What to do: Extremely dirty scalp & hair b4 relaxer


Active Member
I need some advice...

What I did: I just spent 3-4 hours taking down someone's weave and lifting all of the caked-in dirt and dandruff from the scalp. I have never worked with a scalp that was so dirty you could only see a sea of dandruff and no scalp. I had to take down each vertical cornrow and spend time scraping the scalp with my comb and wiggling it to lift the dirt up and repeatedly using the comb in a sweeping motion from the scalp up to dust everything that I could out. I then used a nice oil on the scalp and massaged every nook and cranny with the pads of my fingers to make sure the scalp was smooth and all 'bumps' were removed. I rubbed a lavender conditioner onto her scalp and through about 2" of her newgrowth, and a moisturizing conditioner through the rest of the hair. Much of her hair can be classified as natural, only 3" of the tips actually look somewhat relaxed.

What I'm planning to do: She had an appointment with her stylist to relax her hair tomorrow (Mon.). But because I discovered how dirty her hair and scalp was, and I would have to agitate her scalp to remove it all, I moved her relaxer appointment and therefore plan on having her stylist relax her hair on Thurs. instead (4 days from now). I plan to wash the hair tomorrow morning (Mon.) because I fear the relaxer will not take with her hair in such a dirty condition. I'm hoping for her scalp and hair to be relaxer-ready by Thurs. I don't plan to use a blow dryer at all, just moisturize the hair and slick it back in a pony until Thurs.

  • Would the scalp be too agitated to endure a relaxer the next day (tomorrow, Mon.)?
  • And would the hair be too dirty for a relaxer to 'take'?
  • Am I correct for wanting to wash and condition her hair before she goes for her relaxer? Or should I leave her hair in this state?

  • Is 4 days a good amount of time to wait before the relaxer?

  • How should I wash her hair? Thoroughly scrubbing with multiple washes and a deep conditioning? Or, a light quick wash just to get most of the dirt out and then deep condition?

I just want to make sure I'm prepping her hair and scalp the best way possible to get the most out of her relaxer without an irritated scalp. Thanks ladies!
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First let me just say that your description made me scritch my own head. :lachen: I would say do a couple of good washes and then DC. Finally I would say change her apt until next monday (31 Aug) cause in order to do a good washing u probably will be doing some kind of scalp aggravation. I would not want her to get any scalp burns.

First let me just say that your description made me scritch my own head. :lachen: I would say do a couple of good washes and then DC. Finally I would say change her apt until next monday (31 Aug) cause in order to do a good washing u probably will be doing some kind of scalp aggravation. I would not want her to get any scalp burns.


Thanks SouthernStunner for your response! I wanted to add to the title (for strong stomachs only) but didn't want to make it sound so dramatic, lol. It really was quite a task, and at times I couldn't take it and had to step away. But I got the job done :) Reality says that there are a lot of women who have gone through this at one point in time or another, so I hope the responses here will help other women as well. I will keep Monday as an option for her, thanks!
first of all :barf:

secondly i think southernstunner is on the money she should wait a little while and give her poor hair and scalp a break.
first of all :barf:

secondly i think southernstunner is on the money she should wait a little while and give her poor hair and scalp a break.

@ expression. I know, I know! Thx for the response. I know more about natural hair and not so much relaxed, so these responses help.

Any other suggestions?
I think how long you wait depends on the hair dresser. I used to have a hair dresser who would prefer my hair dirty (not as dirty as the girl you are talking about though, i am sure), but she never got relaxer on my scalp..she always applied 2mm away from the scalp and therefore I never got burnt...some hairdressers can't help but apply to the scalp, so if that is the case, she should wait like everyone else recommended. It is important for her to nurture her scalp for the next while incase she is suffering from something more serious. psoriasis of the scalp?
Heck yeah she needs to wait! Now I can't lie, vanity has driven me to take down a weave and relax immediately after. But my scalp was NEVER dirty like that. Not only should you wash/DC and wait the 4 days, but you should council her on keeping her scalp clean while wearing a weave. Its not hard to do. Also make sure she bases that scalp REAL GOOD when she goes to get that relaxer. That new skin you revealed is probably still tender after being up underneath all that grime! LoL!
You probably created a lot of abrasions on her scalp from scratching off the dirt/dandruff with the comb. Couple that with the fact that this person is coming out of braids. Because of that alone I would suggest waiting 2 weeks to get a touch-up.
i honestly think you should wait two weeks

If you must make it sooner than next Tuesday or so is the absolute earliest. 4 days is not enough and is literally playing with fire. :burning:

I almost want to beg you to wait 2 weeks tho.

between the tension caused by the tugging of the braids, the suffocation caused by the dirt, the abrasions caused by the scrubbing/removal process and the vulnerability that will come as a result from the washing....seriously...if that poor woman's scalp could talk it would say:

"Leave me alone!!!!!:dazed:"

talk some sense into your friend.....

point out that two weeks from now is Labor Day weekend so by waiting not only is she being kind to her hair....she is also ensuring she has a fresh relaxer for the holiday (when good old fashioned common sense fails...appealing to someone's vanity doesnt hurt)
Before you apply any shampoo or water to her head please make sure her hair is super detangled becuase you don't want her to have a setback (like ateya). You may also want to section it in braids so that there's less chance for tangling.

