What to do......


Well-Known Member
It's been 12-13 weeks since getting my natural hair relaxed (wash and wear relaxer) and I just recently started taking MSM and my puffiness seems to have gotten worst. What to do with the puffiness. I don't want to use heat to straighten it; what to do. I'm just venting..... I will be getting my touchup on July 6th, horray, and I can't wait. I wear my hair 99% of the time in a bun, and it is just not looking good because it is not laying down because of the newgrowth. I think I have about 1 1/2-2inches, not for sure. I guess this is one of the disadvantages, resulting from stretching your relaxers. Anybody else have problems with puffiness.
Do you still have puffiess even if you do the bun while hair is very wet? That should lay it down some, no?