curly, and anything in between.

The bad is...honestly, there is no bad. I know that's hard to believe, but it's true. Compared to my relaxed hair, my natural hair isn't easier or harder, it's just different. My hair was thick then and it's thick now, so there are those issues, but that's not specific to me being natural.

The ugly is that no matter how much I love my hair, some people will always see it as ugly. That's more ugly for them than for me, though.:grin:

Thanks Southernbella, I've always loved your hair. :yep: How long did you transition before you BD'd? I don't think I want to do a drastic BC.

That's terrible that people feel that way. But, OH WELL....:yep:
I just didn't want to get relaxer touch ups for the rest of my life.

Thanks Allandra, I feel you on that. I feel the same way. I hate how my hair snaps, dries out and sheds when touch up time rolls around. I'm at that point now and I'm just over the entire relaxing process.
I wanted long hair and I missed my curls.
My hair would never get straight with a relaxer but it wouldn't curl up either. I was done with having burns and scabs on my scalp and all I really want to do is wash and go.
Besides, my big, poofy, curly, kinky afro reflects my style and personality.

And...I didn't want to plan my schedule around my hair anymore, there was just too much hassle on wash day.
I wanted long hair and I missed my curls.
My hair would never get straight with a relaxer but it wouldn't curl up either. I was done with having burns and scabs on my scalp and all I really want to do is wash and go.
Besides, my big, poofy, curly, kinky afro reflects my style and personality.

And...I didn't want to plan my schedule around my hair anymore, there was just too much hassle on wash day.

I suffer from the burns and scabs too...no matter how much I base. Even when I use a mild.

See, that's the thing. I think I would feel more comfy about it if I knew what I was getting. I have no idea what my natural hair will look like. I have an idea but I'm not sure. I don't want to be disappointed if it looks different than I'm imagining.
I hate the salon and am very tender headed. Once I realized I didn't have to go, I didn't.

The good: my hair is almost free, cost-wise I mean. It's pretty and big. No one else has to do it so it doesn't hurt.

The bad: it tangles terribly and takes a lot of time and stress.

The ugly: it tangles very terribly and takes a whole lot of time and stress.
Thanks Southernbella, I've always loved your hair. :yep: How long did you transition before you BD'd? I don't think I want to do a drastic BC.

That's terrible that people feel that way. But, OH WELL....:yep:

Thank you, Living Doll!

I transitioned for 1 year before I chopped. My original plan was to transition indefinitely, but after a year, I just couldn't take it anymore.:lachen:
Can you share your experience with me? Were you scared too? Were you pleasantly surprised or did your hair disappoint you?

I had gotten married in Sept 97 and moved to San Fran from TX. Seems like everyone I was meeting were natural, so that's where my initially interest was sparked. But I wasn't quite ready to take the plunge. I did my own perms, so I started calling around salons to find out cost of a wash cut n style in early '98. The cheapest I found was $85. I was in shock...Couldn't believe what I used to pay $25 for in TX, cost $85 in SF. Decided then that it was time to embrace my natural self. So I walked into my hubby's barber shop w/my SL permed hair and told the barber to take it all off... Wore a BC of 8 straight years and LOVED it...

I think I was nervous about my parents reaction. As expected my Dad hated it, but my Mom really loved it. 3 yrs later, she also did a BC and has been natural ever since.

I was surprised at how much my BC accented my features. I was also surprised about how much I was a slave to my hair. All of a sudden I didn't run from the rain/humidity..I went swimming daily...I slept later b/c all I had to do was get up and go...I felt FREE!!!

I would say that growing my hair out over the past 3yrs has been a bit of a challenge. I had never had natural long hair since childhood, so I was so unfamiliar w/truly how to care for it. Before joining the hair forums, I literally tortured my hair. I was rack through it w/a small comb thinking all of the hair loss was normal. I hardly moisturized it, so it often looked and felt dry. And styling was a bit challenging.

But now I feel like my hair is at it optimal health and I am really enjoying the natural fro on my head :)
I hate the salon and am very tender headed. Once I realized I didn't have to go, I didn't.

The good: my hair is almost free, cost-wise I mean. It's pretty and big. No one else has to do it so it doesn't hurt.

The bad: it tangles terribly and takes a lot of time and stress.

The ugly: it tangles very terribly and takes a whole lot of time and stress.

Thanks mwedzi...I love your hair too. What do you do to manage the tangles?
The reason: I hate straight hair on me. I have a big head and straight hair does me no justice. My relaxed hair was beautiful but I never intended for it to be bone straight. I have fine hair and when it's too straight it tends to just hang there. I like big hair! :love:

The Good: I can style my hair in 5 minutes lol, my curls are beautiful and they don't look like anyone else's. I can wash/wet my hair all day and let it airdry and it still looks like a style. No more rollers, curling irons, blow dryers ect. My hair looks done when I get out of the shower :grin:

The bad: My texture does not do well with heat, so I can't flat iron it.

The ugly: When my 'style' grows out. I have to reshape my hair every other month. it grows so fast that it looks crazy sometimes. I like to keep my hair a certain shape. :yep:
Can you share your experience with me? Were you scared too? Were you pleasantly surprised or did your hair disappoint you?

I had gotten married in Sept 97 and moved to San Fran from TX. Seems like everyone I was meeting were natural, so that's where my initially interest was sparked. But I wasn't quite ready to take the plunge. I did my own perms, so I started calling around salons to find out cost of a wash cut n style in early '98. The cheapest I found was $85. I was in shock...Couldn't believe what I used to pay $25 for in TX, cost $85 in SF. Decided then that it was time to embrace my natural self. So I walked into my hubby's barber shop w/my SL permed hair and told the barber to take it all off... Wore a BC of 8 straight years and LOVED it...

I think I was nervous about my parents reaction. As expected my Dad hated it, but my Mom really loved it. 3 yrs later, she also did a BC and has been natural ever since.

I was surprised at how much my BC accented my features. I was also surprised about how much I was a slave to my hair. All of a sudden I didn't run from the rain/humidity..I went swimming daily...I slept later b/c all I had to do was get up and go...I felt FREE!!!

I would say that growing my hair out over the past 3yrs has been a bit of a challenge. I had never had natural long hair since childhood, so I was so unfamiliar w/truly how to care for it. Before joining the hair forums, I literally tortured my hair. I was rack through it w/a small comb thinking all of the hair loss was normal. I hardly moisturized it, so it often looked and felt dry. And styling was a bit challenging.

But now I feel like my hair is at it optimal health and I am really enjoying the natural fro on my head :)

Thanks for this. Your hair is beautiful! So thick and lush!:yep: I have a big ole round forehead, so I'm thinking a TWA is not in my best interest. :lachen:
Why did you decide to go natural? I got tired of relaxer burns and I wanted the versatility of natural hair, I can straighten it, wear a BAA, twists whatever I want basically. Can you share your experience with me? Were you scared too?
I had been wanting to go natural for years. My freshmen year of college I attempted to transition with braids but I couldn't take the itching so I relaxed. My first senior year of college :look: I attempted to go natural again this time I went about 8 months but couldn't find a stylist to do my hair, the relaxer burns were so bad that time as they always had been and I immediately regretted it, fast forward to two weeks before my college graduation I go to a stylist that specializes in transitioners she gives me a fly bob, so I figured well I cut all my hair off, I might as well just keep going. I wasn't scared but it did take me a while to find transitioning styles that were cute because for a while I just wore a bun, and that really didn't fit my style

Were you pleasantly surprised or did your hair disappoint you?
The only thing that surprised me about my hair was the different textures I had, I thought I would be a straight 4b or 4a, I didn't think my texture would be a mix of both and a little 3c mix in there as well...I hear people say that natural hair is too much maintenance and it's no different than my relaxed hair. It took me four to five hours to wash, set, dry and style my relaxed hair and it still takes me four hours to twist my hair, no difference. I love being natural I won't lie, it fits me because I'm one to switch up my styles and I wig it, fro it, twist it, braid it, I do it all, or at least I'm going to.

So the good: Versatility, ability to wash and go and also knowing I can color my hair without damaging my hair too much.

The bad: I can't braid, I'm learning so sometimes my hair comes out a mess but I still rock it with confidence, also the different texture can be frustrating when you want a uniformed look. HTH
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More than one reason in my case...

I always said I'd 'eventually' go natural maybe in a few years time... suddenly in early February, I just decided - I'm going natural, I'm done!

My Mother (my main inspiration) fell ill almost 6 years ago and after her brain operation, we had to shave off all her hair, as her hair grew, I fell more and more in love with her natural hair and before she passed away last year, she was past APL.

Luckily for me, I reached my main goal which was to be APL last year and then unluckily, I had to get a major trim last year which ended up being a good thing. It meant my hair was shorter and I didn't have to worry about losing so much length after a 1 year (might be less now, lol) transition.

I just know - I am ready.
Can you share your experience with me? I kept pushing my relaxer back. I noticed my hair was doing fine without the relaxer and decided to just transition.

Were you scared too? A little. I always get a bit apprehensive before I try something new with my hair.

Were you pleasantly surprised or did your hair disappoint you? Both

My hair is really easy to detangle. I always struggled with detangling when I was realxed. I can get my hair very straight still.

I thought my curls would always pop. Wrong lol. Sometimes they do and sometimes its just a fro. My hair was more difficult to manage when it was short. Now I love it.
The reason: I hate straight hair on me. I have a big head and straight hair does me no justice. My relaxed hair was beautiful but I never intended for it to be bone straight. I have fine hair and when it's too straight it tends to just hang there. I like big hair! :love:

The Good: I can style my hair in 5 minutes lol, my curls are beautiful and they don't look like anyone else's. I can wash/wet my hair all day and let it airdry and it still looks like a style. No more rollers, curling irons, blow dryers ect. My hair looks done when I get out of the shower :grin:

The bad: My texture does not do well with heat, so I can't flat iron it.

The ugly: When my 'style' grows out. I have to reshape my hair every other month. it grows so fast that it looks crazy sometimes. I like to keep my hair a certain shape. :yep:

I can totally relate to the first bolded statement. :yep:

:blush: are you serious? I don't know if I could deal with that...I'm hoping I can wear mine straight sometime. do you miss wearing it straight?
Thanks for this. Your hair is beautiful! So thick and lush!:yep: I have a big ole round forehead, so I'm thinking a TWA is not in my best interest. :lachen:

Thanks :)

Before cutting I told the barber to feel for any hooks, bumps, ripples, etc...Didn't want to be surprised w/a crazy lookin head...Once he said my scalp was nice and smooth, I told him to proceed :lachen:
Why did you decide to go natural? There's a million and one threads about transitioning methods and such, but I just want to hear the reasons behind the transitions.

I remember in a thread about a year ago, I professed that I never intended on going natural. I have since changed my mind.

I've been relaxed since I was 12 years old so I have no idea what my 100% natural hair will look like. I'm excited at the prospect of having natural hair but I'm also scared. I like to wear my hair straight but that's what I've been conditioned to do...I have a feeling that I'll love my natural coils just as much, if not more...I currently texlax with a mild relaxer. I love having some texture.

Can you share your experience with me? Were you scared too? Were you pleasantly surprised or did your hair disappoint you?

I want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly. :yep:

Lol, completely off topic (I left a comment re:your question in an earlier reply): I think your hair in your siggy looks like my hair here:


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Thanks for responding...how did you start caring for it?

I have a big issue with shedding too...that stopped when you went natural?

I just started moisturizing it. Whenever my hair started to feel dry and matted, I would wash and condition it. That was before I came to LHCF. When I first I arrived here, I bought conditioners and a leave-in that I sprayed in my hair everyday.

My regimen is constantly evolving as I learn new techniques. I think experimenting when going natural is a good thing if you can invest the time in it. That's how you really learn your hair and its like/dislikes.

Yes, the shedding stopped when I went natural. The shedding I was experienced was due to the demarcation line.
My hair had gotten to the point (a point it had never been at) where it was completely chewed up and overprocessed and I just could not put anymore chemicals on it. It was a no-brainer. It was just impossible for me to put anymore chemicals on something so damaged that it was nothing but frayed strands. I do have to admit that I was highly disappointed in my hair when transitioning as it was a coarse, woolly, matted, 97% shrinkage, absolutely brutal to detangle H.A.M., but all that changed when I found LHCF and learned about moisture retention, moisture-protein balance, sealing, CO washing, sulfates, cones, etc.

I suffered for two years with awful transitioning hair and overnight things changed for me just from a thread I read about sealing. That night I CO washed for the first time and sealed my hair with shea butter and my hair literally went from seriously untamed unless I pressed it almost nightly (which was equally bad for my hair) to tamed, shiny, nice texture going on and using absolutely no heat! I went from using heat almost nightly to using twice a year. Other methods, tips and techniques (like honey, yogurt, shikakai, aloe vera, nettle, coconut oil) eventually took my hair from 4z to soft, almost always silky-feeling hair with a nice sheen and shrinkage ranging only from 10 to 30 percent. I absolutely love my hair, love wetting it nightly, love that I can workout daily and sweat and it is okay and that I don't ever have to run out of the rain ever again.
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I can totally relate to the first bolded statement. :yep:

:blush: are you serious? I don't know if I could deal with that...I'm hoping I can wear mine straight sometime. do you miss wearing it straight?

Yeah I'd have to rollerset it to wear it straight and my hair isn't long enough for that yet. I was natural when I was a teen so I know that even with heat protectant and a low setting my hair will still get heat damaged. I will have waves instead of curls. I tried to flat iron a piece in the front and it wouldn't revert. I used a lot of heat protectant and my chi was on one of the lowest settings. :ohwell:

When I miss straight hair, I just throw on my wig. It gets the same job done! :lachen:
I'm still transitioning (about 11 months post); main reasons for wanting to go natural is because
-I have no idea what my natural hair looks like. I've had chemically processed hair for so long (a jherri curl from the ages of 6 to 10 yrs, then relaxed).
-Tired of getting touch ups, being underproccessed then overprocessed.
-I need a change and i'm fed up of straight hair.

I'm kinda scared because I'm style challenged and I have a quite big head and don't know how well I'm going to deal with all this hair. But I'm willing to give it a try. Thankfully, there are a lot of natural fotki's that I can get ideas, encouragement and tips from. I'm looking forward to this new hair journey.
Why did you decide to go natural? I got tired of relaxer burns and I wanted the versatility of natural hair, I can straighten it, wear a BAA, twists whatever I want basically. Can you share your experience with me? Were you scared too?
I had been wanting to go natural for years. My freshmen year of college I attempted to transition with braids but I couldn't take the itching so I relaxed. My first senior year of college :look: I attempted to go natural again this time I went about 8 months but couldn't find a stylist to do my hair, the relaxer burns were so bad that time as they always had been and I immediately regretted it, fast forward to two weeks before my college graduation I go to a stylist that specializes in transitioners she gives me a fly bob, so I figured well I cut all my hair off, I might as well just keep going. I wasn't scared but it did take me a while to find transitioning styles that were cute because for a while I just wore a bun, and that really didn't fit my style

Were you pleasantly surprised or did your hair disappoint you?
The only thing that surprised me about my hair was the different textures I had, I thought I would be a straight 4b or 4a, I didn't think my texture would be a mix of both and a little 3c mix in there as well...I hear people say that natural hair is too much maintenance and it's no different than my relaxed hair. It took me four to five hours to wash, set, dry and style my relaxed hair and it still takes me four hours to twist my hair, no difference. I love being natural I won't lie, it fits me because I'm one to switch up my styles and I wig it, fro it, twist it, braid it, I do it all, or at least I'm going to.

So the good: Versatility, ability to wash and go and also knowing I can color my hair without damaging my hair too much.

The bad: I can't braid, I'm learning so sometimes my hair comes out a mess but I still rock it with confidence, also the different texture can be frustrating when you want a uniformed look. HTH

More than one reason in my case...

I always said I'd 'eventually' go natural maybe in a few years time... suddenly in early February, I just decided - I'm going natural, I'm done!

My Mother (my main inspiration) fell ill almost 6 years ago and after her brain operation, we had to shave off all her hair, as her hair grew, I fell more and more in love with her natural hair and before she passed away last year, she was past APL.

Luckily for me, I reached my main goal which was to be APL last year and then unluckily, I had to get a major trim last year which ended up being a good thing. It meant my hair was shorter and I didn't have to worry about losing so much length after a 1 year (might be less now, lol) transition.

I just know - I am ready.

Can you share your experience with me? I kept pushing my relaxer back. I noticed my hair was doing fine without the relaxer and decided to just transition.

Were you scared too? A little. I always get a bit apprehensive before I try something new with my hair.

Were you pleasantly surprised or did your hair disappoint you? Both

My hair is really easy to detangle. I always struggled with detangling when I was realxed. I can get my hair very straight still.

I thought my curls would always pop. Wrong lol. Sometimes they do and sometimes its just a fro. My hair was more difficult to manage when it was short. Now I love it.

Thanks. I love reading about all of you ladies experiences. It's amazing how everyone had different reasons and results.
Yeah I'd have to rollerset it to wear it straight and my hair isn't long enough for that yet. I was natural when I was a teen so I know that even with heat protectant and a low setting my hair will still get heat damaged. I will have waves instead of curls. I tried to flat iron a piece in the front and it wouldn't revert. I used a lot of heat protectant and my chi was on one of the lowest settings. :ohwell:

When I miss straight hair, I just throw on my wig. It gets the same job done! :lachen:

:lachen: That's exactly what I do, My wig is my best friend because I want straight hair about once a month.
There was really no big decision.
I had never been consistent with relaxers. I would get them off and on through my teen years.
I never liked the look and feel of my hair relaxed and when I started exploring all natural products and natural way of living in my early twenties, I stopped getting them all together.
I didn't have a BC or anything, I just trimmed as I grew out and never really put too much emphasis on my hair. I was happy to not be putting chemicals on my hair/scalp and started enjoying my hair in all it'a kinky glory! :antlers:
I wanted to prove to my stylist that my hair could take a relaxer. I discovered her way after my hair had been abused by unskilled stylists and was breaking like crazy. During my visit for a touch up, she held my hand the way you hold someone's hand when you're about to deliver bad news and kindly said, "Maybe your hair isn't the kind that can take a relaxer." Oooh...did I have news for her! So I transitioned in braids with the plan of going back to her with a good amount of virgin hair so she could see what stuff I'm made of. :giggle: But I fell in love with my 4B naps and never did go back. :look: