What type of iron did you use?


Well-Known Member
Haha. That is what one of my friends at work asked me yesterday. I was wearing a TnC and she thought I'd used some type of curling iron to acheive the look. She asked me "do you think the iron you used would work on my hair?" She has some really beautiful thick curly/wavy hair but she said she's been trying to get "big curls" like mine that I wore yesterday.

I had to show her the pics I took befoe the style was finished to explain that I didn't use any curling irons at all! I told her she should try doing it on her hair; maybe she'd have to use bigger sections, though. I have pics below but there are more on my fotki.



  • 01.08.10 tnc.jpg
    01.08.10 tnc.jpg
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OMG, it's BEAUTIFUL!!! That twist n curl is the bomb anyhow but on your hair, it's luxurious!!
I love the dimension, texture and the waves that were created from your twists! I checked out your fotki to see how you achieved the look. Just gorgeous! :grin: I'm taking notes-I would love to try this on my hair.
Haha. That is what one of my friends at work asked me yesterday. I was wearing a TnC and she thought I'd used some type of curling iron to acheive the look. She asked me "do you think the iron you used would work on my hair?" She has some really beautiful thick curly/wavy hair but she said she's been trying to get "big curls" like mine that I wore yesterday.

I had to show her the pics I took befoe the style was finished to explain that I didn't use any curling irons at all! I told her she should try doing it on her hair; maybe she'd have to use bigger sections, though. I have pics below but there are more on my fotki.


That is just...WOW! :drool: