what to do before touchups


New Member
Hello ladies let me introduce myself, I am new to the board 25yrs old married and from Louisiana currently living in Georgia. After doing some research and reading this board I have decided to stop getting touchups so often. But heres my problem I have noticed that almost all you wash your hair often some even every other day. I don't wash my own hair at all. I work in a professional environment where my hair must look good daily. I can't style my own hair for the life of me so I leave that to the beautician. I usually go to the salon once every two weeks, so that means I don't get my hair washed but once every two weeks. I believe my hair type is 4a could be 4b ??? Not really sure. It is thick and has always had the potential to grow when I was younger it was passed my bra strap after cutting and neglect it is now 22 inches long almost to my bra strap. When I go to the salon I usually get my hair flat ironed and since I have been going to a domincian salon I have been getting my hair roller set but then blowen out with the blow dryer. My hair tends to shed and break a lot. My question is since I don't wash ofter I guess my hair is not conditioned enough to wait as long for a touch-up or is it. I don't think I could bare doing my hair myself so any advise on that. I am pretty much satisfied with my length no complaints there I would like to help it grow longer. So I guess any advise you can give!
Hi pbuckley,

I noticed you said that your hair tends to shed and break a lot. The first thing you may want to consider is cutting down on the blow-outs. They do yield a nice finish, but the down side is that they can also be very damaging because they dry your hair out. Are you using any type of moisturizer on your hair daily? Doing so can help aleviate some of the dryness and at the same time reduce the breakage.

I'm assuming that you wear your hair down on a regular basis. If you wouldn't mind wearing your hair in a bun on occasion, you might be able to wash your hair once a week, and still go to the salon for a rollerset on the other week. That could also help cut down on some breakage. Frequent washing/rinsing not only helps to keep the scalp clean, but it's great for the overall health of your hair. You don't have to do it as frequently as a lot of the ladies here, but once a week may make a big difference for you.

Even if you only wash once every 2 weeks, you can most certainly delay your touch-ups. That shouldn't be a problem. Just because you don't wash as often as others, doesn't mean that you need to get a touch-up any sooner.
Hello Pebbles, your advise has been wonderful on both my post as you can see me and my baby are having hair problems. Ok so when you mean BUN how do I do a bun? I have this little donot thing that you put your hair in a ponytail and put the donut on your hair and then tuck you hair up and around the donut and then I use a ponytail holder(like a rubber band) and put that over the donut to hold my hair in place. My old beautician told me tht wasn't good for my hair the rubber band thing was breaking my ends. I don't really know what else to do with it. When my hair is wet it is ultra thick I can't set my own hair and when I comb it out I tend to lose a lot of hair. Any advice on styles and a regimen that I can follow when doing my hair the week I am not going to the salon and the week that I do go to the salon (I have been reading that I shouldn't put much heat so I know the blow-out is out, but I have also read that the Dominicans can do the roller set and wrap I guess thats a dobbie?) So I can try that instead, and how often do you think I should perm?
Hello and welcome pbuckley!

Pebbles gave some excellent advice...I just wanted to add that perhaps every time you go to the Dominican salon (I go for touch ups and styles) you could get always get a deep condition each time. This well help stop the breakage.

In addition, the bun using the donut method..I do this all of the time because I can't do a bun without it. It doesn't break off the hair as long as you moisturize your hair really good with a product of your choice (some good products are Profective, Scurl, Motions oil moisturizer etc.) and if you don't use a rubber band..Instead use the little scrunchies made of cloth/elastic..This is better.

Perhaps on your off-week, you can airdry using the ponytail method (do a search and it will come up)or in the bun itself..Make sure to deep condition your hair as well. I use Fantasia IC hair polisher but you can use any serum to help make the hair sleeker and easier to manage. Try doing a comb-out using a wide tooth comb..This may help reduce breakage..And take your time..

When you go to the salon, after a wash and deep condition, get a rollerset and a doobie (wrap). If you do all of that you can increase your time to relax to 8-9 weeks and even beyond if you find that you can do that..

I just wanted to add that perhaps every time you go to the Dominican salon (I go for touch ups and styles) you could get always get a deep condition each time. This well help stop the breakage.

In addition, the bun using the donut method..I do this all of the time because I can't do a bun without it. It doesn't break off the hair as long as you moisturize your hair really good with a product of your choice (some good products are Profective, Scurl, Motions oil moisturizer etc.) and if you don't use a rubber band..Instead use the little scrunchies made of cloth/elastic..This is better.

When you go to the salon, after a wash and deep condition, get a rollerset and a doobie (wrap). If you do all of that you can increase your time to relax to 8-9 weeks and even beyond if you find that you can do that..


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Thanks CarmenRose! I forgot to mention the regular deep conditioning.
And definitely, pbuckley, you should be able to increase your time in between touch-ups to 8-9 weeks and beyond, as CarmenRose mentioned. Here's a link where you can find some silk scrunchies: silk scrunchies They are a little more expensive than regular scrunchies, but it won't pull or damage your hair.
Hi pbuckley,

Welcome to the board!
I could totally relate when I read your post... I know what you mean when you say that you can't do a rollerset yourself... I felt like that too. I used to go to a Dominican salon for that but not anymore.

Trust that you could do it! A few tips:
Don't go cold turkey go to the Dominican salon and WATCH them. Don't make it obvious, but watch and learn how they rollerset your hair. You will see that you need to take a rattail comb to part your hair, straighthen with the teeth of the comb, pull your hair out in front toward your face (and not just up ---this will give your hair the tension needed to straighthen on the roller), then flatten the ends of your hair on the roller. The ENDS are very important. They need to be wet and flat out on the roller. Then roll your hair all the way down with some tension. The apply two clips. Not one clip but two (use the clips that will side into the rollers, not the ones that stick out). Your hair needs to be secure. Make sure that hair on the roller has space on each side (like a margin). Then on to the next roller...

Also, how you prep your hair when it is wet, before the wet set, is very important beacause it will affect your finished results big time. When my hair is soaking wet, I apply some protein to my hair then some RELAX texture correcting serum then I start setting. My hair comes out with a little flip and bouncy, by the third day, I am ready to wash again (braidout).

P, it is the heat, roller brushing, etc. that is causing the breakage, shedding. I hope to wash this weekend and rollerset without heat.

Also, alternate with a braid out (six cornrows or less when your hair is wet). Prep the hair before and allow to airdry. Make sure that you take care of the ends by rolling. I used those teeny bananaclips after I rolled my ends. Neat ends will keep your hair looking professional.

i tried my first braid out yesterday and received a few compliments today (I also work in a very professional setting). I have barely lost any hair since starting on a hair regimen just about two weeks ago...

Thanks ladies! (and sorry for the long-winded reply...whew!


PS Since you have long hair, why not check out peachtree's pictures? She has long hair too and I think that she does everthing herself--even relaxers.)