What the heck? Why is he ignoring me??


New Member
Ok so this guy I've been talking to on and off for about 3 years started ignoring me today. He called me late last night to tell me he locked his keys in his car then he hung up. I thought It was an accident so I called back and it went straight to voicemail so I thought maybe his phone died so I went to sleep. I call him this morning to check on him and he doesn't answer and it goes straight to voicemail again. I have my friend call him and he answers so. I then send him a text message basically saying *** u.

Why do guys do this? Why are they so wishy washy???
Can you provide more history? It does not make much sense. If your call goes went straight to voicemail and your friend got through perhaps he blocked you? Did you guys have an argument before? Are you guys going through a rough patch at the moment? Three years off and on doesn't sound too good. Sorry. I hope you get some answers.
Can you provide more history? It does not make much sense. If your call goes went straight to voicemail and your friend got through perhaps he blocked you? Did you guys have an argument before? Are you guys going through a rough patch at the moment? Three years off and on doesn't sound too good. Sorry. I hope you get some answers.

It's three years off and on because he always does this. He gets mad at me about something that I don't even know he's mad about.
After three years of this back and forth, the real question you should be asking yourself is why do I continue to deal with this person?
You don't need to know why (although it sounds like you are his fall back chick). Just stop letting this man walk in and out of your life when he pleases! You can't control what he does but, you can definitely control what you do!
Why do guys do this? Why are they so wishy washy???
Because he can. You have taught him how to treat you. Things will NEVER be different with you and this man. The best you can do now is acknowledge this is your fault, forgive yourself and NEVER look back, even if it means being alone.:hug2:
He's a child who is testing the waters to see if he still has you wrapped around his finger. The attention you gave him by calling/texting him back showed that you care. People who play these games usually do it for an ego boost.
Girl...just stop.

Take a long look in the mirror and make the decision to finally love yourself more then you love to chase after these no good kneegrows you seem to be so fond of cause we tired.
He is not wishy washy. You knew in year one that he wasn't interested in you like that but you continued to hold out hope for 3 years. You didn't need a friend to call this guy to figure that out. I'm kind of curious why your real life friend hasn't told you to give this up but instead was down to help confirm what you knew years ago.

Ok so this guy I've been talking to on and off for about 3 years started ignoring me today. He called me late last night to tell me he locked his keys in his car then he hung up. I thought It was an accident so I called back and it went straight to voicemail so I thought maybe his phone died so I went to sleep. I call him this morning to check on him and he doesn't answer and it goes straight to voicemail again. I have my friend call him and he answers so. I then send him a text message basically saying *** u.

Why do guys do this? Why are they so wishy washy???