After that I would wait 2 weeks to do the relaxer. Her scalp has been through a lot and it's best to be on the safe side.
I had a hair dresser tell me that it's best to wait at least 7 days after you wash your hair to relax otherwise you may burn more quickly due to pores being open and possible scratches on the scalp.
I would wash her hair throughly, scalp and all, especially with a clarifying poo to remove buildup. Use a protein conditioner, then a moisturizing conditioner.

I would dry her hair under a dryer to close the pores.

Then grease her scalp with a light oil. Two days before relaxing, I would base her scalp with some grease to ensure that her scalp is covered even if stylist will base later.

I would wait at least a week.
Ik wash just to get most of the dirt out and then deep condition?
I just want to make sure I'm prepping her hair and scalp the best way possible to get the most out of her relaxer without an irritated scalp. Thanks ladies!

The less manipulation to the scalp is what prevents the least irritation from the relaxer. Don't scratch. I think the relaxer will take whether the hair is filthy or not. But I've heard it's not good to go directly from braids or weaves to relaxers. You have to deep condition for a few weeks in between. Did she ever wash her hair at all???
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I really should not have read that while I was eating my dinner :nono:

I just finished mine - good lord I hope it stays down. :perplexed

Serves me right for coming into the thread! :rolleyes:

That lady needs to forget about a relaxer for a while and nurture her hair and scalp.
Thank you ladies for all the helpful responses! I don't know much about relaxers so I would have never guessed waiting 1-2 weeks! I feel bad for the stylist now because I had initially set a Monday (today) appt. with the stylist then changed it to Thurs. after seeing what I was dealing with. Now to call back and ask for next Thurs. or Fri.--I hope she takes it well :-/ But at least I know now so I can advise others in the future.

Once she arrives, I plan on washing with Organic Root Stimulator products... the Uplift Shsmpoo and the Creamy Aloe Shampoo, and follow withtheir Olive Oil Replenishing Deep Conditioner and add Coconut Oil and let her sit in it through the afternoon. I'll do a simple pony poof to the back... the weave allowed her hair to finally grow into a ponytail thankfully.

Any other suggestions are welcome!
Thank you ladies for all the helpful responses! I don't know much about relaxers so I would have never guessed waiting 1-2 weeks! I feel bad for the stylist now because I had initially set a Monday (today) appt. with the stylist then changed it to Thurs. after seeing what I was dealing with. Now to call back and ask for next Thurs. or Fri.--I hope she takes it well :-/ But at least I know now so I can advise others in the future.

Once she arrives, I plan on washing with Organic Root Stimulator products... the Uplift Shsmpoo and the Creamy Aloe Shampoo, and follow withtheir Olive Oil Replenishing Deep Conditioner and add Coconut Oil and let her sit in it through the afternoon. I'll do a simple pony poof to the back... the weave allowed her hair to finally grow into a ponytail thankfully.

Any other suggestions are welcome!

Just please make sure to get all the shed hair out FIRST. I also would use a gentle shampoo, not a clarifying one. Since she didn't do anything to her hair the whole time it's already dry I'm sure. Clarifying would really strip it whereas a gentle shampoo would get it clean but not take away all of the moisture.
Just please make sure to get all the shed hair out FIRST. I also would use a gentle shampoo, not a clarifying one. Since she didn't do anything to her hair the whole time it's already dry I'm sure. Clarifying would really strip it whereas a gentle shampoo would get it clean but not take away all of the moisture.

Thank you msa. There was very little shedding and massaging the scalp and hair with that Aloe Vera-Coconut Oil-Castor Oil blend really detangled the hair very well. The hair was freshly washed this morning and the natural hair looks beautiful and healthy, and the scalp looked clean and fresh :) I feel like I may have over-washed, but I needed to be sure that everything was removed from the scalp. So I hope the oil/deep conditioner concoction, covered with saran wrap, kicks in. I asked the client if she felt anything and she didn't feel much discomfort with her scalp, thankfully. After styling today in a pony and blowdrying the hair/scalp lightly to close pores, I will see how the scalp feels tomorrow.

Thanks ladies for your suggestions!
Thank you msa. There was very little shedding and massaging the scalp and hair with that Aloe Vera-Coconut Oil-Castor Oil blend really detangled the hair very well. The hair was freshly washed this morning and the natural hair looks beautiful and healthy, and the scalp looked clean and fresh :) I feel like I may have over-washed, but I needed to be sure that everything was removed from the scalp. So I hope the oil/deep conditioner concoction, covered with saran wrap, kicks in. I asked the client if she felt anything and she didn't feel much discomfort with her scalp, thankfully. After styling today in a pony and blowdrying the hair/scalp lightly to close pores, I will see how the scalp feels tomorrow.

Thanks ladies for your suggestions!

*in my best Color Puple voice*

"Harpo....who dis wuh-man?!" :giggle:

no seriously....maybe im nosey but who is this woman? a friend? a coworker?

u are the Mother Theresa of New Growth to be this thoughtful and thorough about what's going on in someone elses head.

I hope she appreciates you :yep: