What to do about..underprocessing?


New Member
My hair is very underprocessed from always using the mild optimum care relaxer. It's not really causing any problems except when I airdry I look like a puff monster in certain spots then it's straight in other spots. Also the only reason why it is even this manageable and not breaking is I had a whole head corrective at the beginning of september to take the curl out but it is still very underprocessed in some parts? I want it to be fully straight like you know all the way relaxed plus it is very tangly when wet. Would you ladies reccomend a third corrective just in the underprocessed areas or just switch to a regular relaxer (even though it leaves my fine hair looking like someone dumped water on me) from here on out?
I can only give you advice as to what I would do in your situation...

I would wait 4 - 6 weeks, baby my hair (wear in up and moisturized most of the time if possible), give myself a reconstructor about halfway into that time and then get a corrective.

If you are self relaxing, I would stop for now and go to a good professional. If you are going to a professional, I would find another stylist.

It's not good for your hair to always be underprocessed and have to keep correcting it :nono: